Chapter 15
Note: Above video is the tutorial of how to get under the ice in the game, as well as the supposed "sky temple."
"Welcome, Madeline," the Great Fairy greeted. "I thank you for freeing me. I must also congratulate you on completing this last task."
"I only have one more left, correct?" I asked. "The Crystal Chamber?"
The Great Fairy nodded. "This last boss was only practice. They were nothing compared to what you are about to face ahead."
"They were nothing compared to anything, really," I mumbled.
The Great Fairy ignored me. "For this last task, you will not only be fighting bosses. You will also face other challenges, other trials that you must succeed in. You will need your magic more than ever."
"Can you help point me in the direction I must go?" I asked.
The fairy nodded. "The barrier of fire, water, and light that lies in Zora's Domain. You must understand what that means now?"
I remembered the piercing cold ice in the Ice Cavern. The ground was so cold it would have burned me if I had traveled barefoot. "Under the ice," I replied.
"Yes. Remember this song. Tell the Sage to freeze the lake. She will understand."
I then heard a short song echo in the distance. It was quite familiar to me, and I knew how to play it the instant I heard it.
F A B_ F A B_ F A B D C_ B C B G E_ D E G E_
The Great Fairy smiled. "I see this song is familiar to you. You are indeed one with the forest, Madeline, as well as the other elements, as I can tell."
"Really?" I inquired.
She spread her arms in front of her. "Fire and water have taken quite a liking to you. The blouse you now wear is a brother to one of the Hero of Time's past garments. It is used to help you breathe underwater for an unlimited amount of time. It was formerly a deep blue tunic worn by men, but I see it has adapted itself to your power." I looked down at my blouse.
"It is also clear to me that the earrings you now wear have also adapted to you, and I must say, you wear the past hero's blessing very well," she continued.
"What do you mean when you say 'past hero?' Were there other people like Link?"
The fairy laughed. "You will discover that for yourself, in due time. For now, I must leave you with this last clue for the final step of your journey. Remember that there is never a last step in life, for it is always eternal, and the way will open to you."
Whatever that, I thought as the Great Fairy spiraled back into her fountain.
-Lake Hylia, above the entrance to Zora's Domain-
The next morning, I stood at the edge of the lake and pulled out my ocarina. In a quick, hearty pace, the song of the forest rang through the clearing. The scarecrows behind bounced and shuffled to the sweet music.
F A B_ F A B_ F A B E D_ B C B A G_ D E G E_ F A B_ F A B_ F A B E D_ B C E B A_ B A D E_ D E F_ G A B_ C B E_ D E F_ G A B_ C D E_ D E F_ G A B_ C B E_ D C E D F E G F A G B A C B E F D E_
A faint image of the Sage of the Forest shimmered into view in front of me. "Madeline?" she asked, amazed. "Is that you?"
"Yes, Saria. It's good to see you again," I answered.
Saria looked at the floor. "I heard what happened to Link. I'm so sorry."
"It's okay, Saria, it wasn't your fault," I assured her. "I'm so close to saving him. I need your help."
"I will do everything I can to help Link."
"Good, because I really need help with this one. Can you ask Ruto to freeze the lake?"
"Freeze the lake? Why?"
"There's a boss under the ice that I need to beat in order to free the Great Fairy of Power. I'm told that she can bring Link back."
Saria sighed. "It won't be easy. You know how much Princess Ruto hates winter. But I'm sure she'll do it if Link's rescue is involved."
I smiled. "Thank you, Saria." She nodded and disappeared.
I humored the scarecrows with some music until about an hour later when a part of the lake began to steam with the cold. I flipped open my case and slipped the blue ocarina inside. "That's my cue, guys. Gotta go."
Bonooru ceased his bouncing. "Aw, come on. Just one more song?"
"Sorry. Duty calls."
"Be sure to come back soon!" Pierre called. "And next time with that fairy boy we met a few years ago."
I was surprised that so many people knew Link before he left on his journey to find his fairy companion, but I too anxious to ask how. I hopped on Omaha and rode off to Zora's Domain.
It was early afternoon by the time I reached the entrance. A gray Triforce was painted underneath my feet like at the Temple of Time. The clear waterfall poured loudly in front of me, blocking the tunnel leading to the Zoras. I pulled out my ocarina, remembering the song that Link had taught me that day when we played our ocarinas. The last thing we did before he was kidnapped...
E_ G D_ E_ G D_ E_ G_ D_ C G_
The song ended and the waters of the waterfall parted. I stepped inside to find a frozen Zora's Domain at the other side. It was quite astonishing, to say the least. Everything sparkled brighter than before. If I were to get married today, I thought. I'd want it to be here. Minus the Zoras frozen under the water, of course.
I climbed down the ladder and stood on the rock in the middle of the frozen water, pondering over the clue that the Great Fairy had given me. "There is never a last step in life," I mused. "It is always eternal. Remember this and the way will open to you." My eyes flew to the ladder I had just climbed down. "Steps," I mumbled. I remembered what Emma had said about the chamber. Only someone who can manipulate the darkness...
I whipped out the hookshot and aimed the red light just below the last step of the ladder. I slowly breathed out and pulled the trigger.
I was not prepared for the sharp jerk of the hookshot. I yelped and almost let go of it, but before I could release my fingers, I was hanging from the ledge, halfway through some sort of hidden wall. That's strange... I thought. I climbed this wall a second ago. It was not like this. Trusting my shirt to help me breathe, I swung myself forward and slipped on the iron boots.
Sure enough, I was walking at the bottom of the water. I marveled at the new world around me, testing my breath and making sure I could still breathe. Once I had gotten comfortable, I set off towards the dark tunnel at the corner of the domain.
-Crystal Chamber-
I emerged from the water through a thin layer of magic. I gasped, adjusting to the pure air around me.
The Crystal Chamber was quite a stunning dungeon. The walls...well, I couldn't even tell if they were walls. Colorful speckles were littered al over them, and they were moving. Icy pillars lined the small room and there was a colorful hexagon platform in the center of the room.
Ino popped out from behind her hiding place. "This is why I'm here," Ino said. "The Great Deku Tree told me that this task would be your hardest. Ganondorf sent this boss here specifically to test you. If you pass, you save Link, but have to face Ganon again. If you fail..."
She didn't need to finish. I understood. If I fail, then Link dies. "So, where is this boss?" I asked.
Ino flew over to the hexagon. "Stand here. I can't tell you what the boss is. I can only say that you are not alone. Link and his ancestors have been fighting with this enemy for ages. You will probably need your shield for this as well."
I unsheathed my sword and reached behind my back for the shield. I ran my hand over the Hyrule Crest painted on the front before slipping it on. I remembered when Link used to carry this shield. Was it a gift from Zelda?
A light began to envelop me immediately as I had stepped onto the platform. When the light faded, a girl, made out of shadow, stood in front of me. She had long, midnight black hair that fell to her chest, and she carried a sword and shield. Looking more closely at the sword, it had a distinct glint to it, as if it were made out of silver.
I gasped and jerked up my shield as the girl slashed at me. It was obvious. This was my double. She had the same clothes, weapons, and body as I did. This is me completely engulfed in shadow.
The double was without a doubt a better swordsman (or woman) than me. She lunged at me with powerful force, slashing the dark Kokiri Silverblade like it was a pair of nun chucks. I shoot a few vines at her face. She only sliced them away in turn. She seemed to know every little step, jump, slash, and move that I did and was going to do; always one step ahead of me.
Ino offered little help, but I knew she couldn't read my mind. The double could. "Watch out!" she would yell. "Slash her! Use your magic!" I do have to admit she was quite helpful in dodging her (or my) attacks.
The key is not to think, I told myself. Easier said than done. It's funny how the mind works. Whenever you want to think of something or remember to do something, you don't. Whenever you don't want to think or when you want to get an image out of your head, it stays there.
Ino whispered in my ear, "She can't strategize, only read your thoughts. Try thinking of a move, and then striking back at the last second." I nodded and closed my eyes, picturing myself impaling the dark feature.
Shadow-me held out the sword in front of her and rushed at me. I smirked. I rushed at her before she could stop, ramming into her with my shield. She stumbled, and I thrust the sword out in front of her. "Thanks, Ino!" I chirped, dodging a thorny vine shot at my face. I leaned and threw another vine at her wrist, tangling her and throwing her to the ground. She rolled away before I could slash her.
Purple gusts of magic burst out from her body. I hunched over in pain. "Poison!" Ino yelled. I groaned as green and black spots prickled at my vision. The double leaped in the air, preparing for the death blow. I rolled away at the last possible second, but the blade managed to cut the side of my arm. I shrieked in pain, and the ground rumbled. Shadow-me got caught off balance, giving me just enough time to slash her through the chest.
The dark figure screamed and collapsed to the ground. I watched as she faded away into the night. The blue light formed from where she fell.
Ino faced me. "Madeline, I must leave now. My purpose has been fulfilled...for now."
"Ino..." I whined. This was exactly what happened to Navi, I thought. I have literally reenacted Link's quest.
I never had the heart to tell Link; once a fairy fulfills their purpose, they die and either return their life force to the earth, or they are reincarnated as another fairy, whether as the same species or another. Fairy spirits are usually purely from the earth, so they normally return their powers, but they sometimes become Great Fairies, who never die. But guardian fairies, like Navi and Ino - their fates are never clear.
"Don't worry," Ino assured me, clearly seeing the sadness in my eyes. "I'm not leaving forever. We will meet again, Madeline. I am sure of it."
I watched sadly as my fairy companion disappeared into the air. I knew what she had said, but I wasn't so sure of it myself. For all I knew, she could have just said that so I wouldn't worry. Whatever she meant, I stepped in to the light, my heart flooded with the knowledge of seeing Link again.
DISCLAIMER!!!!! I did not write the following songs. They belong to Matisyahu and John Legend, and I cannot claim rights to it.
-Great Fairy of Power's Fountain; Death Mountain Trail-
My feet hit the ground, and I faced the final Great Fairy. "Madeline!" she exclaimed. "You have freed all of the Great Fairies of Hyrule! I stand here in front of you in our deepest gratitude."
I bowed to her. "Oh, Great Fairy," I started, "I have been told that you can help me free Link?"
"Yes," she acknowledged. "Link once learned this sacred song in another land by the race of the Deku Scrubs. I am sure it will awaken Link from his deep sleep."
I pulled out my ocarina and repeated the song I heard in the distance.
D B D B_ D_ A_ D_ D B D B_ D_ A_ D_
The small area in front of me began to glow and sparkle with light. It glowed brighter and brighter, taking the form of a man in a green tunic. It ceased slowly, and Link's eyes flew open. He gasped.
"Link!" I screeched. I ran to him and threw my arms around him. Tears streamed down my eyes.
"Madeline," he gasped, "how did you find me?"
I laughed, but stopped when I saw his face. How to describe it...imagine a squirrel on the road. Now take a horse, stick thorns in its hooves. Combine hooves with squirrel, and that is the recipe for Link's face.
His lips were cut and swollen, his tunic was torn, and his entire body was littered with cuts and splatters of blood. The Great Fairy spread apart her hands, and magic sparks swirled around Link, repairing his tunic, cleaning the blood off of him, and healing his wounds. "Thank you," Link spoke.
I pulled out the black case containing the Ocarina of Time. "I think this belongs to you," I said.
Link's eyes grew wide. He grabbed the case and pulled out the ocarina. He breathed out, relieved to see the blue instrument again. He laughed. "So I took yours, and you took mine. I thought Ganon would be at the Temple of Time by now."
The Great Fairy laughed. "I think you two have a lot of catching up to do. Good-bye, Madeline. I thank you again for your bravery." A blue light surrounded us and lifted us in tot he heavens as the Great Fairy giggled and returned to her fountain.
-Lake Hylia-
We arrived near the edge of the lake next to the cottage, the same place where I slept before the Ice Cavern. We sat down and talked for a while about what happened while we were separated.
"So, what's your story?" I asked after I had finished.
Link stared out over the lake. "Well," he said. "I don't remember much before I was asleep. Ganondorf used some sort of spell to put me into this sort of trance where I had to face my worst fears."
"If you were asleep, then why were you cut?" I asked.
"Apparently, the injuries I got in the trance still showed up in real life. I remember seeing a glimpse of the Twinrova digging through my pouch before I fell unconscious. I saw them pull out your ocarina, and then I blacked out." He looked at me with guilt in his eyes. "I'm sorry about your ocarina, Madeline," he said. "I don't know what Ganondorf did with it."
I shrugged. "It was just an instrument. My 'mother' gave it to me when I was little. She wasn't really my mother. My parent died in a fire set to Hyrule Castle."
"Really?" Link inquired. "So did mine."
We talked for a while longer, and night began to fall around us. The scarecrows clearly got bored and began to play a tune. I smiled and sang along.
"Sometimes I lay under the moon.
I thank God I'm breathing.
Then I pray, don't take me soon,
'I am here for a reason.
Sometimes in my tears I drown,
But I never let it get me down.
So when negativity surrounds
I know some day it'll all turn around, 'cause
All my life I've been waiting for,
I've been praying for
For the people to say
That we don't wanna fight no more.
There will be no more war,
And our children will play
One day! One day! One day!
One day! One day! One day!
It's not about win or lose,
'Cause we all lose
When they feed on the souls of the innocent,
Blood-drenched pavement.
Keep on moving though the waters stay raging.
All my life I've been waiting for,
I've been praying for
For the people to say
That we don't wanna fight no more.
There will be no more war,
And our children will play
One day! One day! One day!
One day! One day! One day!"
The song ended. The scarecrows clapped, and the fireflies danced above us. Link smiled. "Where did you hear that one?"
I shrugged. "Margaret used to sing to me before bed. That was one of my favorites."
He raised an eyebrow. "Really? Is that where your little 'Biggoron Sword' number came from?"
I laughed. "No, I have no idea where that came from."
Link stood up. "It's late. I think we should be heading out now." He pulled out his ocarina and played Epona's Song. Not long after he had done so, Epona and Omaha burst out from the entrance of the lake. We mounted our horses and rode towards the Lost Woods.
-The Lost Woods-
We arrived at the tree house around midnight. Link told me that he had a surprise for me. He pushed the tables and chairs away, forming a large empty circle in the middle of the room.
He stepped in the middle of the circle and gestured for me to do the same. I walked over to him. Link bowed and put out a hand. I took it gingerly, wondering where this was going.
Slowly, Link placed one hand on my waist. He took my hand and placed it on his shoulder. He then took my other hand and extended it slightly to the side. I knit my eyebrows. "Watch my feet," Link instructed, "and dance."
I looked down at his feet as he stepped to the left, and we danced around the room. I smiled back at him and selected another song. After all, there's no point to dance if there's no music involved.
What would I do without your smart mouth?
Drawing me in, and you kicking me out.
You've got my head spinning, no kidding, I can't pin you down.
What's going on in that beautiful mind?
I'm on your magical mystery ride,
And I'm so dizzy; don't know what hit me, but I'll be alright.
My head's under water, but I'm breathing fine.
You're crazy and I'm out of my mind!
'Cause all of me
Loves all of you;
Love your curves and all your edges,
All your perfect imperfections.
Give your all to me,
I'll give my all to you.
You're my end and my beginning;
Even when I lose I'm winning.
'Cause I give you all of me,
And you give me all of you."
I stopped, embarrassed by my selection, but Link continued.
"How many times do I have to tell you?
Even when you're crying, you're beautiful, too.
The world is beating you down. I'm around for every mood.
You're my downfall, you're my muse,
My worst distraction, my rhythm and blues.
I can't stop singing, it's ringing in my head for you!
My head's under water, but I'm breathing fine.
You're crazy and I'm out of my mind!
'Cause all of me
Loves all of you;
Love your curves and all your edges,
All your perfect imperfections.
Give your all to me,
I'll give my all to you.
You're my end and my beginning;
Even when I lose I'm winning.
'Cause I give you all of me,
And you give me all of you,
Give me all of you!
Cards on the table, we're all showing hearts;
Risking it all, though it's hard."
I joined Link at the last chorus.
'Cause all of me
Loves all of you;
Love your curves and all your edges,
All your perfect imperfections.
Give your all to me,
I'll give my all to you.
You're my end and my beginning;
Even when I lose I'm winning.
'Cause I give you all of me,
And you give me all of you."
I buried my face in his shoulder as he finished the last line of the song.
"I give you all of me,
And you give me all of you."
I was about ready to let go, but then, without warning, it happened. I could barely remember what I had just done afterwards.
He kissed me.
And here's the weird part:
I kissed him back.
I looked up at him, shocked by what we just did. I opened my mouth to say something, but I never had the chance because that's when the boulder blocking the view of my home burst and crumbled to the floor. Link unsheathed his sword and shield, and I rushed to find mine.
I heard the Twinrova laugh as they flew in on their brooms. They sent up a pillar of fire around the center of the room so we could not escape, nor could I find my sword. One of the witches thrust a body in the center of the circle. Emma. I ran to her, flipping her over onto her back. Her eyes glowed white. She blinked, and they returned to their natural color. She gave us away, I realized.
"Silly girl," the fire sister said. "You thought you could run from us, didn't you?"
"Come anywhere near us, and I'll kill you both," Link growled.
The ice sister laughed. "I see the Eye of Silver has found her little green slug. The Three are reunited. Don't you think it's time to break them up again, Sister?"
They both laughed and rushed at me with their magic. I screamed and convulsed in pain, feeling the fiery rune burning on my neck. Link and Emma could only stand there, staring as my eyes changed their deep shade of a sickly purple.
I knew what they were out to do. With all the strength left in my own mind, I gasped, "Protect...time."
And then I blacked out.
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