Chapter 7 - A surprise
As I entered the cafeteria I didn't see many ship girls here. I went to take some food and after ordering from manjuus I got myself some dango while also some milk for Snow. I went to the empty table but I also saw a nice sight of an older ship girl eating with some young ship girls. So after I finished I went to their table.
Y/N: Good day you three.
Mikasa: Oh hello shikikan.
Y/N: Hello Misaragi and Mutsuki. Wait. Why do you look scared?
Misaragi: Evil lady.
Mutsuki: Scary lady.
Y/N: What's going on with them?
Mikasa: You see. They heard that tomorrow is the meeting between all of the commanders and it'll happen on our base and one of the ships, Ark Royal, is a massive pedophile. And she will probably come as well as she is a part of their main fleet.
-meanwhile in Y/N's mind-
Y/N: Hans.
Hans: Ja?
Y/N: Get ze flammenwerfer.
Hans: *happy* Ja.
Mikasa(outside): She also has pictures of them in her room.
Y/N: Hans forget the flammenwerfer, get into the flammpanzer.
Hans: *very happy* JA!
-outside of his mind-
Y/N: Don't worry, I'll deal with her. I promise.
Mikasa: What are you planning shikikan?
Y/N: Oh nothing really. Just going to let someone special make her into a normal person. Do you want to play with Snow?
They both nodded and Snow jumped into their arms. With that I walked away and made my way to my office. Upon entering however I noticed Amagi along with three small fox girls. They were Amagi-chan, Akagi-chan and Kaga-chan.
(Couldn't find any other with them together)
I walked in and they noticed me.
Amagi: Shikikan, you're here. I need to inform you that tomorrow will happen a meeting between the commanders on our base.
Y/N: I know. Mikasa already told me.
Amagi: That's good.
Y/N: The little ones are Amagi-chan, Akagi-chan and Kaga-chan am I right? Aren't you an adorable little bunch.
I decided to do an experiment and I put my palm in front of Amagi-chan, and basically, this happened:
Y/N: How can somebody be so adorable I just can't.
(((Meanwhile author behind the 4th wall: How can somebody be this CUTE! *dies of cuteness*
Yae: Oh no. One! Two! Three! Clear! *zap* *nothing* Again! One! Two! Three! Clear! *zap*
Author: *le gasp* I'm alive. I'm good. Thanks Yae.
Yae: Oh it'll take more than just a thank you.
Author: Oh. *takes out the wallet* How much?
Yae: No, not like that.
Author: Ohhhhhhh. *picks her up* To the bed we go.)))
I then started to pet her and she snuggled into my hand. Fucking ADORABLE! I then saw Akagi-chan and Kaga-chan pouting so I started to pet them as well. After a while the kids left leaving me and Amagi-chan alone. I went to my chair and sat down and then Amagi came and sat on my lap facing me.
Y/N: Amagi what are you-
Amagi: Shush shikikan. Just let me enjoy this.
She cuddled into my chest so I decided to hug her to which I noticed her tails started to wag. And I didn't even notice but I fell asleep.
~a little timeskip a few hours later~
-3D POV-
Y/N was awoken by the door slamming open and Musashi walking in.
Musashi: Hey shikikan~
Y/N: Hello Musashi, do you need anything?
Musashi: Yes. Have you by any chance seen Amagi?
Y/N: No. You just woke me up but I do remember that before I fell asleep that she was in here. She maybe left after I fell asleep. Try asking Akagi or Kaga. Maybe they know.
Musashi: Ok~
She went to exit the office and before she closed the door she looked at Y/N and winked. When she finally closed the door Y/N released a slight moan.
==slight lemon==
Y/N looked under his desk and saw Amagi sucking him off.
Y/N: Really Amagi. Why did you decide to do this now? I almost gave in and if I did we would get discovered. And I wasn't planting on dying by Yamato's hands.
Amagi took out his erect member out of her mouth and spoke while she kept stroking it.
Amagi: Ara~ I'm sorry shikikan~ I couldn't help myself, you smell so tempting so I couldn't hold myself anymore.
She then went back to sucking him off while Y/N layed his head on the table. This continued for another 10 minutes until Amagi felt him twitch so she increased the pace and started to deepthroat him. As Y/N felt his end he grabbed the back of her head and forced her to the base and came down her throat. After he finished cumming he let her go as she slowly pulled out with a satisfying pop at the end.
Amagi: Would you look at that, you're still hard. But we'll change that soon~
==slight lemon end==
Outside the office we could see Musashi standing, her back against the door and a small puddle beneath her.
Musashi: Amagi you lucky bitch. But I'll get my fun soon~
With that she walked away.
~timeskip till next day morning~
-3D POV-
As the sun rises we can see Y/N wake up because of 2 reasons. First, because the sun was hitting him in the face. And second being that he felt something on top of him. He then realized that someone was with him in bed and when he looked down he was met with an unfair face looking at him.
Y/N: Who are you?
???: How could you forget me Y/N!? It's me, Snow. But that's what you called me. My real name's Ahri.(Only Ahri. Ignore the other person. Oh and if the pic get flagged I posted a link so you can find it)
(Just in case the picture get flagged:
Y/N: Huh?
Ahri: Yes, it's me.
Amagi: *knock knock* Shikikan are you up?
Y/N: Shit. Yes Amagi I'll be out in a few!
Amagi: All right, I'll be waiting in your office.
As they heard her walk away Y/N looked at Ahri.
Y/N: Explain. Now.
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