Just Breathe
Chapter 5
I was starting to feel a little nauseous. I didn't like all this attention on me. I didn't like that I was getting claimed by one of the Big Three. I didn't like that I had another thing to worry about besides my strange dreams and amnesia. There were quite a bit of things I didn't like about this situation, but luckily everyone's attention was drawn away from me.
Everyone quickly shrouded has something shrouded in a green mist. It was the Oracle, but I was the only one who knew that right away. Everyone else was confused until she came close enough to make her out through the fog. Everyone gasped, except me, at the fact that the Oracle had left her attic. I was mostly just glad I was no longer the center of attention.
"This is impossible,” I heard Chiron say, just as I knew he would. "It... she has never left the attic. Never."
The withered mummy that held the Oracle inside was even more hideous then I had imagined her from reading the description in my dream book. She slowly made her way to the center of everyone, turning the snow sickly green with every step she took. Nobody moved, when suddenly her voice hissed into everyone's minds. Some clutched their hands over their ears, I was able to keep my reaction to clenching my fists.
I am the spirit of Delphi, the Oracle said. Speaker of the prophecies of Phoebus Apollo, slayer of the mighty Python. She then turned towards Zoe Nightshade. Approach, Seeker, and ask.
Zoe swallowed and then said, "What must I do to help my goddess?"
The Oracle opened her mouth, and green mist poured out. Through the mist, I could make out the vague image of a mountain, and a girl standing at the barren peak. I was well aware that this girl was Artemis. I could see that she was wrapped in chains and fettered to the rocks. She knelt and had her hands up as if she was attempting to fend of attackers. Her expression was full of pain. The Oracle spoke:
Six shall go west to the goddess in chains,
One shall be lost in the land without rain,
The bane of Olympus shows the trail,
Campers and Hunters combined prevail,
The Titan's curse must one withstand,
And one shall perish by a parent's hand.
My mind swirled in disbelief as the Oracle's mist retreated into her mouth. The Oracle sat down on a rock and became perfectly still. I was even more confused than I had been at the beginning of this day. The oracle in my dream book had said Five shall go west to the goddess in chains not Six shall go west to the goddess in chains. This has been the first thing today that had differed from the book, besides the fact that I was here and had personally changed a few things. Now, something had changed that I had nothing to do with. That is, at least directly.
Ugh, why was life so confusing? I can remember nothing from my past. I only know my name, birthday, and age, and that wasn't doing me much good. Everything had just been getting more and more confusing since I woke up alone in the woods.
Soon everyone started electing who was going to have to carry her upstairs. I volunteered immediately, not because I had a burning desire to carry mummies or anything. Honestly, I just didn't want to be bombarded by any campers since I was now officially claimed. Percy volunteered as well. I was just the slightest bit surprised. In the book, the only reason he had carried the mummy to the attic was because he was elected. Now I was wondering why in the world he would want to carry a creepy mummy up to an attic with me.
We picked up the mummy and slowly made our way towards the attic. The Oracle was a lot heavier then she looked. Percy and I had just made our way out of earshot of everyone when he spoke to me.
"So, you're not a daughter of Aphrodite."
I felt a little smile grow on my face. "I suppose I'm not."
Percy's eyes met mine for a moment, but I quickly looked down at where I was walking to make sure that I wouldn't trip on anything.
"Well, it seems now I have little sister."
I felt my smile grow a little bigger. "That's me."
I looked down at the mummy. I was glad I got her feet. I really didn't want to have to look at her face more than necessary. I looked back up at Percy.
"I'm guessing she doesn't do this very often," I said, referring to the mummy we were holding up.
"No, she doesn't." At this, Percy looked a little trouble. "She never moves. Ever."
"Does she give prophecies very often?"
Percy crinkled his brow, "She gives prophecies whenever there's a quest, I guess."
"Well, how often are their quests?"
"You're full of questions, you know that?"
I gave a little smirk. "I wouldn't have to ask so many questions if you'd give me better answers."
Percy shook his head with a smile. "You know, I think you're going to be a great sister."
"Thanks, and I think you're going to be a great brother," I smiled.
Just as I said that, I realized we had reached the stairs of the Big House. Percy took the lead, as I had no idea how to get to the attic.
We made our way up the stairs up to the attic. We were concentrating on not banging her into anything, so there wasn't much conversation. Suddenly, I saw that Percy was carrying her head to close to the trapdoor frame.
"Watch it!" I warned, but I was too late. Percy banged her head into the frame with a Bang!
"Oh man!" Percy groaned. He set her down quickly to see if there was any damage. "Did I break anything?"
"How am I supposed to know? Besides, I don't think it's really possible to tell."
Percy and I finally finished our trip by setting the mummy down on her tripod stool. We quickly left, slamming the attic door behind us.
I studied Percy's face. He was definitely thinking about Annabeth. His eyes were sad and he seemed distracted.
"What's wrong?" I asked him.
Percy looked at me in surprise. "Nothing's wrong."
I stopped walking towards the stairs, which forced Percy to stop and face me. I folded my arms.
"Something is wrong. Don't try denying it. It's written all over your expression."
Percy looked down at his feet. "You see, my friend Annabeth was taken. Some say she's dead, but," Percy looked up into my eyes. I could see a glint of steely determination. "I know she's alive. I want to be out there looking for her, but I have to get permission. Chiron and Mr. D are refusing. They believe she's dead."
I took a step towards Percy. He was taller than me so I had to look up a little. I placed a hand on his arm.
"Don't worry, you'll find her," I could hear the certainty in my own voice. I surprised myself. I had no idea for sure if Percy would find it or not. I could from the look on Percy's face that I had done the right thing.
"Thanks," he said softly. "You are proving to be a really good sister, and I've only know you were my sister for like ten minutes."
I smiled up at Percy. "Isn't that what sisters are for?"
We started walking again, but before we reached the stairs Thalia came pounding up.
"Percy, you need to get your butt downstairs."
Percy a little surprised. "Why?"
"Dionysus is calling a council of cabin leaders to discuss the prophecy," she said. "Unfortunately, that includes Percy."
Percy glanced at me. He then quickly said, "I'll see you later, alright?"
My smile dampened a little. I really wanted to keep talking to him, but I knew this was coming. "Alright," I said. Percy looked like he saw my smile dampen, and hesitated. I quickly pulled my smile up to full brightness and gave him a little shove.
"I wouldn't keep someone who can turn you into a dolphin waiting."
Percy smiled at me once more and followed Thalia down the stairs to the council meeting. I made my way down the stairs and sat outside the Big House. The ground was covered in snow, but I ignored it. I sat up against the side of its walls, letting my head lean against it. Now I was alone, my mind was starting to wonder to my situation.
I was in the middle of a camp, with woods filled with monsters. I had no memories, yet somehow I was getting weird dreams about the past and future about my half-brother, Percy Jackson. Oh yeah, not to mention the fact that apparently I was the daughter of Poseidon. I took a deep breathe. My breath was shaky, so I took a few more. "Just breathe," I whispered to myself. "Don't ponder on the things you can't change. Just remember the things that are good."
That was reasonable. I mean, I did have a really cool big brother now. That was pretty awesome. Oh, and I also had a half-brother that was a Cyclops named Tyson. That was another positive thing. Thinking about my little list of good things made me happy. Yes, it was short so far, but I was sure it would get longer soon.
I felt my head start to nod. I did my best to keep my eyes open, but it was a losing battle. My only sleep had come from last night after I passed out, and after I woke up the second time. That wasn't the longest time, and I was even more exhausted from training all day and then having my little incident with the stream. My eyes finally closed and I felt my consciousness drift away.
Thank you so much for actually reading this! For every read I get, I feel a little burst of joy inside. I really hope you liked it. :)
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