This chapter will try to bring you answers to some of the most frequent questions I met in the comment section of this book. I will try to answer as best as I can without giving spoilers. So NO SPOILERS! Some mysteries of this series will be solved in the final book, so you'll have to be patient until then.
1. To whom is the lost son reference in the book's title attributed?
The title has several references. It is, of course, referred to Billy as the Donovans' lost son, and at some point, even to Kian. But in my mind, Ferry was always "the lost son". He is "the lost son of fairies", but mostly, he becomes lost after losing Eileen, his human mother. So yeah, Ferry is the lost son.
2. Why are the Amalghams "forbidden to love"?
The Amalghams are forbidden to love because their purpose is to serve those who created them (only the descendants of the Great Fairies can create Amalghams). They don't have "desires" meaning they can't mate or breed, but that doesn't mean they can't have feelings or that they are incapable of love (quite the contrary, in all Ferry's Guardians cases). They are now close to extinction, and they need Ferry to save their species. And yes, they are the result of some sort of a fairy genetic engineering program.
3. How does the Spear of Justice work?
For the Spear of Justice (Olarf) to work, there are several conditions required. First of all, there must be a situation in which justice must be done; when something or someone that caused a lot of suffering must be destroyed.
For Olarf to appear, the Moon's Tear must be activated by the moonlight. Then, there's the Spear Carrier (Ferry), a fairy with great powers, in whose presence the Spear appears. And the Spear Handler, the only one who can handle the Spear (might be one and the same person with the Carrier). When the Spear is formed in five different worlds, the Moon's Tear gains unusual powers. It is as if it is recharging in each of the five worlds.
Basically, the Spear and the Tear are in a co-dependent relation with each other. And they also rhyme :).
4. Who is the Keeper of the Moon's Tear?
Well, that would be revealed further into the story. All I can say is that I left clues in both the books about who the Keeper is. The Keeper also has to be in Ferry's proximity so that the Spear can materialize itself.
Fun fact: the Moon's Tear was inspired by the hemimorphite stone which is also my sign's stone (I'm a Libra).
5. How old are the Amalghams?
When Ferry was born, his Guardians were in their teens. Adding the seven year they spent in the world of humans, that makes them in their twenties. Thyme is the oldest of them, and Sage is the youngest (and most impulsive) of them.
6. Does Ferry still wear mittens?
In this book, Ferry wore some magical gloves given by Lavender that protected him from the touch of iron. They were almost invisible, so Ferry looked like he wasn't wearing gloves anymore (see the picture of Ferry accompanying this chapter).
7. What happened to Billy's mum?
Billy's mum died in the fire she caused at the Pride Mansion.
8. Does Matilda really love Sage?
Matilda cares for Sage because he's been part of her family for the past seven years. However, their love would be impossible in Akna because she is a human and he is an Amalgham.
9. Are Parsley and Rosemary in love?
Yes, Parsley and Rosemary are in love, but not with so much PDA like the other couples. Their love is also impossible in Akna because they are both Amalghams.
10. Fairies fall in love once. So was not Ferry in love with May?
The saying is "Fairies only love once". Ferry was, indeed, in love with May. But there is a difference between loving someone and being in love. Being in love is more close to infatuation.
11. Is May the secret keeper?
No, May is not the secret keeper.
12. If you go to the Valley of Oblivion you will forget everything, right? Then why does Thyme and Sage still remember everything if they went there with Danny and Bianca?
Thyme and Sage still remembered everything because they kept on themselves a thing/things to remind them of their past lives and their worlds (it's usually a letter). Danny and Bianca didn't.
That place has a dreamy, surreal effect on the passers-by which makes them forget things they want or are forced to forget. That's why the one who uses it falls asleep after. Then, his/her memories become dreams until they fade away completely. Once you walk through the Valley of Oblivion, your memories are forever forgotten. The Valley looks different for each person/creature that walks it.
But more about the Valley of Oblivion in Book 4 of the series when one of the main characters will be forced to use it.
13. Is May a fairy?
No, May is not a fairy. That can be proved easily with a photo camera. And May appears in all photos. Luckily, there weren't so many photo cameras in Goodharts at that time.
14. Who killed Ferry's mother?
Officially, Ferry's mother died of a heart attack. But Ferry was led to believe that fairies (Kian and the Hollowers in particular) had something to do with her death. The killer of Ferry's mother will be revealed at the end of the last book of the series. However, I left clues of who the killer is, and among the hundreds of theories, I found one (just one, so far) that was right. I hope it stays lost until the last book LOL.
15. How Ferry could love both May and Matt?
Ferry doesn't love them both. He only loves one of them, and cares for the other.
16. Is Basil Flower, May's father, a fairy?
Yes, Basil Flower is a fairy, and a powerful one, too. Because the marks on his forehead, he is a descendant of the Great Moon Fairies like Ferry, Lavender and her children, the only ones left.
17. Does actually Matilda not feel the same for Ferry?
Well, at the end of this book it does look like Ferry is more into Matilda than she is into him. But that's only because she's more mature than Ferry, and she knows that if she shows her true feelings that would distract him from his mission in Akna. So for now, they are back to the best friend zone.
18. I don't understand Oona's name nor am I able to say it.
If you are referring to Oona's human name, that is Aneight (An + eight). Backward and with the number 8 placed horizontally, it is spelled Oona.
19. Why did the spear kill Andrew if he was innocent?
The Spear was meant for someone else present at the Quest, not for Kian/Andrew. It failed to make Justice during the confrontation in the maze, a fact that will have consequences in the future. However, Kian/Andrew used it to sacrifice himself which gave the Moon's Tear even more power, making it one of the most powerful items in the world of fairies. That's why so many are looking for it.
20. Will you write another story with another plot?
Yes, after I finish the Ferry's Tale series. I intend to go back to my abandoned time travel, thriller series (a trilogy, this time).
23. Will Kian be resurrected in the following books?
No, Kian will not be resurrected in the following books because I try to keep my writing close to reality, even if using fantastical elements. And there are no resurrections in real life. But you will find out more about Kian of the Voids in the final book of this series which takes place in the Hollow Land.
24. What race is Ben?
Ben is biracial. His mother is of gypsy descent and his father is white.
25. What time is this book set in?
This book is set in the 1960s. I wanted to be a modern time, but not too recent because I didn't want to have modern technology in it. However, the imaginary worlds will have a time of their own. Below, you have a glimpse into 1960's fashion.
26. Did the people of Goodharts knew about the Quest and the fairies?
Yes, the people of Goodharts knew about the fairies, at least about the fairies in the Shepherd's Forest. But they have decided to keep it a secret, so it wouldn't affect their quiet lives.
27. What is May's secret?
Well, I can't reveal that, obviously. All I can say is that her secret kept her from being with Ferry although she had feelings for him as it was revealed in the final chapters of this book.
25. How and what inspired you to come up and write the idea of the book/Ferry's Tale?
To put it simple, I wanted to write the book I wanted to read. I've always been fascinated with fairies. I wanted to read a book about a fairy boy living among humans and the challenges of that. I wanted a mystery book, a horror/spooky story, but also a love story. And I also wanted to write about real people and real feelings with a touch of Fantasy (I call it Fantastical Reality or Realistic Fantasy).
Five years ago, when I planned this series, The Lost Son was supposed to be the first book in the series. That meant the protagonist of the series was supposed to be a fairy teenage boy. But then, I thought it would be fun to write about a fairy-boy as a child. And so The Moonlight Boy was born.
I could talk about the idea of this series for hours. Basically, I wanted to write a boy character when the all-mighty, all-powerful female characters were the literary trend at the time (I think they still are). And I also wanted to write an anti-the-chosen-one character. Ferry is a brave, kind-hearted, well-intended character. But he is rather flawed, too. He's very curious, impulsive, too passionate, and not the smartest male character you could meet. I wanted to write a character that searched for his place in the world, and wasn't always successful in finding it. And although he has fairy super-powers, he is more of a human than he is a fairy (the things he achieves are more the result of his human decisions than his fairy-related ones).
In the end, I wrote a fairy, mystery book (each book has a mystery that has to be solved) with horror elements (the creepy fairies, the shadows, the Unseen) and a love story in all its forms whether we talk about motherly love, family love, young love, same-gender love, or love between friends.
If I succeeded or not, that's for you to decide.
This is the first cover of The Moonlight Boy and the picture that represents Ferry's character the best.
Well, that's about it. Thank you for the amazing questions! I have the best readers, I always say ;) If you have any other questions, please drop them in the comment section of this chapter and I will try to reply to them all. No spoilers, of course :)
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