Okay, a lot of people who haven't played the game are asking questions about these, so I guess I need to write an glossary. I can't move the part at the moment, so it's going at the beginning for now. Pronunciations are included for the made-up words from the game.
Now includes pictures
(In alphabetical order)
Boss A person/creature that has taken over a temple or dungeon. Mini bosses guard chests with items and are easier than the main boss. The main boss is the final battle of a temple/dungeon. The defeat of a main includes the progression of the game's story mode as well as a heart container (increases health gauge) in the Legend of Zelda games.
Cucco (kuk-koo) A farm animal - the Hylian chicken. When attacked or threatened, the Cucco calls out to all other Cuccos in the area to counterattack the threat. To attack/harm a Cucco is suicide.
Crystal Chamber A one-room dungeon under the ice of Zora's Domain. Being a dungeon, it has no Sage or warp song. The unofficial Sage of the dungeon is Madeline. Though not existing in-game due to being an internet hoax, I still decided to include it as part of the story.
Death Mountain A mountain: home to the Goron City.
Deku Nut (day-koo or deh-koo) A small brown nut slightly cracked open like a clam to reveal a golden pod in it's center. This is thrown by Link to stun enemies or by Gerudos or Impa to warp from one place to another. When
Deku Scrub (day-koo or deh-koo) An enemy that spits nuts to attack/defend itself by sticking its head out of a hole in the ground. It has a dark head with hair and clothes of red, orange, and yellow leaves. Some scrubs, such as business scrubs (scrubs that sell items when they are hit by a nut) and royal scrubs from Termina have arms.

Deku Tree (day-koo or deh-koo) The tree that watches over the Kokiri children.

Din (dinn) The first Golden Goddess of Power. She created the red earth and is colored a shining red.
Dodongo (duh-dong-goh) A enemy resembling a giant dinosaur that can breath fire. King Dodongo is the boss of the Dodongo's Cavern (see Spiritual Stones) in the games and the Fire Temple in this story.
Dungeon As not to be confused with a temple, a dungeon is a common term used to describe one of the important aspects of a game's story mode. In the Legend of Zelda games, a dungeon is an area that is sectioned apart from the main world. Dungeons include puzzles, enemies, new items, a mini boss, and a boss. Completion results the reward of a heart container (increases your health gauge) and the progression of the story mode. It is similar to a temple, but is often easier and takes less time to complete. In Ocarina of Time, there are three main dungeons (four if you count Ganon's Castle) and three mini dungeons, which are shorter than three main dungeons and have a mini boss instead of a main boss. Link received a spiritual stone upon the completion of each main dungeon. Only one mini dungeon is included as part of this story (see Ice Cavern), plus another, which is an internet hoax (see Crystal Chamber).
Fairy Fountain A sacred fountain: home to Fairy Spirits.
Fairy Spirit A red fairy found in pots and Fairy Fountains that you can keep in a bottle. Once you release it from a bottle, lose all health, or step near it, it will restore you to full health.

Farore (fay-roar) The third Golden Goddess of Courage. She created the people of Hyrule (then "the land of Hylia") and is colored a shining green.
Fire Temple The temple of fire located in the crater of Death Mountain. Darunia (dar-roon-ya - see Goron) is its Sage. Its warp song is the Bolero of Fire.
Forest Temple The temple of forest located in the Lost Woods. Its Sage is Saria (sah-rye-uh or sayr-ree-uh - see Kokiri), and its warp song is the Minuet of Forest.
Freezard (free-zard) An enemy about four and a half feet in height that lives in cold, icy climates and spews ice to freeze its enemies.

Ganondorf (gan-nan-dorf) The king of the Gerudo who wishes to dominate Hyrule. Link's worst enemy.

Gerudo (ger-oo-doh) A race of girls who are trained in combat. They look down upon men and kidnap all trespassers to the Gerudo Fortress. They occasionally travel to Hyrule Castle Town looking for mates. It is theorized that Malon (see Lon Lon Ranch) is a daughter of a Gerudo. Every hundred years, a male Gerudo is born, who is destined to become their king (see Ganondorf).

Gerudo Fortress The home to the members of the Gerudo tribe and the Haunted Wasteland. Located in the west portion of Hyrule Field and north of Gerudo Valley. Also home to Emma and the Sage of Spirit: Nabooru.
Gerudo Valley The valley leading to Gerudo Fortress. Home to a group of carpenders and the bridge where Madeline delivered goods to Emma.
Golden Goddesses The three goddesses who created Hyrule and left behind the Triforce, each piece representing each of their powers (see Din, Farore and Nayru).
Goron (gor-on) A race of tanned creatures who can curl into a ball to resemble a rock.

Goron City Home to most Gorons, the Sage of Fire: Darunia (see Fire Temple), and the Spiritual Stone of Fire. A secret entrance to the Fire Temple lies behind the statue at the back of Darunia's room.
Great Fairy A fairy resembling a large woman with pink, orange, green, yellow, or blue hair. They don't wear much clothes... They grant Link and friends of the Royal Family full health and magic power, as well as a new ability when first met.

Great Fairy Fountain Home to the Great Fairies, this fountain sacred fountain similar to a Fairy's Fountain, but with a bigger walk way. Lying before the fountain is a Triforce symbol.
Green Potion A green potion that grants the drinker full magic power.
Haunted Wasteland A windy desert wasteland - home to a Poe that guides you to the Spirit Temple.
Hylia (high-lee-uh) The sacred goddess of the Hyrule Kingdom. Princess Zelda is her mortal reincarnation.
Hylian (high-lee-an) The humans of Hyrule; mostly inhabitants of Hyrule Castle Town. Also used to describe objects and races in Hyrule.
Hyrule (high-rule) The home to many different creatures and races, such as the Hylians, Zoras, and Gerudo. Named after the goddess Hylia (see Link and Lake Hylia).
Hyrule Castle The home to the Royal Family. Located in the north portion of Hyrule Field.
Hyrule Castle Town The town of many Hylians, located south of Hyrule Castle. Other villages come to trade goods here to be sold, such as Talon from Lon Lon Ranch and Kakariko Village.
Hyrulian (high-rule-ee-an) The inhabitants of Hyrule (excluding humans), such as Zoras, Kokiri, and Gorons.
Hyrule Field The vast terrain located in between all other villages and locations of Hyrule, excluding Lon Lon Ranch.
Ice Cavern The icy dungeon located behind Lord Jabu-Jabu (see Spiritual Stone). This not being a temple, it has no Sage and no warp song. The unofficial Sage of this dungeon is Emma.
Ino (ee-noh) A fairy with a green glow sent by the Deku Tree to aid Madeline on her quest to save Link. Like Navi, Ino's name derives from the word "information." She is not featured in the games.
Kakariko Village (kak-uh-ree-co village) A small, agricultural village located in the northeast portion of Hyrule and the bottom of Death Mountain. Home to the entrance to Death Mountain, Madeline, Margaret, Jacob, and the Cucco Lady.
Kokiri (kuh-keer-ree or co-keer-ree) A race of forest children who never grow up, and eventually fade away to let new Kokiri to live in the forest. They wear green tunics and long green knit caps, and each Kokiri has his/her own guardian fairy to watch over them (see Navi).

Kokiri Forest The forest home to the Kokiri, the Deku Tree, (formerly) Link and Saria (see Forest Temple), and the Lost Woods. The Kokiri Forest is the heart of Hyrule, and if it dies, then so does Hyrule.
Lake Hylia (lake high-lee-uh) The vast lake of Hyrule. Home of the Water Temple, two scarecrows, a fisherman, an old potion-making witch, and a secret entrance to Zora's Domain.
Legend of Zelda (zel-duh) The name of the game series that this story is based on (see Ocarina of Time).
Link A friend of the goddess Hylia (see Hyrule and Lake Hylia) eras ago who had been reincarnated many times over many different eras of time to fight the reincarnations of the evil demon king Demise.

Lon Lon Ranch (lon-lon ranch) A ranch of cows, Cuccos, and horses. Located slightly northwest to the center of Hyrule Field. Home to Ingo (employee), Talon (owner), and Malon (daughter of Talon - see Gerudo).
Lost Woods Part of the Kokiri Forest: anyone who gets lost in these woods without a fairy (see Navi) is turned into a Stalfos, and children are turned into Skull Kids. Home of the Skull Kids, Madeline, and the Forest Temple.
Master Sword Also known as the Blade of Evil's Bane, the Master Sword is the entrance to the Sacred Realm, and only one worthy of the title, "the Hero of Time" can lay hand on it. It rests in the Pedestal of Time, located in the Temple of Time Door of Time (see Temple of Time), which can only be opened by use of the three Spiritual Stones, the Ocarina of Time (see Ocarina), and by playing the Song of Time. No evil can lay hands on it.

Navi (naw-vee) The fairy sent by the Deku Tree to Link as a child to aid him in his quest. She is basically a fairy spirit with a white glow instead of red. Her name derives from the word "navigator," as she is the one who informs Link about enemies and gives him clues on where to go next.
Nayru (nay-roo) The second Golden Goddess of Wisdom. She created the law of the world of Hyrule and is colored a shining blue.
Ocarina (oc-uh-ree-nah) A real-life instrument made up of a mouthpiece, one or two sound holes, and a certain number of holes. It is mainly made up of 4-28 holes, and the material of ceramic, wood, pottery, glass, metal, iron, or plastic.
Ocarina of Time A blue, seven hole ocarina with the Triforce painted on a silver band around the mouthpiece. "Ocarina of Time" is also the name of the Zelda game in which this story is based upon.

Peahat A gigantic, flying leafy plant with long, whipping leaves that allow it to float through the air and slice its enemies.

Raunadusk Tree (rah-nuh-duhsk) A tree that grows in Hyrule Field. Wolves and Stalchildren hate the scent of these trees. As a result, they may be used to hide from such enemies at night. Wood from this tree is ground into particles of dust and drawn at the edges of paths leading to Hyrule Castle to protect late-night travelers. These trees do not exist in the games. Though trees are found around Hyrule Field in the game, they are left unnamed.
Royal Family The rulers and soldiers of Hyrule and the inhabitants of Hyrule Castle. Members include Jacob, Link's father, Zelda, Impa (see Shadow Temple), and the King of Hyrule.
Red Potion A red potion that grants the drinker health and strength after injury.
Sacred Realm A realm accessed by the Master Sword that is home to the Triforce. Later, in the Era without a Hero, known as the Evil Realm, as Ganondorf has been imprisoned inside. Also home of the Temple of Light and the Chamber of the Sages.
Sage The creators of Hyrule and their reincarnations. They watch over the inhabitants of Hyrule as well as their individual temples.
Shadow Temple The temple of shadow. Its warp song is the Nocturne of Shadow, and Impa (im-pah - see Sheikah) is its Sage.
Sheik (sheek) A male Sheikan who teaches and has taught Link the warp songs using his harp. He is actually Princess Zelda in disguise.

Sheikah (shee-kah) A tribe of warriors loyal to the Royal Family. Some members include Sheik and Impa (see Shadow Temple).
Spirit Temple The temple of spirit located at the end of the Haunted Wasteland. Its Sage is Nabooru (Nay-boo-roo - see Gerudo). Its warp song is the Requiem of Spirit.
Stalchildren (stall-chill-dren or stail-chill-dren) Dead skeletal children who rise from the ground at night and attack the passersby of Hyrule Field for fun. They hate salt and bugs.
Stalfos (stall-fohce or stahl-fos) Dead skeletal men who live in dungeon and temples. They carry a sword and shield. People who get lost in the Lost Woods without a fairy (see Navi) turn into a Stalfos.
Spiritual Stones Three shining stones (of forest, fire, and water) given to Link in order to open the Door of Time (see Temple of Time), along with the Ocarina of Time (see Ocarina). One is given to him by the Deku Tree (see Kokiri Forest) for lifting the curse placed on him, one by Darunia (see Fire Temple and Goron City) for killing King Dodongo in the Dodongo's Cavern (see Death Mountain) so the Gorons could eat the rocks there without risking their lives, and one by Princess Ruto for retrieving the stone from Lord Jabu-Jabu's belly (the patron deity of the Zoras), saving her from the monster, and "agreeing" to marry her.

Temple As not to be confused with a dungeon, a temple is a common term used to describe one of the important aspects of a game's story mode. In the Legend of Zelda games, a temple is an area that is sectioned apart from the main world. Temples include puzzles, enemies, new items, two mini bosses, and a boss. Completion results the reward of a heart container (increases your health gauge) and the progression of the story mode. It is similar to a dungeon, but is often more difficult and takes more time to complete. In Ocarina of Time, there are six main temples (seven if you count Ganon's Castle). Each temple is overseen by a Sage.
Temple of Light The home of the Chamber of the Sages, and former home to the Triforce. Located in the Sacred Realm. Can only be entered by pulling the Master Sword from the Pedestal of Time (see Master Sword). Being a temple outside of Hyrule, it has no warp song. Its Sage is Rauru (raw-roo), who is also the owl, Kaepora Gaebora (kay-pour-uh gay-bore-uh), who helped Link in both of his quests as a child.
Temple of Time The home of the Master Sword: the entrance to the Sacred Realm, the Temple of Light, the Door of Time, and the Chamber of the Sages (see Temple of Light). The warp song for the temple is the Prelude of Light. The Sage of this temple is most likely Zelda (see Sheik and the Royal Family), but the unofficial Sage is Link.
Termina (tur-min-nuh) The parallel world of Hyrule where Link left to find Navi.
Triforce (try-force) A sacred relic made up of three golden triangles left behind by the Golden Goddesses. Located in the Sacred Realm.

Triforce of Courage The piece of the Triforce that is carried by a person who relies heavily on courage to succeed (see Link). Normally shown as the bottom right triangle of the Triforce, and is sometimes represented by orange or green. (see Farore)
Triforce of Power The piece of the Triforce that is carried by a person who relies heavily on power to succeed (see Ganondorf). Normally shown as the top triangle of the Triforce, and is sometimes represented by red. (see Din)
Triforce of Wisdom The piece of the Triforce that is carried by a person who relies heavily on wisdom and knowledge to succeed (see Sheik, Royal Family, and Zelda). Normally shown as the bottom left triangle of the Triforce, and is sometimes represented by blue or green. (see Nayru)
Twinrova (twin-roh-va) Twin sister witches on broomsticks who are loyal to Ganondorf. One has fire power, and the other has ice power.

Warp Song A song played on the ocarina to warp to the location of a temple in Hyrule. Even if they already knew the song, it must be taught to a person by someone else in order for it to work.
Water Temple The temple of water. Princess Ruto (roo-doh or roo-toh - see Zora) is its Sage. Its warp song is the Serenade of Water.
Zelda's Lullaby (zel-duh's lullaby) The lullaby sung to Princess Zelda (see Royal Family) by Impa (see Shadow Temple) as a child. When played near a Triforce symbol, something special is bound to happen.
Zelda (zel-duh) The princess of Hyrule. She is what the game series, The Legend of Zelda is named for. The main plot in most Zelda games is to save this princess.
Zora (zor-uh) White, fish-like Hyrulians who love to swim. Loyal to the Royal Family.

Zora's Domain The home to most Zoras. Located in the northeast portion of Hyrule - east of Kakariko Village.
Zora Scale A silver or golden scale from a Zora that allows a human to dive deeper than normal and dry quickly after emerging from the water. Gold dives deeper than silver.

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