-Remnants of the Sacred Realm; alternate timeline, Omnicient POV-
Link watched as Ganondorf fell back into nothingness. He was relieved that he had not killed the treacherous villain, but he and Princess Zelda both knew that Ganon would still stand as an active threat.
Zelda stood in front of him. Her face held no expression, but Link knew she felt as he did. She was very calm and quiet as she spoke, "Thank you, Link. Thanks to you, Ganondorf has been sealed inside the Evil Realm! Thus, peace will reign in this world...for a time." Link looked down. She had voiced the words that he couldn't say himself.
"All the tragedy that has befallen Hyrule was my doing..." she continued. Link put his hand on her shoulder. It's not your fault, he noted silently. "I was so young...I could not comprehend the consequences of trying to control the Sacred Realm. I dragged you into it, too. Now it is time for me to make up for my mistakes. You must lay the Master Sword to rest and close the Door of Time. However, by doing this...the road between times will be closed."
Link considered this. There was no point in traveling between times. He had all he needed right here.
Zelda held out her hand. "Link, give the ocarina to me. As a Sage, I can return you to your original time with it."
Link gasped. She meant that she was sending him back in time? "But...Ganondorf...won't he take over Hyrule?" he inquired.
"No. You must return to the castle grounds where I waited for you those seven years ago. You must tell me of his plans, and I will alert my father. Hopefully he will listen to me this time."
Link looked at the magical blue instrument in his hand. He had lost Saria's ocarina to Ganondorf...this was the only one he had. He handed it to her, knowing that it was hers to begin with, and that it would be in good hands. Better than his, anyway. "Will you remember me at all?" he asked.
Zelda put her hand on top of his and the ocarina. She stared down at it with a look of longing in her eyes. Link understood. "Peace has returned to Hyrule. It is time for us to say good-bye," she concluded, her eyes glistening.
Link felt the tears roll down his cheek. This was new to him; he hadn't cried since he was very young, when the other Kokiri children teased him for being different. He dared not brush them away. He held his gaze with Zelda, taking in every last moment they had before they would have to depart.
Zelda held the ocarina close to her heart. "Now go home, Link. Regain your lost time!" She sighed and stared down at the clouds below them. "Home...where you are supposed to be...the way you are supposed to be." She held back the tears as she lifted the ocarina to her lips. Softly, the soothing lullaby of the Royal Family drifted from the blue instrument, clearing Link's thoughts and replacing them with peace - replacing them with bliss. Link barely heard the princess utter good-bye as he was lifted up into the sky.
"Thank you...Link...
-Spirit Temple; presently-
A woman stumbled at the evil king's feet. She coughed violently, blood spewing from her lips. Ganondorf smiled as he looked down upon her. "I hear you can see things," he pronounced. He lifted her chin with his hand, forcing her to look at him. "So - tell me."
The woman gasped for breath. "And why would I do that?"
Ganondorf kicked the woman in the side, sending her into the wall. "There will be a girl living in the forest alone in three years," he barked. "Will she be a threat to me?"
The woman stared at him in hatred. Ganondorf towered over the woman, his eyes flaring with rage. "Tell me. The prophecy."
"I don't take orders from six foot trolls wearing just their underwear and a cape," she spat.
The man lunged at her throat. He pinned her against the wall. "Will she be a threat!?" he demanded.
She choked against his grasp, clawing at her throat. She glared at him menacingly. He tightened his grip, and she began to choke. "Tell me!" he roared.
"Y-yes," she managed to gasp.
"How!" he demanded, pulling his hand away. The woman crashed to the floor, gasping and clutching her neck.
"The Eye..." she wheezed, "the Eye of Silver."
Ganondorf interlocked his fingers. "And will I succeed in catching this Eye of SIlver?" he questioned.
"Yes," the woman answered.
Ganondorf grinned triumphantly. He spun around and headed to the back room to record his plans.
"Wait!" the woman stopped him. "I'm not quite finished."
Ganondorf turned around again to face her. She wore a devilish smile on her face. "While it is true that you will capture her, it will be more difficult than you think. She is too precious. Something as vital as she is to a prophecy will never be conquered so easily." She stared up at him from where she crouched, her eyes blazing with a burning passion. "She cannot see you or any of your minions until the sunset of her eighteenth birthday. If she catches even a glance of the weakest of your army, she will crumble to ash, and your salvation will never come to be."
Ganondorf's face swiftly turned to rage. He raised his hand powerfully, and in less than a second, the woman was engulfed in a splendid ball of light, and the temple echoed with her terrified wail and the evil king thrust his hand downward.
-Seven years later-
"Theif! Come back here!"
I hopped on Omaha and kicked his side gently. "Go!" I whispered. He raised his forelegs, neighed briefly, and took off at a wondrous speed. The baker screeched, but he could not keep up. I looked behind me and smiled. He looked like a little kid having a tantrum. I turned back around and continued on.
My home lay at the edge of the Kokiri Forest in the Lost Woods. I had found a secret entrance by accident when I was being chased by a man with...uh... You know what, never mind.
I dismounted Omaha and stroked his fur before entering the house. I didn't need to worry about him running off because all I would need to do is play my song and he'll come running. Malon said I should be glad I got him, because his sister won't listen to anything except her specific song. I can just play whatever until I see him.
The house was hidden behind a grand tree, and you also had the climb the wall to reach it, so I didn't have to worry at all about any robberies. After all, it is the Lost Woods, isn't it? I grasped the ladder, tying the sack of food to my belt. Once I reached the top, I swung my leg over and rose to my feet. It really was a grand home in the woods. It was snug in between two boulders, and long, leafy vines drapped along the sides, complete with a small, freshwater pond. There was also a beautiful view of the famous Forest Temple. They say the goddess Farore's presence is strongest there.
I tossed the sack onto the table and the loafs rolled out. I grabbed a bowl of milk and some cheese from a cool crack in the wall and brought it to the table. I broke a loaf in half and pulled up a chair as I held the milk out in front of me. "Here's to seven years of peace, stability, and success." I sipped the white liquid and sank my teeth into the warm bread. And thanks to you boy, I added silently. Whoever you are.
The next morning I wrapped up a loaf and stored a few others in another crack. I grabbed some more cheese and packed the rest of the loaves onto Omaha's back. I nudged him forward and we headed off.
We reached Gerudo Valley by noon. Emma was standing at the bridge with her arms folded across her chest. "You're late," she hissed.
"Sorry. We ran into a Peahat on the trail," I lied.
"You're a horrible liar, you know that?"
I shrugged. "Worth a shot. Alright, I overslept. But I have a heavy load."
Emma looked smug as I unloaded the materials. The bag of rolls, some wood from the forest, cheese, and medicine - I had leaned a few things living near the Kokiri.
"Are you sure you don't want to join us?" Emma asked as she handed me the bag of rupees. "You're a thief, know how to take care of yourself, and undoubtedly female, if I may add."
"I'm perfectly happy on my own. The forest beckons to me. Besides, when would you find the time to scavenge for supplies when they run out?"
"Point taken. Now get out of sight before someone sees you. I trust you, but they are still paranoid that you'll start stealing from us if you learn too much."
I mounted Omaha. "Expect me in three days. I'll be here by noon." I pulled back the reins and took off out of the hot desert.
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