Chapter 12
At the Paradise Isles, Poppy, Branch, Delta Dawn, Hickory and several other country trolls had been helping repair and restore the damaged crop fields. All the troll leaders were also visiting the Paradise Isles to meet and learn about the Lost Trolls and to connect with them. Poppy and Branch were sitting by the fountain, talking with Aria.
"I'm just saying! Why live in a tree? The birds are sure to attack you!" Branch argued, making Poppy and Aria laugh.
"You're really not a fan of birds, are you?" Aria teased. Branch shook his head, crossing his arms. The three trolls watched everyone in the village connect. The troll leaders were talking with Tala and other Lost Trolls. The young Lost Trolls were the most excited, they danced around the trolls leaders, played with them and even made them flower leis. Poppy spotted Hickory in particular who had several flower leis around his neck and the young trolls were braiding and putting flowers in his hair.
"Enjoying yourself there, Hickory?" Poppy asked.
"Hey I've been ploughing those fields all day!" Hickory called back to her. "I think I deserved to be pampered!" The young trolls giggled as they put flower petals in his hair. As the three trolls were relaxing by the fountain, Orchid came back and landed on Aria's forearm.
"Okay so we've established you don't like birds," Aria said. "But what about Skyers?" Branch looked at Orchid suspiciously. Aria took his hand and held it in front of Orchid, trying to get her to climb up on his hand. Orchid made a small screech sound which startled Branch as he retreated his hand.
"I think that interaction summed it up perfectly!" Poppy giggled as Branch rolled his eyes. They suddenly heard a loud voice.
"That should do it!" One country troll called out. The three trolls got up and ran towards the voice. They arrived at the crop fields and gasped. The fields were restored and Lost Trolls were already starting to plant crops.
"I can't believe it." Tala smiled as she gazed at the crops. Poppy, Branch and Aria walked up to her. "Queen Poppy, is there anything we can do to repay you?" Poppy took Tala's hands for a moment then dropped them. Tala looked down in her hands to find a small pink invitation. It burst open with all seven troll leaders and read 'Reunion party' in big sparkly letters.
"Come to the Troll Kingdom," Poppy said. "And we'll make this reunion official." Tala nodded as she smiled from ear to ear.
"Trolls! Mount your guardians!" Tala ordered. The trolls around them obeyed as they climbed up on their guardians and started to fly in the air. "To the Troll Kingdom!" Some Lost Trolls also offered the country trolls to ride with them. Before they new it, the whole sky was filled with guardians, all different colors, animals and sizes. Aria climbed up on Echo and offered her hand to Poppy and Branch.
"You guys coming?" Aria asked. The two trolls looked at each other, then back at Aria. They immediately ran over and climbed up onto Echo's back. Echo shot off with the three trolls on her back, catching up with the other guardians. Once they were ahead, Echo and the trolls flew higher into the sky and through the clouds, reaching out to touch them as they flew through. They soon broke through the clouds and reached the clear sky above them. It felt so quiet and relaxing...until Ash burst through the clouds on his falcon guardian catching up to them and flying alongside them.
"This is the life, isn't it?" Ash said. Kneeling on his falcon's back with his arms outstretched, feeling the wind on his face. Aria suddenly got an idea, she jumped passed Poppy and Branch to get to Echo's tail flukes.
"Ready Echo?" Aria called to her, Echo squealed in return. Aria tapped Echo's tail stock and she thrashed her tail upward, launching Aria into the sky. Poppy and Branch both looked up as she did. Aria eventually landed back on Echo's back, nearly landing on Poppy and Branch by accident.
"Woah! I'm trying that!" Poppy exclaimed as she crawled down to Echo's tail. "You coming Branchie?"
"You must be joking." Branch said sarcastically. Echo flung her tail to catapult Poppy into the air and Branch watched with worried eyes at her. Poppy stretched her arms out as if they were wings then landed back down onto Echo.
"Oh man, you have to try that!" Poppy exclaimed. Branch shook his head while crossing his arms, but Poppy shoved him onto Echo's tail flukes. "Now Echo!" Echo threw Branch into the air with her tail, launching him. At first he was screaming, but that scream soon turned into a laugh. He landed back down next to Poppy.
"That was awesome!" Branch yelled. "I'm definitely doing that again!"
After a while, all the trolls finally reached the Troll Kingdom where there was a huge party happening in the center of Pop Village. Every tribe of troll was there!
During the party, all the troll leaders stood on one of the big, colorful mushrooms in the center of the village. Except for Poppy, she dug through the large crowd of trolls to find Tala who was talking to Oak.
"Tala, come with me for moment." Poppy offered her hand to the chieftain. Tala looked at her, confused.
"Why, Queen Poppy?" She asked. Poppy grabbed her hand in her own and lead her to the mushroom with the other trolls leaders.
"Well you are a leader, right?" Poppy said as she pointed to the other leaders. Tala smiled at Poppy, then at the leaders.
"Which means you're one of us now." Trollex swam down to Tala and took her hand to help her up onto the mushroom.
"Citizens of the Troll Kingdom!" Queen Essence called out. All the trolls within earshot turned to face the funk queen. "Let us welcome, once and for all, the Lost Trolls back into the kingdom!" Tala stepped in front of the leaders as Poppy took her hand again and raised it in the air along with her own. All the trolls cheered loudly, and even the Lost Trolls' guardians joined in too. Poppy spotted Aria and Ash on their guardians cheering, and even Branch was standing on Echo with Aria. This was how it was meant to be. All the trolls living together in harmony. ALL the trolls.
As the party continued, Lost Trolls showed the others the power of their guardians and spent the evening enchanting and entertaining them. One in particular was Aria, who was showing a very intrigued Barb Echo's power.
"Alright now turn into an alligator!" Barb told Echo, she obeyed and turned into an alligator. "Now a bunny!" Echo turned into a bunny, which made Barb smile. "Okay okay now a shark!" Echo turned into a great white shark. "Now go scare Branch's butt off!" Echo swam away, looking for Branch. "Gee I wish I had one of those ghost animal thingies!" Aria smiled.
"I'm sure Echo would be more than happy to hang out with you anytime." Aria said. The two trolls suddenly heard Branch scream.
"AHHHHH SHARK!" Branch was startled when Echo snuck up behind him in her shark form.
"She also loves causing mischief!" Aria laughed as Barb did too.
After the fright, Poppy caught up with Branch near the edge of the party.
"You did the right thing, Poppy." Branch hugged her. "I never should have doubted you."
"Thank you Branch," Poppy returned the hug. "I couldn't have done this without you."
"You know I'd do anything for you, right?" Branch said, wrapping his arms around her shoulders.
"Of course I do." Poppy smiled. The two trolls slowly leaned their head towards each other, shutting their eyes as their faces were just inches apart. Until...
"AHHH!!" Both Poppy and Branch cried as Echo came back in her shark form with Barb on her back.
"Haha! Got you guys again!" Barb laughed. Both trolls gave her dry looks. Aria caught up with Barb and Echo, she had a feeling she knew what was going on between Poppy and Branch.
"Come on, leave them be." Aria said as she lead Echo to follow her.
"So where were we?" Poppy smiled at Branch as she put her hands on his back.
"Uh...well you were thanking me a-and I said that I would do anything for-" Branch stuttered nervously before Poppy kissed him on the lips, she felt him relax as he returned the kiss. When they broke away, both of them were blushing.
The morning after the party, the Lost Trolls were getting ready to leave for the Paradise Isles. They gathered the few things they brought together and mounted their guardians. Oak took the lead on his panther as all the other trolls followed.
Tala met up with Poppy and the other troll leaders to say goodbye.
"You and your tribe are always welcome here, Chief Tala." King Quincy said happily.
"Thank you your majesty." Tala thanked. "Thanks to all of you for everything you've done to help us." Tala then turned to Poppy. "And Queen Poppy, thank you for giving me hope that the troll tribes could come together again."
"Of course, Tala." Poppy smiled as she hugged the Lost Troll chief. Tala then summoned her snow leopard guardian and started to follow her tribe. The trolls leaders waved as Tala left.
"What a great leader." Trollzart said, the others agreeing with him. Poppy looked down from the mushroom she was standing on to see Branch with Aria and Ash.
"Alright, let's see how high you can go this time!" Ash said excitedly as Branch sat on Echo's tail flukes.
"Are you sure I'll be okay?" Branch asked.
"Sure, Echo will catch you." Aria assured.
"And if not, only half of your bones will be crushed." Ash joked which made Branch gulp.
"Alright Echo?" Aria asked the guardian. Echo squealed in joy. "Now!" Echo flung her tail in the air, launching Branch high above the trees.
"Wooo Hoo!!" Branch exclaimed. He eventually started to plummet towards the ground again but luckily Echo caught him by the back of his vest in her mouth. He looked slightly traumatized but was still breathing just about. "Let's do that again!" The three of them cheered.
"No more launching my boyfriend into orbit, okay guys?" Poppy laughed. The twins groaned at her words but Branch looked at her wide with shock.
"W-what did you just call me?" Branch stuttered, his face dark with blush.
"My boyfriend!" Poppy repeated, bringing him close and putting her hands on his lower back. "It's true, isn't it?" She smiled at him before kissing him on the lips again. Echo on the other hand, covered her eyes with her flippers.
"Well, we should be going, sis." Ash stated. Aria looked at him, then back at Poppy and Branch.
"I'll catch up with you." Aria replied. Ash nodded as he mounted his falcon.
"It was great meeting you guys." Ash smiled as he waved at them. Then he flew off and caught up with the tribe.
"I guess this is it." Aria sighed, but still smiled at the two Pop Trolls.
"You could stay with us, you know?" Poppy suggested. "No troll left behind."
"Thank you for the offer but..." Aria turned around to face her tribe in the sky, catching sight of Ash goofing around with his friends and their guardians. "...My place is with my tribe." Poppy and Branch nodded, understanding and appreciating her decision.
"Oh Aria, I forgot to give this back to you." Branch remembered as he reached into his pocket and took out the star stone, handing it back to her. Aria closed his hand and pushed his arm towards him.
"Keep it." She smiled. "As a reminder of this adventure." Branch held it in his hand and smiled at her. The three trolls all brought each other in for a group hug. They could tell that they were all feeling sad.
"Why can't you just be a river away?" Poppy asked. "Just like the tribes here." Aria broke away from the hug.
"Well, I'm always just a guardian fly away." Aria smiled, summoning Echo. The small guardian nuzzled against Poppy and Branch's faces.
"I'll never be far. And hey, if you ever need a break from the kingdom, know that you're always welcome in the Isles." Aria offered. Both Poppy and Branch nodded. "Come along, Echo." But Echo was clinging onto the two trolls, not wanting to let go. "I know, I'm gonna miss them too." Echo grew larger for Aria to ride as she mounted on top of her. She looked back at the two Pop Trolls one final time before singing.
🎶Oh we are all the colors joining all together🎶
Poppy and Branch smiled as she sang, then sang the rest themselves.
🎶Shooting all across the sky🎶
🎶We're burning bright🎶
Aria and Echo took off and joined the rest of the tribe. Poppy and Branch both watched her until she was no longer visible.
"I'm really gonna miss her." Poppy sighed. Branch smiled at her and took her hand, pulling out the star stone and showing it to her.
"She won't be that far away." Branch assured her. Poppy smiled from ear to ear as she hugged him tightly.
"I love you, Branch." Poppy said.
"I love you too, Poppy." Branch replied. "But...Can we please take a break from all the adventure stuff and finding other trolls to reunite?" Poppy laughed at his response.
"Awwwh of course, Branchie." Poppy cooed. "Besides I've got everything I need right here." Poppy wrapped her arms around him as they both kissed and went dark with blush. They then both looked down at the star stone, then back at the sky where the Lost Trolls had disappeared over the horizon.
The End
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