Ch. 32 *The Battle Begins*
Star is awake.
Thank God.
When I returned, I ran upstairs to see Star sitting up, holding a cup of soup in her lap.
Tears streamed down my face the moment I saw she was okay.
Michael left us alone for the short time we have, and I sat by Star's side, clutching her hand in mine.
"I was so worried," I say, "don't scare me like that again!"
She laughs softly, but it's a joyless sound. "I can't promise that," she whispers weakly.
Though she's awake, she's still in danger.
I inhale a breath, shoulders raising in the process. "We're gonna make this right," I whisper, "I'm gonna find the Head Vampire. You just need to hang in there, okay? I promise we'll make this right."
"Luna-" she starts to say, before she has a coughing fit.
My heart pounds.
I stand up, helping her lay back down. "I'm gonna save you Star," I whisper, pushing aside her hair from her eyes. "We'll be a family again."
She chuckles softly. "I can't wait to see Mom and Dad," she whispers, before the door opens in a forceful manner.
Both our heads turn to see Michael, out of breath from running.
"It's time."
It's time...
My eyes widen, and I look at Star. "You stay here," I rush forward, "keep her safe."
"You got it," Michael runs to Star's side, sitting protectively on the bed.
I shut the door and it locks behind me.
I run downstairs to the living room where Marko, Sam, Edgar and Alan sit with a table flipped over as a wall.
I sit in between Alan and Marko on my knees as I grab a water gun full of Holy Water.
I won't use this unless I absolutely have to...
I don't want to kill anyone. But if David hurts anyone I love, I will do it.
Marko glances at me, as if he read my mind. "Remember, we need him alive."
I nod, before Edgar's voice speaks up.
"Remember, vampires will always try to take you down with them. Don't underestimate them," he grabs a stake and squeezes it in his hands. "Some go quietly, some go loud. Some implode, some explode. But don't let your guard down."
"Thanks for the moving speech," I say sarcastically, which makes Alan snicker before groaning from being elbowed by Edgar.
Sam looks at me. "What should we expect?"
"Chaos," Marko breathes, making Sam's eyes widen.
Fear floods my chest.
This is going to be one dangerous night.
Marko takes my hand and squeezes it, and his touch gives me a little comfort.
I'm not in this alone, I have friends, my boyfriend, my sister...
It's going to be okay.
I'm doing this for my sister.
For Star to come back home, to be with our family, to be human again.
Ten silent minutes pass, and each time I hear the clock tick it makes me jump slightly.
The silence is driving me insane. We're waiting for ruthless monsters to come to us, and we're practically sitting ducks in this house.
It's nerve racking.
In the kitchen, I hear a screech of glass against class, quick and short.
I look behind me, fear flooding my stomach, making me feel sick.
"They're here..."
Marko looks at me, nodding as he stands up slowly.
I follow him.
Sam, Edgar, and Alan get up too, but they trail behind, eyes scanning there surroundings, expecting the worst.
Marko and I slowly make our way in the kitchen, only to see that there's nothing there.
But...the window is open.
My eyes widen.
We forgot to lock that one...
I slowly turn to look at Marko, only to see a pair of catlike eyes lurking in the shadows behind him.
He quickly looks behind him as Paul reaches out to attack.
Marko dodges it, grabbing my hand and running out of the kitchen.
"Upstairs!" He shouts, running up those steps with me beside him and Edgar and Alan and Sam behind us.
I hear Paul's sinister laughter behind us as he emerges from the kitchen and follows us up the steps.
"We're coming for you!" He shouts, reaching the top before Marko front kicks him back down the steps.
It gives us a ten second advantage, and that's when we spilt.
If Paul is here, then David must be nearby.
We need to be as quiet as possible, and wait for them to come to us.
Only then, can we get the sneak attack.
Sam goes into the room with Star and Michael, while Alan and Edgar run to the bathroom to hide, and me and Marko go to the closet to hide.
Marko closes the door, but leaves a small crack so that we can see outside.
It's dead silent now.
Marko glances down at me.
I didn't realize we were so pushed against each other in this closet.
My cheeks blush bright pink, and he chuckles quietly under his breath, a smirk on his face.
I peek through the small crack, and I see Paul crawling back up the stairs and coming towards us, eyes scanning every inch of the room we're in.
I hold my breath.
He walks past us, and his back is facing us.
The perfect moment to strike.
Marko slowly opens the door, and I quietly step out, sack and rope in my hand.
All I need to do is throw the sack over his face, and wrap the rope around his arms, tying them to his waist and chest.
Easy enough, right?
I'll have barely five seconds to do everything right, and I only have one chance.
Marko shakes his head at me, telling me not to do it, but I ignore him.
I clutch the rope in my hands.
I slowly tip toe my way to Paul, closer and closer to his back, heart pounding out of my chest as I hold my breath.
I'm getting closer...almost there.
Right when I try to throw the sack over his head, he instantly turns around.
I scream.
Paul laughs, chasing after me as I run away screaming.
"You're mine!" Paul laughs hysterically, getting closer and closer to me by the step.
I refuse to look behind me.
I reach the top of the steps right when Paul's hand reaches out to grab me.
"Use the water gun!"
I turn around, and in those short seconds, I shoot water in his face two times.
He screams, doubling over as his hands raise and cover his face.
I stand there, hyperventilating on the top of the steps.
When Paul looks at me, I see the burn marks on his cheeks.
Suddenly, his face is covered by the black sack.
I look up to see Marko tackling him on his chest, tying his hands behind his back and tying his feet together.
Paul screams the entire time.
I gasp, realizing everything that's happening.
Marko looks up at me, panic written all over his face.
I run to him, hugging him.
Thank goodness we're okay...
But the danger isn't over yet.
We only got Paul...
Where is David?
Marko grabs Paul and drags him into the closet, shutting and locking the door.
Paul screams disgusting words the entire time.
Edgar and Alan run up. "You okay?!"
"Yeah!" I say, out of breath from all the adrenaline and fear pulsing through my veins.
Star comes running out of her room with Michael behind her.
What is she doing?!
"Star!" I go to her, "what are you doing?! Go back to the room!"
She opens her mouth to speak, before we hear a low growl sound off in the room, causing us all to freeze.
It's David.
I share a quick look at everyone before we do one big circle, eyes scanning the room, searching for David.
Star is beside me, and I grab her hand and squeeze it.
It's going to be okay.
She looks at me as of she read my thoughts, and she nods.
"How sweet," David says, still hidden, his voice circling around us. "Three children whose entire image is a facade. One nutless loser who stole the heart of my Mate. My traitor for a brother-"
Marko growls.
"And little Luna," he chuckles. "All the people I want in the same room? How splendid for me."
"Show yourself Dead Breath!" Edgar shouts, but his hands are shaking.
David laughs. "You wanna fight me? You won't survive for three seconds."
Suddenly, he appears behind us.
We all jump back, but me and Marko stand in the front, arms thrown out to protect the ones behind us.
David smirks at us, stepping closer, pushing us into the corner.
"So much food..." He licks his lips, "I'll have enough dinner for a week."
My stomach churns.
David catches my gaze. "Ah, the girl I'm after," he reaches out to touch my cheek, but Marko smacks his hand away.
"You stay away from her!" He growls, but David laughs.
Fear floods my chest.
"Why don't we make this simple?" David looks at us, hands clasped. "Give me Luna. And I'll let you go."
"Bite me," Sam snarks.
Such a wrong choice of words.
David's eyes widen in joy. "With pleasure."
He pushes me and Marko out of the way, aiming for Sam's neck, but Michael cuts in and punches David right in the jaw.
From there, it's pure chaos.
Alan tries to hit David with a chair, but David dodges it, sending Alan across the room.
Alan hits the stone stove, shouting in pain as he lays limp on the ground.
I scream his name.
David tries to attack Edgar, but Marko stops it, throwing himself in the fight.
"Take them upstairs!" Marko yells at me, fighting to keep David away from us.
Michael scoops Alan up, and me, Star, Sam, and Edgar run up the steps into Michael's room.
I lock the door behind us, and Michael rushes to the bed, laying Alan down.
Star is hyperventilating.
Edgar is panicking.
And Alan is knocked out.
I look at all of them. Marko doesn't stand a chance against David alone.
I need to go to him.
"Everyone stay here!" I throw the door open and run outside, hearing Star scream my name as I run down the steps back into the living room where Marko is fighting David.
For a moment, it looks like Marko has the upper hand in the fight, and might actually succeed.
But the tides turn, and fast.
David elbows Marko in the face, before grabbing him by his shirt and throwing him against the stove, just like he did to Alan.
Only this time, Marko hits his spine.
I scream, panic seizing me.
Everything around me disappears, and I obliviously run to him.
He lays knocked out on the floor, and I shake him.
"Wake up! For the love of God please wake up!"
He won't move.
David chuckles behind me, wiping the blood off his lower lip.
"It's your turn."
He grabs me by my hair, dragging me across the floor.
I kick and scream, squirming to get his hands off of me.
I have no water gun, no sack, no rope...nothing.
Suddenly, I hear a female scream, running up to David with a metal rod that you use to move logs in a fireplace.
Star aims for his head, but as she lifts her arms, David let's me go and grabs her by the chest, pushing her away from him.
She falls on her knees, but gets right back up, a fierce and dangerous look in her eyes.
I scramble on my feet, before David punches Star in the temple, which sends her to the floor, limp.
"STAR!" I scream. I try to go to her, but David's eyes lock on mine, keeping me frozen in place.
He grabs me by the neck and lifts me in the air, choking me.
I fight for air, kicking, squirming, but by the second, I feel the air leave my lungs.
David breathes heavily. "And now, it's time to finish you."
He laughs viciously, shaping into his vampire form and aiming for my vein.
I close my eyes.
This is it. This is the end...
I'm going to die.
Star is going to die.
We're all done for...
I failed them all...
Suddenly, I'm dropped to the floor, and David falls beside me, eyes shut.
I gasp for air, clutching my neck where his nails dug in my skin.
David lays knocked out beside me.
What happened?
I look up, and see Dwayne standing there. His forehead is cut and bleeding, and he has a black eye.
He looks like he just got out of a bad fight, but I couldn't be more happier to see him.
My jaw drops, and he looks down at me.
"Bastard," he nods at David.
Instantly, I get up on my feet, pulling him into a tight, long hug, crying in his chest tears of joy, of fear...
He hugs me back, hands running up and down my back.
"It's over," he whispers, "we're safe."
I nod, my face a tearful mess, before my eyes catch Star lying on the ground.
I kneel to her side, shaking her gently. "Star?"
Oh god please don't be hurt.
She rolls over, eyes opening slowly.
Relief floods my chest.
"Luna," she sits up gently, before breaking down in sobs.
I hug her, crying in her shoulder.
"How could you do that?!" I pull away and shake her shoulders, "you've could've been killed!"
"I couldn't just let you get hurt," she cries, "you're my sister!"
"Star..." I pull her into a tight hug, afraid that I'll lose her if I let go.
"We're safe now," I whisper, squeezing her extra tight. "We're okay..."
We're alive.
With Dwayne's help, we tied David down in the chair, surrounding him with wooden stakes and setting a pool of Holy Water beneath his feet.
If he acts up, he'll either get staked, or fall in the pool of Holy Water.
Marko stands in front of him as we wait for David to wake back up.
Now, it's time for the name of the Head Vampire.
Once we have that name, this nightmare will be over with for good.
Everything will be back to normal...
David's eyes flutter open, and widen when he sees what he's surrounded by, and who stands in front of him.
Marko grabs him by the collar of his shirt.
"Whose the Head Vampire?"
David chuckles, "like I'll tell you."
Marko punches him, and the sound of bone on bone makes me jump slightly.
David spits out a mouthful of blood, glaring at Marko.
"You traitor."
"Who is the Head Vampire?" Marko repeats, but it only leads to David throwing a smart ass remark, and him getting punched again.
He groans.
"We can do this all night," Marko points out, but David laughs.
"Try me," he smirks, and with that, it all repeats.
After five minutes of not getting anything out of him and Marko's fist getting bloody, I grab his arm to prevent another blood curdling hit to the jaw.
"We don't want to break his jaw!" I point out, "we need to keep him conscious and without a broken mouth to tell us about the Head Vampire."
"Fuck off," he snarks, and Marko lashes out.
If I wasn't standing there, it would've been messy.
Finally, I break the two of them up and push Marko again.
"You're tactics aren't working," I say, "there needs to be another way to handle this."
Star steps up. "Tell us who it is." She says through clenched teeth, her hands turned into tight fists by her side.
He smiles. There isn't a single white tooth I can see, it's all red from blood.
"Never..." He whispers.
Dread fills my stomach.
We have limited time before the sun comes out, and I don't know how much longer Star has before she...
I sigh, sitting down. "What are we gonna do?"
Marko sits beside me. "We'll get the name, even if we have to beat him to a bloody pulp," he shoots a glare at David, but David only shrugs.
I open my mouth to speak, before Dwayne steps out of the bathroom and approaches us.
"I know who the Head Vampire is."
All eyes fall on him.
"You do?" Star asks.
"Who is it?"
"How do you know?"
"Where is he?"
All voices fill the room, asking a billion questions at once.
Dwayne raises a hand to shush them, before his eyes fall on me.
"His name is Max," he says, "more commonly know as, the owner of Max's video store on the boardwalk."
Dread fills my stomach.
When I first moved to Santa Carla, I tried to get a job there, only to be denied when he gave the job to Michael's mom instead.
Michael's eyes widen, and Sam goes pale.
"Our dating...the Head Vampire," he whispers, holding a hand over his stomach. "I think I'm gonna be sick."
That I didn't know.
Star looks at me. "Luna?"
I stand up, my knees shaking.
Marko stands up as well. "Then that's where I'll go."
I look at him. "You are not going alone."
"Luna, it's dangerous," he turns to me, "I don't want you to get hurt."
"Fuck that," I say sharply, "I'm going."
"So am I," Star steps in, smiling softly.
"Me too," Michael goes to Star's side.
Dwayne sighs. "I'll stay here and keep an eye on the boys and David. Go get the Head Vampire."
I nod, going to the door before Dwayne's calloused hand falls on my shoulder.
I look at him.
"Please be careful," he whispers.
I smile. "Don't worry, we'll be fine."
Marko, Star, Michael and I go downstairs and head outside to our bikes.
Ready or not, here we come Max.
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