Ch. 31 *Preperation*
With enough persuasion, and lies about who Marko and Star are, I managed to get Edgar and Alan to follow us to Michael's house.
Edgar immediately had his suspicions when it came to Marko, but I convinced him that me and Marko are humans, and that we stumbled into the vampires cave and disrupted them, leading to them chasing after us.
Though the truth is far darker.
We pull up to Michael's house, and I climb off with Edgar and Alan behind me, dressed in there army green with stakes tied behind there backs, and black face paint over there eyes.
I run up the doorsteps, looking at Marko as he holds my still asleep sister.
I can't stop panicking over her.
The door opens, and it's Michael.
This was our only chance...
And by now, the sun is reaching it's peak.
If he refuses, we're seriously screwed.
"Luna? He looks at me, before his eyes widen when he sees Star.
I push past him, leading Marko inside and telling him to go upstairs and put Star on a bed.
"Luna what is going on?!" Michael shouts right when Sam runs downstairs with his dog Nanook by his side.
I glance between the two of them. "Guys please, we need your help."
"What the fuck is this about Luna?!" Michael shouts, a fury taking over his face that I've never seen before.
Where do I begin to tell this story without sounding like a complete idiot?
I sigh, and start from the beginning.
I tell Michael everything, about how Star is really my sister, about how The Lost Boys are vampires, and that David is coming after us.
The whole time, Michael looks like he wants to laugh in my face, but he keeps his lips shut tight.
Sam's eyes widen. "Mike," he grabs his brothers arm, "she's one of them!"
"No I'm not!" I shout, before remembering that Star is upstairs.
I don't wait for Sam to argue with me, I run up the steps, Michael hot on my heels.
I push open the door, seeing Star laying on her back on Michael's bed, eyes closed shut.
She looks like Princess Aurora... asleep, waiting for something or someone to come and wake her up from her curse.
I approach Marko. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah," he nods, hands reaching up and grabbing my arms, "are you?"
"Kind of," I whisper, hugging him tightly.
This whole entire time has been... chaotic.
If I could rewind time, I would have taken action sooner, before Star could lose more pieces of herself to this god-damn curse that should be a myth.
I would have changed everything.
Michael falls to Star's side, his hand reaching up to brush aside her hair. "What's wrong with her?" He looks at me, panic written all over his face.
That's when I see the love in his eyes.
Love, for Star.
"She's dying," I say, the words making me break down in sobs, fighting to keep a scream in.
His eyes widen. "What do you mean she's dying?! Do something!"
"There's nothing we can do," Marko says, his arm tightening around my waist comfortingly.
I wipe my eyes, shuddering. "There way. But," I look at Marko, and he looks at me.
It's time to tell him.
I take Marko's hand. "Excuse us," and with that, we leave the room, shutting the door behind us.
"Luna?" He asks, "what's going on?"
I sigh, wrapping my arms around myself.
The moment of truth.
Do I lose my boyfriend, the boy I love, to save my sister?
Or do I lose my sister, just to be with him?
"Luna?" He asks, breaking my train of thought.
I look at him. "If we kill the Head Vampire, Star will go back to being human."
There it is. The words are spoken. Now it's time for the reaction.
His eyes widen. "The Head Vampire. But..." He begins to stutter. "Th- that means-"
"It means you won't be a vampire anymore," I whisper.
He stares at me.
I look away from his eyes, afraid that there judging me.
"You have to understand," I begin to say, voice cracking from pain, "I don't want to lose my sister, but I don't want to take away what you love. I-"
Suddenly, his mouth falls on mine, kissing me deeply.
My eyes are wide open in shock, and my knees go weak.
Why is he kissing me?!
He pulls away, thumbs caressing my face.
"M-Marko?" I ask.
He kisses me again, lingering close to my face when he pulls away.
All of this is confusing me.
"Through thick and thin," he whispers, smiling softly.
Joy rises in my chest.
I laugh, hugging him and kissing him again.
His arms wrap around my waist, spinning me.
"But," he stops, setting me back down. "I don't know who the Head Vampire is."
My chest sinks.
I clutch his arms, staring at his face, searching for the answers he can't give me.
"Bu-but," I stutter, "how?!"
"David never told me who he was..." He starts to say, before his eyes widen, realization sinking in.
I furrow my brow. "Marko?"
He stares at me, his grip tightening. "But I know how we'll find out," he whispers, "David is going to find us, tonight. We need to somehow grab him, without killing him or him killing us, and we need to get him to tell us who the Head Vampire is."
Hope rises in my chest.
"Are you sure it'll work?" I ask, hesitation in my voice.
I've had so much hope for so many things, only for my hope to be crushed like a bug.
He nods. "It's the only chance we have," he whispers, before his eyes glance outside at the sun that's beginning to shine.
My eyes widen. "Quickly," I bring him back inside the room, where Michael sits beside Star, and Sam, Edgar, and Alan stare out the window, patrolling.
All eyes fall on me and Marko.
"What do we do?" Sam asks.
I inhale a breath.
"We stay and fight," I say, squeezing Marko's hand, "David is the question mark. He's dangerous, unpredictable, but we all need to work together as a team. We need to contain David, and get information out of him."
"What kind of info?" Edgar asks, arms crossed as he leans against the wall.
I look at him. "A name. The person who is the Head Vampire."
"Head Vampire?" Sam asks, as he perks up slightly. "There's a Head Vampire?"
"Of course," Marko chimes in, "once we find and kill him, David will lose all his vampire abilities, going back to being human. And Star will survive."
Michael sits a little straighter when he hears that.
"So what are we waiting for?" He asks.
"It's daylight," I point out, "but we have limited time."
I point at Sam, Edgar, and Alan. "You three, you're coming with me."
Both Edgar and Alan come to my side, no back talk, no question asked.
Except for Sam.
"Where are we going?" He asks, following us down the steps and outside.
"We need supplies. Protection," I climb on my bike, starting it, "we can't face a powerful vampire with no way to protect ourselves."
"Smart," Alan points out, but Edgar rolls his eyes.
"Everyone knows that," he grumbles, frustrated that he didn't come up with the idea first.
Once we all get on our bikes, we begin to drive down the road, heading towards Santa Carla town.
We aren't going down without a fight David...
Not in this lifetime.
I can't stop staring at her.
She hasn't moved once, and for anyone, they'd believe her to be dead.
But she's breathing...barely.
I lean over, holding a hand to her neck to feel her heartbeat.
It beats once...twice...three times.
At a dangerously low rate.
It's just me, mostly. Marko hid in the only dark place we have.
The closet.
But beside that, it's just me and Star.
I can't believe I said all those hurtful things to her.
She was scared, and she needed help.
And me being an asshole, I pushed her away, saying I never wanted to see her again.
How could I have been so awful?
Suddenly, she groans, opening her eyes.
She's okay!
She looks around, confusion written on her face.
"Where am I?" She sees me, "Michael?"
"Hey beautiful," I whisper, feeling like I'm about to break down in tears of joy.
She's awake...thank God.
"Where's Luna?" She sits up, but I push her back down, gently.
"She went to Santa Carla to get supplies," I whisper, before telling Star the same story Luna told me.
Her eyes widen, and her lips part.
She looks down at her lap. "He's coming for me, isn't he?"
I sigh. "He's coming for all of us," I whisper, before Star begins to cry.
I look at her.
She hides her face with her hands, sniffling beneath them.
"I'm so sorry, Michael," she says, her voice cracking, "if you hadn't met me, if I hadn't liked you-"
"No," I take her hands into mine, lowering them so that I can see her gorgeous face.
She stares at me, tears streaming down her face.
"I'm glad I met you," I caress her cheek, "do you know how dull my life would be without you? You've shined a light in my dark world, Star. You made me feel alive again," I cup her face in my hands, "I don't care what you are. I can't live without you. And if it means I become a vampire myself, so be it."
I kiss her. "I love you, Star." I whisper, "I should have told you that long ago..."
"Michael," her eyes begin to water again. "I love you, too."
I smile, hugging her tightly.
This is my one and only girl.
And no body is going to take her away from me.
We ran from store to store, gathering supplies.
Rope, water guns, and more wooden stakes.
It took me half an hour to convince Alan and Edgar that garlic is useless against The Lost Boys, though they tried to say otherwise.
Finally, when our argument was over and I was proven right, we ride our bikes to a church.
"Are you sure this is a good idea?" I ask as we park our bikes.
What were about to do for some Holy Water is seriously disrespectful to our God.
"It's the only source of Holy Water," Edgar runs up the steps with Alan right behind him.
I follow behind them, embarrassed, with Sam beside me.
All three boys run inside, filling there water guns with Holy Water.
I only watch them, but at the same time, trying to hide my face from the judging eyes the church people are giving me.
We're stealing Holy Water...on a Sunday.
A group of two wanna be army kids, one fashion victim, and one 'hippie' girl.
But the worst part was when Alan waved at them, as if what he did was totally legal.
I roll my eyes as we run to our bikes, getting on and driving away before the old people can come after us with torches and pickforks.
It's time to head back.
The sun is almost touching the mountain.
Once it reaches the's open game.
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