Chapter 8 - The meeting and the pervert
-3D POV-
Right now we could see Y/N sitting in the meeting room with Amagi and Yamato by his side. Then the door opened and Erina walked in along with Bismarck, Tirpiz and Prinz Eugen. As soon as Eugen spotted Y/N she ran and jumped on his lap and kissed him.
Erina: Cut it out lovebirds, we have things to do.
Eugen: *breaks the kiss and hugs Y/N even harder* But i missed my boyfriend.
Y/N: Don't worry honey we can spend some time after the meeting is over.
Eugen: Promise?
Y/N: I promise.
Eugen got up from his lap, even tho she didn't want to, and walked and leaned on the wall behind Erina with Tirpitz next to her while Bismarck stood behind Erina. They started to talk about some different things and after a few minutes the doors opened and 8 people walked in. They were: Commander of Eagle Union, Shinobu Kocho and the shipgirls she brought with her, those being, Enterprise, New Jersey and Bremerton.
The last 4 women were Commander of Royal Navy, Mitsuri Kanroji and the shipgirls, Belfast, Illustrious and Hood.
Shinobu and Mitsuri sat in their respective seats with Enterprise and Hood behind their respective commanders while the rest joined Eugen and Tirpitz.
Erina: You're here, good. Now we can start the meeting.
Hood: Excuse me but who's he? *points at Y/N*
Y/N: The name's Y/N, new commander of Sakura Empire.
Enterprise: Tch, another pervert.
Belfast was about to scold her but before she could a few sharp feathers were shot into Enterprise's hat and stuck it to the wall. When everyone looked at Y/N they saw a unusually big owl sitting on his shoulder.
Y/N: And this is Archimedes. If you have something to say then speak and be prepared to face the consequences.
Shinobu: Enterprise stand down.
Enterprise: But-
Shinobu: *sternly* Stand down.
Enterprise back down and proceeded to unstuck her hat.
Erina: Now onto a serious matter. Sirens have been showing up more frequently and in larger numbers.
Shinobu: Indeed. And one of my girls also spotted a strange giant creature with them, it may be a new siren type.
Y/N: Did any of them saw its details?
Shinobu: No but they did described it. It's two times bigger than you, buff, has one eye and what looks like blades on its hands as well as a glowing crystal on its chest.
Y/N's eyes widened which didn't go unnoticed by the girls.
Erina: You know something Y/N? You look like you know what that is.
Y/N leaned back in his seat and released a long sigh.
Y/N: That "creature" is called The Concierge. From where I came back he was a guard of sorts. He protected the pass called "The Black Bridge" from where you could go to either "Fractured Shrines", "Stilt Village" or "Slumbering Sanctuary".
Mitsuri: What do you mean by "from where I came back from"?
Y/N: How do I explain this. I didn't look like this always, as a child I had blonde hair and green eyes but I was sent to the place called "The Dead Kingdom"(made up) where everyone were infected by some sort of deadly disease but there were a few survivors. Those being my teacher who taught me how to fight, a few animals as well as some others people.
Shinobu: Then how did you survive there?
Y/N: Killing.
Mitsuri: K-killing?
Y/N: In that place it's either kill or be killed so I had to kill to survive. It was hard for first 5 years but I got used to it and spent in total 20 years in that place.
Erina: So what do we do about the Concierge?
Y/N: Leave him to me. If you'll be able to lure him onto the land I will kill him. I did it many times and I'll do it again. If any of your girls encounter him on one of the patrols tell them to avoid him at all costs and inform me immediately.
Everyone agreed and the meeting continued. After a few minutes they finished talking about everything that was important and were talking among themselves while Y/N just leaned back and closed his eyes thinking about how did Concierge got in this world and if other bosses came here too. But then the door swung open and Misaragi and Mutsuki ran into the room and hid behind Y/N's chair who looked at them and saw that they were terrified.
Y/N: What's going on with you two?
Both: Scary lady!
Just then Ark Royal ran into the room with a perverted smile and a camera.
As soon as she stepped into the room Y/N threw a Stun Granade at her and then restrained her with Electric Whip as she fell to the ground. Everyone who didn't know what Y/N was capable of looked at him in shock. Y/N approached Ark Royal and she looked at him.
A.Royal: You wouldn't hurt a woman would you?
Y/N: I don't see a woman. All I see is a shameless pedophile. But don't worry, we'll change that soon.
He hit her in the face knocking her out and started to drag her with Electric Whip. As he was about to exit he looked at the girls in the room.
Y/N: Excuse me. I have to make this pervert into a woman. Now if you excuse me.
With that he left the girls and Archimedes and went to his room.
Archimedes: Well she's fucked.
Everyone: YOU CAN TALK?!
Archimedes: First of all, ow. Second of all, yes I can. And all I can say is that the woman Y/N dragged away will not be herself after he's done with her.
Amagi: Why are you saying this?
Archimedes: Because he picked up some habits from his teacher. One of those can make a person go into full 180 in a matter of few hours. Now if you excuse me I'll go read in the library.
With that he left through the open window leaving the girls to wonder about what will Y/N do to Ark Royal.
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