Chapter 4 - Nutcracker cracks the nuts
A/N: All I'm going to say is that you'll be very satisfied with whose nuts will crack. >:D (Please don't flag the pics)
-3D POV-
A few days later in the middle of the night we can see the an Ironblood ship heading towards Sakura Empire. Everyone right now are on the bridge of the ship. The people who were coming were: Erina, Y/N, Bismarck and Prinz Eugen.
Y/N: So why are we going there in the middle of the night?
Erina: So the commander doesn't suspect anything and because we informed Yamato that we found a solution and she asked us to come as soon as possible to discuss the plan.
Y/N: Understood(has the helmet on).
After half an hour they arrived at the dock and got off the ship. They were met by a girl with fox ears.
Erina: Hello Nagato.
Nagato: Good to see you again Erina. Who's this?
Erina: This is Y/N and he's the solution to the problem, please lead us to Yamato so we can discuss the details.
Nagato: Of course, please follow me.
They followed her to the building and after a few minutes they arrived to the office and saw 8 people in the room.
(Akagi and Kaga)
(Atago and Takao)
Yamato: Erina, glad you were able to come. Please take a seat.
Erina sat in front of the table(seiza style) while Y/N and the girls stood next to the wall with Y/N leaning on it with crossed arms. Shinano and Mushasi were sitting next to Yamato on her right and left and the reast of the girls were standing next to the wall oposite from Y/N, Bismarck and Eugen.
Yamato: So in the letter you said that you found a solution to how to get rid of our commander.
Erina: Yes, there is the rule that the commander will get removed if he or she have a dissability or were severely injured.
Yamato: Yes but you do know that we are forbidden to hurt him.
Erina: We can't but he can. *Y/N steps forward* Y/N isn't a ship neither is he a commander.
Yamato: But what about the higher ups?
Erina: That's where the evidence about your commander perving and peaking on you come in.
Mushashi: But how? All the evidence is in his office and we have no way of getting it.
Just then a knock was heard on the window and when they looked at it they saw a big owl knocking on it while holding a big folder in its beak. The girls(Sakura Empire) were surprised when they saw such a big owl. Y/N went to the window and opened it, the owl flew in and landed on the table in front of Yamato and put the folder down. It then flew on Y/Ns shoulder which surprised the girls a bit more.
Erina: Surprised? That's Archimedes, Y/Ns companion and pet.
Kaga: But how is it so big?
Erina: We'll explain later. Now to the matter at hand.
Yamato opened the folder and she, Musashi and Erina saw that it had photos of almost all the girls from Sakura Empire in their underwear.
Musashi: That fucking bastard!
Her raised voice woke up Shinano who fell asleep while they were talking and when the rest of the girls looked into the folder they became enraged.
Yamato: So what is the plan on getting rid of that bastard?
Erina: That's where Y/N comes in. Tomorrow is the day when the higher ups arrive to the base right?
Yamato: Yes. And the bastard will probably play innocent.
Erina: Good. *closes the folder* Y/N will be the one to give this to them and for now it'll stay with him as he's our safest option.
Takao: How are you sure that he won't take it for himself?
Eugen: Because he's taken by me and 2 others.
Erina: Is that all.
Yamato: Yes, the girls will show you the room you'll be staying in for tonight.
With that all of them went to their rooms and headed to sleep. The room where Y/N and the girls were staying at had only three beds so Eugen and Y/N slept together.
~timeskip till morning brought to you by Y/N sleeping with Shinano in her tails~
Right now I was sittin at the top of this very fucking tall tree observing commander and I saw a boat arrive and from there walked out 4 men dressed in fancy suits. They got approached by commander and started to talk with them. I then saw someone else approach them who i assume was the commander Yamato told us about and let me tell you I don't like him.
I then saw commander raise her hand and I knew that it was the signal to start. I took out Marksman's Bow and shot the fucker in the leg so he wouldn't run and when I put it away I used Phaser and teleported behind commander.
Higher up 1: What's the meaning of this Erina!?
Erina: This is why. *looks at Y/N* Give them the folder.
I nodded and took out the folder and gave it to them, as they started to look through it, I saw them getting angrier and angrier.
Higher up 3: This is unacceptable!
Higher up 4: So the girls were right after all. Now what to do with the bastard?
Erina: I have a solution. Feel free to do whatever you want Y/N.
I smirked and walked towards him while he was holding his leg in pain on the ground. I took out Assassin's Daggers and stabbed him through his legs pinning him to the ground as he screamed in pain. I did the same with his hands but with Blood Sword and Balanced Blade. I stood in front of him and took out the Nutcracker and put it on my shoulder. I looked around and saw that everyone were looking at me in shock, some were scared and some were smirking at what I'm doing to this bitch. Apparently the comotion brought attention of all the girls now that they're looking at me and waiting for my next move. When he saw the big hammer I was holding he went pale. I raised the hammed in the air and slammed it down with 25% of my strenght on his legs and dick while screaming as the ground around him broke into the spider web.
All we could hear was bones breaking and him screaming like a girl. God I love breaking legs.
-meanwhile in RWBY-
Nora: *stops eating pancakes* I sense a brother in arms.
-back with Y/N-
I then put away the Nutcracker and burned him to ashes with fire blast and took back the swords and daggers. I turned to look at the commander and the higher ups and saw that they were scared.
Erina: Well done Y/N. *Y/N nods*
Higher up 2: Well that's one way to fix the problem.
Higher up 1: Yes but now we need to find a new commander.
Higher up 4: Better idea, what about the boy in front of us.
Erina: That's a great idea.
I looked at her and saw that she was smirking. Oh you so gonna get it later.
Higher up 1: Why not. It would take too much time to find a new commander anyway. Could you please take off your helmet.
I sighed and took it off and saw that they were surprised. Probably because they thought that the horns were a part of the helmet.
Higher ups: You look like a male version of Friedrich der Grosse.
Y/N: I know. But are you sure that it's a good idea to make me a commander?
Higher up 3: Why not. If you cause trouble Erina will be responsible as she supported this idea.
Erina: Wait what?
Higher up 1: Well, from this day forward you-
Y/N: Y/N.
Higher up 1: -Y/N are the commander of Sakura Empire. Goodbye.
They went onto the boat they arrived on and left. I turned to Erina and she was very surprised. When I looked at the shipgirls I saw that they were shocked as well. Ah god fucking damn it.
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