Chapter 10
DISCLAIMER!!!!! I did not write the following song. See the above video.
-Madeline's POV; Great Fairy's Fountain in Zora's Domain-
The blue light evaporated around us. The Great Fairy of Magic was already waiting for us. "Welcome, hereos," she said. "I thank you for freeing me!"
"It was nothing," said Emma. "That giant freezard was so easy." I silently agreed. First a giant, nut-spitting sprout, and now a giant ice breather? Come on, Ganon.
"Nevertheless, I would like to give you something, Link." She spread her arms and a long, sturdy sword with a blue hilt appeared in front of Link.
"A Biggoron Sword," I breathed.
Link beamed. "Thank you!"
The fairy nodded. Another gift shimmered into view in front of me: a pair of wavy red earrings. I studied them closely. "These earrings are called Fireshield Earrings. They were given to a hero of old on another quest like this one to shield him from the fires of the volcano. I trust that you shall find a similar use for them."
"Thank you," I said, putting them on.
"Good-bye, heroes. I wish you luck in this next portion of your journey. Oh, and Madeline, you will find that the scale in your pocket has already turned golden." She laughed in that same bubbly tone as before and spun out of sight back into the calm waters of the fountain.
The three of us retired to a small field at the east side of Hyrule to take a break from the cold temple we had just tackled. Link and I played and polished our ocarinas while Emma exercised the horses.
"I wish I could hear a funny song," Link blurted out suddenly.
I thought for a moment. My eyes flew to the new sword at Link's belt. I spontaneously spread out my arms and sang out,
"Look at this stuff, items galore!
Arrows and Bombchus, a rip off of Thor!
Wouldn't you think maybe I...
I could kill everything!
Explosions and stuff, big metal shoes,
Even some toys only children can use.
A shield with a mirror makes you think, wow,
He's got everything!
I've got medallions and warp songs aplenty,
And I've still got three Spiritual Stones.
Gold Skulltulas?
I've got twenty.
But who cares, no big deal, they're just bones.
I want to see what it's really like -
I want to see just how big a blade gets.
Stabbing all day without a-
What do you call 'em?
Oh, yeah. Shield.
I guess small swords can put up a fight,
But I keep dreaming bigger, better.
Ganon himself will be forced to-
What do you call it?
No Sages to save, no puzzles to solve,
This fairy kid's about to evolve!
Finally free of destiny,
Biggoron Sword.
What would I try if only I got rid of this duty?
'Cause sure it's a TARDIS, but man, it needs far less
Baggage than that!
Hero of Time, is it a crime to want more
Than just this booty?
Double damage makes a man's edge easy to tame.
And I'm ready to fight everything I might!
I'm done with these mind games and trading side quests
'Cause who needs eye drops? Or all of those-
What do you call 'em?
So Zelda make room, Ganon beware,
Legends are made by those who don't care!
I'll save the day the two-hander way
Biggoron Sword."
Emma burst out laughing. Link smiled and shook his head. "Where did that come from?"
I scoffed. "I honestly have no idea."
Link stood up. "I'm going to go get some food. You two stay here." He called Epona over and rode off towards Hyrule Castle.
Suddenly, I saw a faint glow coming from my pouch. I opened it and pulled out the potion that the Deku Tree had given me. I could hear whispers coming from the bottle. I walked over to Emma, who was still petting Omaha. "Hey, Emma, do you hear whispers?"
Emma stopped for a moment. She glanced at the bottle in my hand. "What is that?"
I held up the bottle. "This? The Deku Tree gave it to me."
"Yes, but what is it?"
I stared at it for a while. "Maybe it's time to find out." I took a swig from the bottle and handed it to Emma. She did the same. Then the unthinkable happened.
I could feel a change happening inside my brain. A green glow because to blossom around me. I saw that the same was happening around Emma. I stepped in front of her, and we both raised our arms as a black fabric began to cover our arms. The glow began to fade, and we looked at ourselves. We were now wearing a black leotard and tights, decorated with a beautiful leaf green design and silver studs.
Images of other people shorter than us began to fade into view around us. One of them, a boy, spoke to us. "Welcome Madeline and Emma. Welcome to the Silver Forests."
"Silver Forest?" I asked.
A girl nodded. "The Silver Forests are a band of Kokiri children chosen by the Great Deku Tree to help guard the forest. They become the life of the forest, and if they are ever defeated, the forest will die."
The forest will forever fall to ail, I remembered.
"Why isn't Saria one of you?"
"Saria is already a Sage. It would be too much for her to handle," a girl answered.
"LInk is returning," Emma said. She began to hide her new attire by putting her clothes over the leotard. I did the same. The Silver Forests were gone once we looked up.
When Link returned, we sat down to a picnic of berries and bread and butter and discussed our next strategy.
"So, do you remember what the Deku Tree said?" Link asked.
I swallowed. "To continue your quest...awaken the remaining in the surrounding sand, one in the trapping ice, one in the blazing fire, one in the crashing waters, one in the slumbering shadows, and the last in the shining stars." I quoted.
"Then our next stop is somewhere having to do with fire," Emma concluded. Link nodded in agreement. "Any ideas?"
"There's Death Mountain," I said.
Emma began to laugh. "Death Mountain? You're kidding me, right? There's a reason why it's called 'Death Mountain,' you know."
"Well, the Great Fairy did give Madeline the Fireshield Earrings," Link pointed out. "And I know where to get another Goron Tunic."
Emma shrugged. "On second thought, it may not be that bad of an idea."
Once we had finished lunch, we grabbed our horses and began to lead them closer to the mountain when the Silver Forests appeared again.
"We've just received information that Madeline is cursed," one of the boys said, "and you didn't tell us. Explanation?"
" know these guys?" Link asked.
"We met briefly," I said. "I didn't think that was relevant."
"Well, if you are cursed by Ganondorf, then you are a threat," a girl said. "We can't let you go until the rune has passed."
"You're kidding me!" Emma snapped. "The rune is permanent. It will never 'pass!'"
Link and Emma argued for a bit as I thought to myself. Well...if you count it as "thinking." Remember back in the Temple of Time where I was overcome by a murderous feeling? A similar feeling passed over me as I stood, angry at the Silver Forests. I can't even describe the feeling, just that I had the urge to run. It was as if I had stolen a bag of gold rupees and a guard was rounding the corner. I felt my legs wanting to move, my heart willing for the wind.
And, like the fool that I am, I followed the feeling.
Link and Emma, however confused they were, followed me without question. We ran towards the Lost Woods as the Silver Forests began to chase us. Emma seemed to be doing pretty well on her own, despite never setting foot in the woods. Link and I eventually bumped into each other and ended up running together.
"Where should we go?" he asked.
I pointed. "To the Goron City shortcut."
We ran in and out of the holes in the sideways stumps. Eventually, we didn't look and missed the turn. Link began to run into the wrong stump. I tried to stop him but I felt my knees buckle underneath me and I fell to my knees. "Link!" I yelled. He glanced back at me, but it was already too late. Unexpectedly, the stump began to cave in around him, as if he had been trapped by some sort of spell.
"Link!" I screamed again. No reply.
I took off my shirt, revealing the leotard I had worn underneath. I lowered my head and began to cry. We had been separated for the last time.
The Silver Forests noticed what had happened and "allowed" me to go save Link. They disappeared and left me alone with Emma, who leaned down next to me and put her hand on my back.
"You have to go after him, you know," she said after a long period of silence.
"Where do I go?" I asked. "Ganondorf took him."
"Isn't it obvious?" she asked, annoyance creeping into her voice. "You must go search for the Great Fairy of Power."
"Which fountain?" I asked.
"Her fountain lies at the top of Death Mountain. The temple where she has been imprisoned is unknown; no one has ever been inside of it. No one ever speaks off it, but they say it lies underneath a barrier of water, light, and fire, and can only be found by one who can manipulate the darkness."
"So, it's a riddle, then? I have to free the fairies in the water and shadow temples before I can get there?"
Emma nodded slowly. "Yes, that makes sense. But you see, unfortunately, both temples have been blocked by a barrier of fire. I think you have to free the fire temple in order to get there."
I took a moment to process the information. The Great Fairy did give me the Fireshield Earrings, I thought, so many that meant I am supposed to go to the Fire Temple next. Then maybe the other gifts will give me clues on the order of the temples I need to complete. As I stood up, something began to glow next to my feet. Emma nudged me. "Look."
I looked where she was pointing to find four objects swirling around about three inches above the ground. "Is that-?"
"The Fairy Bow," Emma said.
"And the three Spiritual Stones," I added. "I think maybe Link left them behind."
"Maybe," Emma said. "I think you'd better take them."
I nodded. "Good idea." I pocketed the items. "Are you ready to go?" I asked Emma.
Emma looked around. "No. I think I'll stay here. Someone has to watch the forest. I guess that's what I was fated to do when I drank that potion."
I grinned. "Just like a Gerudo. Holding down the fort."
She pushed me playfully. "Don't remind me. I was raised there, you know. It was my home, and now it has been taken from me. I'll always miss that desert."
"Oh, tell me about it," I replied as I stuffed the items into my pouch. "I'll see you again," I said.
"You too, Brainless." We embraced each other and then set off on our separate ways.
Before I could depart for Goron City, I had to stop at the treehouse for a few supplies. I grabbed the rest of my stash of food and left the house, never knowing if I would ever set foot in it again.
I climbed down the wall and carried the supplies over to where Omaha was waiting. As I began to tie the food onto his back, I heard a soft voice behind me.
"Are you going on a journey?"
I turned around to find a small boy, a Kokiri, as I reasoned.
"Yes," I replied.
The boy looked up at me with big eyes. "I wish I could leave. The Great Deku Tree says that I'll die if I leave the forest."
I feel bad for young, seven-year-old Link, I thought. "I'd be glad if I could stay here," I told him. "My situation isn't so great right now."
"What happened?"
"A friend of mine is lost and now I have to find him. Well, I say he's my friend, but I don't really know him all that well. I just met him a few days ago."
"You're going to risk your life to save someone you just met?"
I stared off into space, lost in the memory of the Stalchildren and the red potion. "He saved my life once."
I finished tying down the food, said good-bye to the little boy, and mounted Omaha and galloped out of the Lost Woods.
Goron City was a small, cozy cave near the top of Death Mountain. The Gorons lived happy lives in the cave, traveling to the Dodongo's Cavern to find rocks to eat. Madeline loved visiting the Gorons, though she did it very rarely because of the intense heat of the volcano.
Not many of the Gorons knew me personally - they were a peaceful people and didn't usually worry if someone didn't seem like a threat. Besides, since they could curl up and become a rock, they didn't really need to worry about getting hurt. They weren't really attached to their homes all that much - they valued their lives more - they really only ever worried about the cavern because they say the rocks taste the best. I wouldn't know, but I once went on an errand for Darunia in the cavern, and I guess they looked pretty appetizing...
A few of the Gorons by the door greeted her, but she immediately climbed down to Darunia's statue room at the bottom of the cave. I knocked on the door and Darunia called out, "Who's there?"
"It depends on who's asking," I replied dryly.
Darunia laughed heartily and the door opened. I stepped inside to find the Big Brother of the Gorons standing on his rug with his hands behind his back. I opened my mouth to speak, but he stopped me. "I know what you're looking for, and I'll tell you. But first, pull out your ocarina, let's hear some tunes!"
I grinned and rolled my eyes. Typical Darunia. I had just pulled my ocarina and raised it to my lips when Darunia yelped. I almost dropped the ocarina in my hands.
"Where did you get that?!" Darunia boomed.
"My mother! You know this!"
"That is not your ocarina!"
I looked at the instrument in my hands and fought the urge to drop it. He was right. My wood instrument was no longer in my hands. I no longer had my brown leather case. For in my hand was the magical blue ocarina that Link had shown me that day we first officially met at the Castle Town.
"We switched them," I breathed. "He must have taken my ocarina and I his."
"Link is missing then, I presume?" he asked. I nodded. "And you are searching to save him?" I nodded again. He sighed. "Then I suppose you have the right to know about this ocarina. You know the story of the Triforce, am I correct?"
I nodded and took a seat on the plush carpet, guessing that this was going to be a long story. Darunia took a seat as well, cleared his throat, and began. "After the three Golden Goddesses had departed from this land and left us with the Triforce and its resting place in the Sacred Realm, they had to find a way to seal the evil from it. Today, in order to get to the Triforce, you must obtain many things as well as pass many different tests. First, in order to remove the Master Sword from the Pedestal of Time, you must be worthy of the title "The Hero of Time." Second, you must obtain the three Spiritual Stones from the Kokiri, Gorons, and Zoras. And lastly, to open the Door of Time, you must possess the Ocarina of Time and have learned the Song of Time. That very ocarina is what you hold now in your hand."
I studied the ocarina in my hand and felt the carved Triforce symbol on the front of the mouthpiece. "Where did Link get it?" I asked.
"From Zelda the day that she feld from Ganondorf with the Sheikah woman, Impa. He met Ganondorf for the first time that day. He knocked him aside, causing him to drop his case with the fairy ocarina Saria had given him before he left the forest."
"So Ganondorf thinks that by catching Link he would obtain the Ocarina and the Spiritual Stones," I reasoned.
"Yes. But I trust that you have the Spiritual Stones, am I correct?"
I nodded. "Now, can you tell me where the Fire Temple is?"
"Ah, yes. I shall show you. Are you ready?"
He stood up, lifted his chin, and began to sing. I repeated on my ocarina.
F D F D A F A F, F D F D A F A F, G E G E Bb G Bb G, A F A F D A D A F D F D A E A E G C F E D_
A red light began to swirl around me and I was lifted up into the heavens.
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