It was dark that night. Not a star shone in the sky. Not a single sound could be heard throughout Hyrule Field. A woman sat near the entrance to Kakariko Village, humming an ancient song taught to her by her parents. It was as if nothing bad could possibly go wrong.
Hyrule was a beautiful place by nightfall, if you knew how to enjoy it. Once the wolf howled announcing the end of the day and the coming of the evening, that's when the Stalchildren pop out from the ground and attack the passerby as a practical joke. The sky was slowly growing darker, and more stars popped out wherever you turned your eye.
Suddenly, smoke arose from Castle Town. Distant screams for help quickly followed. The town began to glow red.
The woman scrambled to her feet, trying not to panic. Her breath came out in huffs as she ran.
My brother's in there.
Meanwhile, a young merchant ushered his wife to safety. She carried a child, a young baby girl, snug in her arms. The man had his arm around her, guiding her safely away from the danger.
But they didn't make it.
No one knows what happened to them that night. A knight found the baby as he fled, and carried it away from the castle. The woman on the hill ran up to him. "Jacob," she panted, "are you okay?"
"Yeah," the knight replied. "Most of us got out, though some may have minor burns."
The woman then noticed the baby he was holding. "What is that?" she asked.
He looked down. "Oh, I don't know. I found her while I was trying to get out. I don't think her parents made it out. No one knows who she belongs to."
"Well, then what are we going to do?"
He sighed. "I honestly don't know, Margaret. Maybe see if someone will take her..." he trailed off and stared at the setting sun.
A few moments passed until Margaret broke the silence. "I'll take her."
"Really? Are you sure?" Jacob inquired.
She took the baby from him and cradled it in her arms. She looked at it for awhile. "Yes," she said. "I will take her."
"Be my guest," he said.
"I'll call her Madeline," Margaret whispered. She said good-bye to her brother and headed carefully back to Kakariko Village.
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