Erron Black--drunk or sober--was a heavy sleeper. So even he was suprised when he woke up to numerous footsteps and a strange voice from downstairs.
He was going to shrug it off as the Kahn being drunk and go back to bed; if it wasn't for a feeling he had.
Erron is a no-nonsense, gunslinger from the Old West, and he was above superstitions such as sixth senses. However, this was a different matter entirely; his outlaw instincts told him he wasn't alone in his western-style room.
Grabbing one of his revolvers off of a nearby nightstand, he calmly announced, "I know you're in here. Best show yourself." There was no answer, but he could've sworn he heard a barely audible exhale of breath.
Just in case, he shot in that general direction three times.
He didn't hear a cry of pain or the slumping of a dead body and he didn't see anyone in the light of the gunflash.
Hmm. Must have been my imagination. That's...never happened before.
But before he could lay back down to return to his slumber, he felt cold steel on his throat and spine.
"Hello, Black," a soft, feminine voice whispered in Erron's ear. It only took him a few seconds to deduce who it was.
"Hello, Tanya," he said casually, trying to think of ways out of this one, "it's been too long." He looked down to see one of the Edenian's bladed tonfas on his throat. He guessed the other was on his back, ready to pierce his spinal chord if he made any threatening movements. He also guessed she was standing on his bed's headstand; the Edenian was like an acrobat, she could do the most impossible things with her body, and if she wasn't one of Mileena's last few followers, Erron probably would have liked to find out what else it could do. Her yellow similar-to-a-bikini clothing made her all the more tempting. But for now he had to find out how he was going to kill her from this position.
"Put the gun down," she said smoothly pressing the blade harder into his flesh. He reluctantly dropped the weapon with an annoyed sigh.
Well that's out, he thought. He had other weapons, but his other revolver was on his nightstand along with his hat and mask. His Winchester rifle was hung up on the wall opposite him. If I could get out of this predicament...
And lastly, his sword that he made out of a Tarkatan arm blade was nowhere to be seen; probably under his bed.
"Well, what are ya' waitin' for?" Black asked, annoyed that he couldn't think of a way out.
"Just wanted to see the hope seep out of you," Tanya replied ready to kill him and move on to the next room and next victim.
Erron Black slumped his head forward in defeat.
"That's it," cooed Tanya, "that's what I wanted to s-"
Before she could finish, Erron slammed his head backwards, straight into the Edenian's face. Seizing his chance, he spins out of her grip and jumps off the bed heading straight for his rifle.
By then, Tanya had realized what was happening and threw one of her tonfas in Black's direction.
It barely missed him and stuck into the wall between his hand and the rifle. Black quickly grabbed the rifle and fired twice at Tanya, who cartwheeled out of the way towards the door to his room.
Aiming quickly, Erron fired at the acrobat again. She once again dodged the shot and kicked the cowboy's door open and backflipped through it. She stood there in a stance ready to either dodge more gunshots or engage Erron Black in kombat. Black eyes met white pupilless ones as he accepted her challenge.
Twirling the rifle in his hands and grabbing the barrel, Erron approached the Edenian and attempted to beat her with the butt of his gun.
Tanya dodged with a spin similar to a ballerina's and kicked Erron in the back of the head with her yellow high heels. He rolled with the momentum of the kick and, once standing, rubbed the back of his head. He thankfully wasn't bleeding. He glared at the smiling Tanya and growled. He dropped his rifle and swung at Tanya's face. She blocked his punch and kicked directly upwards at his face. Erron blocked it and countered by grabbing the woman's leg with both arms. He then elbowed her hard between the eyes. She fell backwards with a thud.
As she lay on the ground, dazed, Erron turned to grab his rifle. But when he spun around with it at his hip, Tanya was already on her feet again. She gave Erron a side kick to the face that left him sprawled on his back with a deep gash on his cheek.
Before he could hurry to his feet, he was staring down the barrel of his own rifle. Looking a little higher revealed an Edenian with a triumphant smirk on her face.
"Sorry, Erron," she said as though speaking to a baby, "but we're done here."
She cocked the gun and aimed at his face. Erron, not one to beg, glared straight into Tanya's white eyes, cheek bleeding, with an angry grimace on his face.
However, this was not the end of the gunslinging Earthrealm immigrant, for his rescue came in the form of a screaming little kutter.
Ferra didn't have her bladed gauntlets on, but she was ferocious nonetheless. After tackling the oblivious Edenian to the ground, the little girl proceeded to pummel the woman with her tiny, but powerful, fists. By the time she stopped pounding Tanya, out of exhaustion or satisfaction, the damage was done, and the Edenian was knocked unconscious.
Ferra, panting, said, "Ferra hate when ones wake her up from nap nap." She then stood up and helped Erron to his feet. "Bang Bang is bleeding," she stated.
"Don't worry about it, kid," Black said, wiping his face. His hand came back stained red. "Thanks for the help," he added.
"Mhm," Ferra replied nonchalantly, as though he asked if she wanted milk with her cereal. Just then, D'Vorah appeared around the corner.
"What is going on?" she all but shouted, "this one heard noises."
"And I thought I was a heavy sleeper," he said aside to Ferra, "Whatever you wear to war, put it on now," at her confused gaze he gestured to the unconscious Tanya and added, "We're under attack, dammit, get ready to fight!"
Finally understanding the situation, D'Vorah sped off to her room to put on her battle cloak.
He turned to Ferra and said, "Now's a good time to round up Torr, little lady."
The smile on her face was one of pure murderous pleasure.
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