We're On Our Way
Chapter 9
We passed New Jersey with no donuts for poor Blackjack. Zoe was one crazy driver. She south as fast as legally possible. Sometimes I don't think she was actually going legal speeds. I held on tight to Percy so I wouldn't fall off.
In Maryland, Zoe finally took a rest stop. Blackjack practically tumbled from the sky with exhaustion.
I'll be okay, boss, he panted. Just . . . just catching my breath.
"Stay here," Percy ordered. He looked at me pointedly. "Both of you. I'm going to scout."
'Stay here' I can handle. I can do that. I'll be sure to watch bossette here, too.
I glared at Percy but kept myself to saying, "Don't get yourself killed."
He winked at me and then put his invisibility cap on. I sighed and laid my head down on Blackjack's neck. I was so tired. Goodness, I was always tired. I was also hungry. Percy better not just grab himself something or he will have a very angry sister and pegasus.
Mm, a warm cup of hot cocoa. A soft, warm chocolate donut with the frosting still warm and creamy. A smile played across my lips and I drifted off to sleep.
The moment everything went black my eyes jerked open. I slowly sat up and sighed. You'll never guess where I was once again.
In front of me was The Titan's Curse, sitting side open to Chapter Nine. I looked around, but the dream girl was nowhere to be seen. Shrugging to myself, I picked up the book carefully and read the chapter title. It read, "I Learn How to Grow Zombies." Percy never disappointed with chapter titles.
I quickly started reading the chapter. The first part I already knew because I'd lived through it. Eventually I got to the new stuff and absorbed everything. This, unlike most books, could possibly save my life. I needed to know what we were up against, especially since I had zero fighting experience.
I finished Chapter 10, but before I could start reading Chapter 11 everything started fading away. It was as if the book, the room, even my own hands were simply turning into nothing. Then the nothing consumed everything and I sat up straight on Blackjack with a hand shaking me.
"Wakey, wakey, sleeping beauty," Percy smirked when I glared at him. "Better hold on tight, we're in for a bumpy ride."
Zoe continued to drive south. While we flew after her, Percy filled me in that we were heading to D.C. I simply nodded and held on tighter. I really didn't want to fall asleep this high up. I didn't want to end up as a grease spot on the ground below.
As we flew closer to Washington, Blackjack started flying lower and slowing down. I suddenly realized that in the book, Blackjack had a hard enough time carrying Percy this far. Now he was carrying Percy as well as me.
I felt bad and stroked his back as Percy asked, "You okay?"
Fine, boss. I could . . . I could take on an army.
"You don't sound like you could take on an angry chinchilla right now."
Don't worry about me, bossette! I'm as tough as they come.
No matter what Blackjack said, he needed a break soon. I know Percy realized this to but neither of us made any more comments. We both new our best bet was to get to D.C. ASAP.
Finally, the van started to slow down. I could see the Washington Monument and I was glad. I was sure if we didn't land down in the next several minutes Blackjack would drop out of the sky.
"Set us down there," Percy instructed Blackjack. "That's close enough."
Blackjack immediately complied. He immediately started losing altitude and set us on the grass near the Washington Monument. As Percy observed the van, I stroked Blackjack's neck. Percy eventually turned back.
"I want you to go back to camp. Get some rest. Graze. I'll be fine."
"Blackjack cocked his head skeptically. You sure, boss?
I continued stroking his neck as I said, "Trust us, we'll be fine. You've helped us a bunch and we couldn't ask for more from you."
"Yeah, thanks a ton," Percy quickly added.
A ton of hay, maybe, Blackjack contemplated. That sounds good. All right, but be careful, bosses. I got a feeling they didn't come here to meet anything friendly and handsome like me.
We immediately promised that we would be careful. I gave Blackjack one more pat and then he took off to return to Camp Half-Blood.
Percy looked towards the van and motioned for me to follow him. Grover led Thalia and the others towards the Mall. Percy and I began to follow but then he quickly put out a hand to stop me. His eyes were glued to another car, this one black. A man with a gray, military buzz cut got out with dark shades and a black overcoat. Overall, he looked pretty suspicious. I also knew exactly who he was from my dream. This was Dr. Thorn, the one and only manticore from Percy's dance with death. Bad time for a pun? Okay.
"Quick, put on your invisibility cap," Percy hissed. I put mine on and so did Percy. Just before he disappeared, I put a hand on his arm. I wasn't planning on losing him when we were both unable to see each other. Percy began to slowly follow Thorn and I stayed close. My grip on Percy's arm was as tight as iron and I wasn't planning on loosening it. There was no way I was losing him before he reached the weird skeletal warrior dudes.
Thorn was obviously following the quest group. Grover motioned that they needed to go into the National Air and Space Museum. Thalia quickly checked inside and then gave the all clear. They all filed into the museum. Thorn didn't follow them into the Smithsonian, though, but I already knew he would do that. We were going to be following Thorn to a door that had a sign that would say "Closed for Private Event."
We did exactly as the book said and we reached a huge chamber that was full of ancient fossils. In the room, there was mortal guards, Scythian dracaenae guards, and Luke. He looked like he had aged. I mean, I'd never seen him before, but I'm pretty sure his hair wasn't supposed to be gray.
There was also the shadow throne with the mysterious man named the General. He was the first to speak in this horror scene.
"Well?" he asked, in his full voice. Goodness, his voice was loud. I would hate to hear when he actually tries to yell.
Dr. Thorn bowed after taking off his shades. He then informed General Shadow, "They are here, General."
I'm sorry! I am the worst at updating on a schedule. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, though. If you did, please feel free to vote or comment. :)
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