Chapter 16 - Royal Navy base visit
Fucking finally, it took longer to arrive here. Now to find Anna and off we go to Royal Navy. I started walking to the main building of the base and met a few shipgirls and asked if they seen Anna. They said that she was in the library so I headed there. When I got there and entered I saw Anna talking to another shipgirl. As I approached them Anna immediately saw me and ran up to me.
Anna: Papa!
I crouched down and opened my arms for a hug and when she hugged me I picked her up and now was holding her. Then I saw the shipgirl walk over to us.
Y/N: Thank you for looking after her. I hope she didn't case any trouble.
Shangri-la: She did not. She was very polite. I'm Shangri-la, and I assume you're her father she talks very much about.
Y/N: Does she now?
Shangri-la: Yes. She told me quite the stories. Like how you battled a giant that cound destroy our island in a few attacks. I find it really hard to believe.
Y/N: I mean. It's not entirely a lie but yeah, but were friends now. His name's Mark.
Shangri-la: Wait that really happened? I thought her imagination just went wild.
Y/N: Oh it did. Now excuse me but I have to cut this short. We still have to go to Royal Navy base.
Shangri-la: It's okay. Safe travels.
I nodded and left, but not before Anna said goodbye to Shangri-la. We made our way to our boat and when we got on I started to drive it in the direction of Royal Navy. Thankfully it isn't far. After only 30 minutes we arrived at the docks and left the boat. Immediately we were greeted by a maid.
Cheshire: Greetings nya, I'm Cheshire. Commander told us that you will be arriving so she sent me to meet you. The queen would like to meet you as well nya.
Y/N: Hello. I'm Y/N and this is my daughter Anna.
Anna: Hi! *does a little wave*
Cheshire: Awwwww. Well aren't you adorable nya. Follow me please.
She turned around and we started to follow her. While walking we talked a little and she told us where and what is located on the base in case we'll need something. After a bit we arrived at the big garden and she guided us through it to the opening where there was 4 girls sitting at the tea table. I recognized two of them, those being Belfast and Illustrious. We walked over there and Cheshire spoke and bowed a little.
Cheshire: Your majesty I brought our guests.
Q.Elizabeth: Thank you Cheshire you're dismissed. *looks at Y/N* Now you! Show some respect and bow.
Y/N: What? Hell no. *looks at Illustrious* What's with this sassy lost child?
???: How dare you speak that way about her majesty!
Y/N: Shut it little girl! *covers Anna's eyes* And what the hell are you wearing! Have heard of such thing as pants? There's a child here for God's sake!
Illustrious: *giggle* Warspite please calm down.
Warspite: Calm down!? He insulted her majesty!
Y/N: And I'll do it again!
Belfast: Now now everyone let's calm down.
Illustrious: I agree. If you want your daughter can play with Unicorn. Come out, don't be shy.
Brom behind Illustrious a little girl peaked out and showed herself.
Unicorn: I-I'm Unicorn. N-nice to meet you!
Illustrious: Excuse her stuttering. She's shy around new people.
Y/N: It's okay. *crouches down and puts Anna down as she looks at Unicorn* Hello Unicorn. I'm Y/N and this is Anna. Anna, this is Unicorn. Why don't you two play in the garden while daddy talks about boring stuff?
Anna: Okay! *walks over to Unicorn and grabbed her hand* Come on new friend! Let's go play!
With that both of them went into different part of the garden. Y/N stood up and looked at Q.Elizabeth, who is still annoyed because of what he called her.
Y/N: Now let me make this clear. I don't give a single living fuck who you are or what position you hold. Hell you can be the ruler of the whole world and I still won't bow to you. If you want my respect then earn it. It doesn't matter what status you have we're all equal and I don't care what you think. Now either speak to me normally or don't speak at all. Illustrious, Belfast it's nice to see you two again. How have you been?
Illustrious: I've been well. Thank you for asking.
Belfast: Me as well. Even though I had to punish miss Enterprise for not eating her veggies again.
Y/N: Heh, classic.
Q.Elizabeth: *finally understood that Y/N insulted her* How dare you!
???: What's with all this yelling?
I looked to the side and saw someone walk over to us and when he saw me he stopped and immediately took a stance.
???: You!
Y/N: Calm down Gray. I'm not here to fight. As a matter of fact I know where King Charles is and I can take you to him once I'm finished here.
Gray: Tch, you're lucky. I'll be waiting at the docks. Don't take too long.
He then left to the docks while I turned to the girls who looked at me with surprised faces.
Y/N: What?
-meanwhile in ???-
???: So when do we leave?
???: Have patience comrade. We leave tomorrow to the Iron Blood base for our monthly drinking contest.
???: Fine.
Sorry for the hold I had some things to deal with. Hope you enjoyed.
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