Chapter 13
-Ice Cavern; Four days previous-
The door slammed behind us and we all jumped. Two Wolfos appeared and howled, encircling us and slashing their claws. "Okay," Link said. "You two take that one. I'll take the other."
When the enemy had flopped to the ground and disappeared, a chest materialized in the center of the room. "Dead end," Link muttered. "But I guess it wasn't completely useless."
He opened the chest and pulled out a small, white-speckled blue scale that hung from a chain. "What do you think that's for?" Emma inquired.
"I don't know. Madeline, do you want to hold it?" he asked.
"Uh, sure." I took the scale and slipped it into my pocket, opposite of the gel capsule that held the Zora Scale. We left the room and continued on to the boss.
-Water Temple-
The inky black water surrounded me as if to stand as a warning. I swam deeper, groping towards the thin light that shone not far off.
I was exhausted by the time I reached the bottom. I guess that was the goal of this boss - to kill his enemies while they have no strength left. It was shockingly brighter down here, but still not as warm as the rest of the lake. I could see, but everything above me was just black.
As I searched the area for a chest, hoping to get an item from it, I heard another growl - closer this time, but still as low and unnerving as before. A large...creature emerged from the darkness in front of me. I don't even know what it was. It was a fish, but it fins were so tiny I was shocked that it could carry him. Where the fins were about as big as my face, the creature itself was about as large as the top of a tree. It was covered in brown fur with black spots; I could've sworn it was an otter. It's legs were quite stumpy, but still strong enough to flatten me into a pancake. Its eyes were yellow, but it's pupils were so large the burned into my soul like the hidden rune burned into my neck. It's teeth were as long as grape vines and looked as sharp as a Stalchild's claws. Knives, daggers, swords, spears, and any other weapon you could think off stuck out of its hide, surrounded by small rings of red. Its hide was also littered with stray splotches of blood, most likely from its past victims. There was one large cracked bit of skin that sparkled with fresh blood. I made a mental note to target that.
I spun out of the way as the thing charged. "Hindren!" Ino shouted. "I thought they were instinct!"
I shot her a look. Weakness?
"Obviously, the thing's pretty fast and agile," she explained. "But its eyes are extremely sensitive. The insides aren't exactly compatible with water - it burns the retina. They're covered with a thin, gooey layer of substance to protect it, but it's not so hard to break. Once you get the eyes, it'll be blinded, making it easier for you to get that crack in its skin you noticed there." She shook in alarm. "Move!" she shouted.
I glanced at the beast charging towards me, flashing its long fangs. I prepared to dodge, but it was too late. I barely missed the beast's fangs, but it slammed into me with full power and I almost cut my arm open on one of its fangs. My entire body shook violently, but I managed to slip away before the monster's jaws snapped closed around me.
I fought the black pixels eating away at the corner of my vision and forced myself to study the beast. I rushed towards it and yanked a dagger out of its side, escaping just moments before it jerked up to bump me away.
It spun around so fast, giving me no time or warning to move out of the way. It smacked me to the side, stunning me for a few moments. I readied the dagger and charged as it came at me. The beast convulsed in agony of the pain. Blood sprayed from its eye and the beast was stunned, giving me time to stab its flank with a more powerful sword I found on its flank. The boss screeched and I darted out of the way, then slashed at its other eye.
I slashed at its side a few more times as it jerked its head around trying to find where I was. More and more blood poured out from the cut. I choked. I began to feel the air thin around me. The potion's wearing off, I realized.
Unfortunately, the beast heard me and slammed into me, throwing me off course. It prepared to charge. I dived out of the way, grabbing another weapon, a silver-tipped spear this time, and stabbed it once more. The beast convulsed for quite a while. More and more blood spilled into the waters. Before long, its body went limp and the monster disintegrated, taking the weapons with him.
I felt light-headed. I could barely move my arms or keep my eyes open. A blue fabric swirled into view and headed towards me. I reached out and grasped it, feeling its soft, sleek texture as I inhaled and the dark pixels burned away at my vision. The last thing I saw was the blue light surround me. Am I dying? I thought. Have I failed?
Ino bumped against me, trying to push me to the surface of the water as I began to feel the life leave my body.
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