Chapter 13 - Eagle Union base visit
-3D POV-
Right now Y/N was arriving to the Eagle Union base on a boat he borrowed. Anna was also with him, he asked if Ahri wanted to come but she decided to stay with the kids and play with then in her fox form. As he was nearing to the docks he saw many ship girls relaxing on the beach along with destroyers playing with each other. As he arrives at the docks he docked the boat and got off with Anna in tow. After a bit walking out he saw a blonde girl approach them.
Hornet: Sup, I was told to take you to commander. Name's Hornet by the way.
Y/N: I'm Y/N *gestures to Anna who was holding his hand* and this is one of my daughters, Anna.
Anna: Hello.
Hornet: Well nice to meet ya. Let's go I'll show you around while we walk.
She started leading the duo and while walking she showed them around and talked a bit. After a few minutes of walking Anna got tired of walking so Y/N picked her up and carried her. She couldn't sleep last night which worried Y/N so he stayed with her the whole night trying to get her go to sleep. When they approached the main building they saw another shipgirl sitting on a bench looking sleepy as hell.
Hornet: Hey Laffey, having a nap here?
Laffey: Huh? Oh hey Hornet. I'm trying.
Hornet: Don't worry. Knowing you you'll fall asleep in no time.
Anna tugged at Y/N's sleeve and he looked at her.
Anna: Can I sleep here? *yawn* I feel sleepy.
Y/N: You sure? I don't want to leave you alone.
Anna: Mhm. *yawn*
He put her down and she went to the bench and sat down next to Laffey. Both of them looked at each other and then just sat there relaxed, closed their eyes and fell asleep in a matter of seconds.
Y/N: *whisper* Wow, just like that.
Hornet: *whisper* Yeah, Laffey had this sleepy aura around her which makes the little ones want to sleep and it helps to fall asleep easier when you're tired.
Y/N: *whisper* Damn. Well let's leave them.
Hornet nodded and both of them walked into the building. After a few moments Hornet spoke.
Hornet: So who's the mother?
Y/N: Eugen.
Hornet: Ehhhhhh? Didn't expect that. But you also mentioned other daughters.
Y/N: Yup, I have two more daughters named Emma and Leah. Their mothers are Roon and Friedrich respectively.
Hornet: Damn. Didn't think there was someone who would hook up with Roon. Because, you know, the yandere side.
Y/N: I know how to deal with those type of girls.
Hornet: Cool. Also we're here. Well I need to go so see ya.
Hornet walked away and Y/N knocked before entering the office.
As I entered I saw Shinobu doing paperwork and she had a lot of it.
Y/N: Hello Shinobu.
Shinobu: Ah Y/N, you finally arrived.
Y/N: Yup, and I see that you're busy.
Shinobu: Yeah. This paperwork is killing me. This so hard and stressing!
Y/N: No it's not. Well for me it's not. I enjoy doing it, it surprisingly helps me relax.
Shinobu: How?
Y/N: Don't know. It just does. So anyway you mentioned before that you wanted to ask for a favor?
Shinobu: Yes. You see, one of the shipgirls is very ill and is slowly dying and can't leave her bed. I heard from Amagi that you have something that might help her.
Y/N: I do. So you want me to help her?
Shinobu: Please. She's in her room, just go to the north wing of the building and you'll find the dorms. Look for the door with the name Yorktown.
Y/N: Aight then. See ya. Oh and don't die.
Shinobu: I'll try.
I left the office and went straight to the left wing of the building as she said. I walked around for a bit looking for the right room and couldn't find it. But I stumbled upon another girl and decided to ask for directions.
Y/N: Excuse me, can you show me where miss Yorktown's room is please?
Vestal: Oh? You must be the new Sakura Empire commander we've been told about. I'm Vestal, the head nurse. And I'm heading to her room right now to check on how she's holding up. Please follow me.
I follow Vestal and after a bit we arrived to the right room. I swear I passed through here. She knocked and we walked in. The room wad pretty big and nicely decorated. She led me to a big bed that was next to a big window. In the bed a white haired woman was sitting up while looking out the window.
Vestal: Good afternoon Yorktown. How are you feeling?
Yorktown: *looks at her* I'm feeling well. *looks at Y/N* And who's our guest?
Y/N: I'm Y/N and I'm here to help you.
Yorktown: How?
Y/N: Well I have something that might help you finally get out of bed. Maybe you have heard about Amagi being cured and back to normal?
Yorktown: Of course. Me and her go way back.
Y/N: Well *takes out the flask* this will help you. Just drink this and you'll be healed. With doctors approval of course.
Vestal: Are you sure it will help her?
Y/N: Most definitely. Even if it won't cure her I'm sure it'll at least give her minimum 10 more years of lifespan.
Vestal: Alright, I'll trust you.
I nodded and opened the flask and gave it to Yorktown. With a deep breath she drank a bit more than half of it and then gave it back and I put it away. After a few moments of silence nothing happened but then she started violently coughing and black and red particles came out of her and dissappeared. She started falling on back but I caught her in time and layed her down gently.
Y/N: Don't worry, the process just tired you out. It happens if the injury or illness is a really bad one. Talking from experience here.
Vestal: Well it seems like it worked. But I'll have to see it for myself tomorrow at the check up. For now rest Yorktown.
Yorktown: Understood. *looks at Y/N* Thank you.
Y/N: *smiles* No problem.
With that she went to sleep and me and Vestal quietly left the room.
Hope you enjoyed :D
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