Ch. 24 *Someone In The Shadows*
*1 week later*
After dinner with my family, I decided to go to the boardwalk to see if I can find Star, or possibly Marko.
I've seen Marko a few times since that night we became boyfriend/girlfriend. But they were quick hello's, a couple kisses, and then goodbyes.
We agreed to keep our relationship for the time being a secret from David and the others.
Though when it comes to my parents...
How in the world will I tell them that my first boyfriend is a vampire?
They would never believe it.
That or they would keep us apart...
I can already hear my Mother's ranting...
Things just got a little more complicated for me.
But for Star, it's even worse.
"You're what?!" I shout, before Star quicky shushes me, throwing a hand over my mouth before looking around at our surroundings for unwanted ears.
I push her hand away annoyed.
Star sighs. "Yes, it's true. I'm dating Michael."
My jaw drops.
How long has this been going on?!
And what about David finding out?!
As if she read my mind, she begins to answer all my questions.
"I started dating Michael the night of my birthday, and I've managed to keep it secret for three months. And as for David..." She pinches the tips of her fingers, biting her bottom lip.
I raise an eyebrow.
"Surprisingly, he hasn't touched me, nor told me that he loves me since that night of the birthday," she smiles softly, "he told me that he doesn't want to force me to do anything that I don't want to do."
She takes my hands. "Isn't it wonderful?"
No, it's not wonderful.
It's seriously suspicious.
Why would David suddenly drop everything...right when Star and Michael become a couple?
It screams suspicion.
As if he knows about there relationship.
Still, Star is happy, and she's smiling so wide.
I don't want to put something in Star's head that's most likely not true.
I nod, smiling as well.
"I'm happy for the both of you."
She giggles, twirling a strand of her curly hair as her cheeks blush bright pink.
This is her first real boyfriend.
I'm so happy to see that she's happy...
"And you?" Star asks, breaking me from my train of thought, "anything exciting?"
I almost tell her about my relationship with Marko, but I bite my tongue.
He asked me to keep it a secret, and I don't want to break his trust.
I shake my head. "Nope, nothing new."
She purses her lips, and I glance at the watch on my wrist, gasping at the time.
Shit it's late! I need to get back home!
"Luna?" She furrows her brow.
I look at her. "I'm sorry I need to go, but..." I trail off, swallowing.
This is something that's been on my mind for months.
And now I think it's time that she sees it.
She stares at me in silence, and I gently take her hand.
"I want to show you something."
I follow the dirt road until pulling off and going down the private driveway that leads to my home.
Star sits behind me, arms wrapped around my waist to keep her balanced as I speed away on my moterbike.
Soon, we're in front of my house.
I get off and motion her to follow me to the window that's hidden by the brush.
"Luna," Star wraps her arms around herself uncomfortably.
"Why are we-"
"Shh," I wave her towards the little spot beside me where she can peak through to see inside. "Be quiet, they're right there."
Her eyes widen, and her lips part.
She hasn't seen Mom and Dad in the flesh since the day she ran away...
Slowly, she goes to her knees beside me, peering through the little cracks to see Mom sitting by the table reading, and Dad pulling out a bottle of wine for them to drink.
They look at peace right now.
Star raises a hand, fingers delicately running down the glass as she stares at Mom and Dad for what seems like an eternity.
I glance at her.
Her eyes water. "I never thought I'd see them again," she sniffles, tears streaming down her face before she looks at me.
I reach over and hug her, and she sobs into my shoulder.
For half an hour, I sit out that window, watching my Mom and Dad drink some wine and conversate among themselves.
They look so much like they did when I ran away.
But still, I see the aging process beginning to take place in there faces.
At some point, Luna went inside.
Immediately, Mom and Dad greeted her with a hug and kiss. Just like they used to do to me.
My chest aches.
They look so happy together...
Luna glances at me before she disappears up the staircase, and
Mom and Dad stand there in the living room.
Mom hugs Dad, and I can hear her quiet sobs.
She's crying...
Over me...
I throw a hand over my mouth, standing up and running away from that house out into the middle of the dark forest.
I put that pain on my poor parents, my parents who only wanted the best for me.
I paid them back by making them suffer the loss of there eldest daughter.
I slam myself onto my knees and let out a blood curdling scream. One that rips me from the inside out.
How could I have been so selfish?
How could I throw away my family and for what?!
For nothing!
I bring my hands to my face, wiping the tears and leaving behind dirt streaks.
Even if I find a way to break this curse and become human, would my parents want me back?
Would they forgive me?
Or would they see me as the selfish brat who took family for granted and made them hurt for going on seven years...
I don't know if I can bear for that...
Suddenly, a sharp pain slices through my chest, making me cry out and throw a hand over my heart.
I gasp, breathing heavily as the pain worsens.
My heart is beating uncontrollably.
" no no," I whisper, squeezing my eyes shut. "Don't feel this. Don't let it take over. Don't give in."
I repeat those words over and over again in my head for several minutes, until the pain lessens and my heart rate is back to normal.
I'm panting, out of breath as my hand falls away from my chest.
It's happening...
The vampire inside of me, fighting to take over.
Each passing month, it gets worse.
The only thing that helps keep it controlled are the people I care and love.
My family, my sister.
And recently, Michael.
Still, I've been fighting this for so long.
And I don't know how much longer I go before I become weak and it takes control over me.
At some point, I looked outside to see if Star was still there.
But the spot where she sat was empty.
She must've went back to the cave for the night.
It's already late, 2:00 in the morning, and when I should be sleeping, I'm out in the forest behind my house taking a walk.
It's silly, I know. But I can't help it.
I needed some air to help clear my head of these hundreds of thoughts that swarm my mind all at once.
I think about Mom and Dad, about Star, and about Marko.
All important people in my life, but at the same time, I risk losing.
I could lose both Star and Marko if there secret is uncovered.
And mentally and spirituality, I could lose Mom and Dad.
I sigh, pushing aside my hair that blows in the cool night air.
Throughout these months of feeling overjoyed with the fact that I found my sister, I'm now at the point where the 'What If's' are starting to hit deep.
If my parents decide to leave Santa Carla, I'll never see Star again, or Marko...
But can I keep going on like this forever?
A twig snaps beside.
I flip around, staring at where I heard the sound.
Of course, the forest is noisy at night. It's just...most likely an animal, that's all.
Like a squirrel.
Still, as I keep walking, I can't help but get the feeling that something is watching me.
Suddenly, something runs behind me.
I gasp, spinning around so fast that I nearly fall over.
It's silent.
"Hello?" I call, before something rustles in the bushes beside me.
Every time I try to look, another rustle or sound of feet pull me away that spot and go to another.
Something is surrounding me.
And it's LOUD.
I back up slowly, heart pounding out of my chest.
I have no weapon to defend myself, what if I'm face to face with a predator?
What if I die and no one finds me.
My back touches something firm but soft.
I scream, flipping around, expecting to be face to face with the one making all this noise.
But instead, it's Marko.
"M-Marko," I exhale shakily, relief flooding my chest so much that it hurts.
He must have been the one making all that noise.
Yes...that must be it.
He furrows his brow, hands on my arms. "Are you okay? What are you doing out here?"
A certain tone sinks in his voice, one that screams PROTECT.
I try to smile to assure him that everything is fine, and not to make a big deal out of it.
"I'm fine. I just wanted to go for a walk."
"At this hour?" He raises an eyebrow, before shaking his head, wrapping his arm around me. "Come on, I'll take you home."
I gently touch his arm as we walk towards the direction of home.
I'm safe, I say to myself, there's nothing to be frightened of.
Still, I feel something watching us...
What the fuck was David doing there?
I pace the cave floor, hands in my pockets.
I took Luna home and made absolute sure that she was safe in her room before I went back to the cave.
What was she even thinking going out that late?!
There are predators, Surf Nazis, and countless other threats!
I clench a fist.
I'm glad I found her before something happened.
If Luna got hurt...or went missing...
I won't be held accountable for what I'd do to those who may have done something to Luna.
Still, the fact that DAVID was there...
I glance around the cave, no one is here. It's just me.
Still, I await there return.
David has some explaining to do when he gets back.
One being why the hell was he stalking my Mate?
I sigh.
Luna was really freaked out, as if he had been messing with her for a while.
David is unpredictable.
And the fact that I found him, hidden in the brush, eyes locked entirely on her...
Something isn't right.
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