Chapter 24 - Girl's first day of school
The next chapter is here. Finally.
The next 2 will be "behind the scenes"
-3D POV-
Zeoticus: *rubbing his temple* Respect and all but how in the flying fuck did you manage to get 5 wives?
Y/N: Don't know. MC harem plot?
Zeoticus: Legit no cap.
Y/N: Don't know. Guess I got that rizz. Plus I'm pretty sure they're not the last ones.
Zeoticus: *sigh* Well all I can say is good luck.
Y/N: Thank you. 'Even though I don't think I'll need it'
Zeoticus: Want to drink something? Tea or coffee?
Y/N: You got any alcohol?
Zeoticus:..........that's my man. Give me a minute.
--meanwhile back in Iron blood base--
Friedrich: *sigh* Eugen, my child. How did you even manage to lose?
Eugen: *nervous* Hehehe. I don't know, I was fully confident that I would win but they somehow won. I thought my calculations were correct.
Roon: But you're bad at math.
Friedrich: So what do we do now? Considering they'll get to him sooner or later anyways so we can't even argue with them.
Musashi: I guess the girls will be getting more siblings.
Roon: Most definitely.
They sighed and went to do their own things.
Eugen: And how am I supposed to explain this to Y/N.
--back with Y/N and Zeoticus--
Y/N: *somehow drunk* And then I said. "No way in hell are yall getting fluffy puff!"
Zeoticus: *drunk* Who's fluffy puff?
Y/N: Don't know. Some fluffy thing with teeth that tried to tear my throat out.
Zeoticus: And what did you do?
Y/N: Bitten it instead and then fried and ate it.
Zeoticus: Damn man. That's brutal.
Y/N: Hey that little shit had it coming.
Zeoticus: Hey. How about we play something.
Y/N: Like what?
Zeoticus: I have chess in a drawer.
Y/N:......let's do it. You're going down.
Zeoticus: Oh its on!
----meanwhile with the girls----
Emma and Anna were sitting in their class. They were in the same class while Lia, Leah and Shino were in the other class together.
Teacher: Good job Emma. You're quite smart for your age. Who taught you these things?
Emma: Mom did. Dad helped but he taught us more different things.
Teacher: Like what for example?
Emma: *innocent smile* What bones we should break to successfully and fully cripple someone if they dare mess with us.
Teacher: O-oh. W-well that's......nice. you can take your seat.
Emma: Okay~
Emma went back to her seat while the teacher and some other kids made a mental note not to mess with Emma.
After a few more minutes the bell rung and Emma and Anna pulled out their lunches. As they ate they were approached by a few of their classmates.
Classmate 1: Excuse me I have a question.
Emma/Anna: Mhm?/Yes?
Classmate 1: When you introduced yourselves you said that you're sisters. But you don't look alike at all. How is that?
Anna: We have different moms but the same dad.
Classmates: Huh?
Emma: Yup. We also have 3 more sisters.
Classmate 3: Oh that's so cool! You can have sleepovers whenever you want! I'm so jealous.
Classmate 2: Man, I always wanted 1 or 2 sisters. I'm so jealous.
As their conversation continued one of their classmates ran into the room.
Everyone immediately got up from their seats and stopped what they were doing and ran after him. Emma and Anna considered if they should follow and they did. When they reached the music room they saw that a lot of students were watching their father and the principal play 2 guitars. Although what surprising was that Shino and Lia were singing and playing along them. Leah meanwhile was handling the drums like a pro. Then suddenly Y/N jumped up on the table and they started to sing yet another song.
The song they played:
After they finished all the students cheered and some teachers went to the front to try and stop them but in the end were dragged in and started to play with them. Safe to say that day was the best and the most awesome day the school have ever knew.
~timeskip brought to you by Graf Zeppelin when she's home alone~
Currently Y/N was laying on the beach getting the tan while some ship girls did their own things. Although some horny ones being lewd while looking at him.
Eugen: Hey hun.
Y/N: Yes?
Y/N opened his eyes and looked at Eugen who was standing over him.
Eugen: I have some news for you.
Y/N: I'm listening.
Y/N: What? Calm down and say it again. Slower this time.
Eugen: *inhale and exhale* I kinda lost a bet and now you have to sleep with 2 girls and make them mothers as well.
Y/N: Damn. And what exactly did you bet for it to come out like that?
Eugen: You and your body for the whole night.
Y/N: Well I'll be damned. Did you really bet it?
Eugen: Yes.
Y/N: And you lost.
Eugen: YuP.
Y/N: *sigh* So what now?
Eugen: You go in and hope to survive.
Y/N: Damn. Who is it at least?
Eugen: Sorry can't tell. Part of the deal.
Y/N: Ok so when will it happen?
Eugen: Tonight.
Y/N: Well shit. Alright then I hope they'll be able to go the whole night.
Eugen: You're okay with that? And you're not angry?
Y/N: No I'm not angry. And Eugen if I was angry I would strip you right here right now and fuck you as punishment. But I'm pretty sure you would enjoy it.
Eugen: *lewd thoughts* *blushing* Ehehehehehe yes I would.
However the two of them momentarily forgot that they were at the beach and some shipgirls heard what Y/N said and now were imagining themselves being fucked by Y/N without mercy.
And that's done. After the next two chapters it'll be yet another lemon. Hope you enjoyed :D
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