Chapter 1
There are many people who say that a good story is one that speaks to the heart. A story that includes love and devotion to the task at hand. A story with a happy ending. It is extremely hard to write a good story. But it is always easier when you speak from the heart, and when the story that you tell is true.
I guess mine started off on any normal day in the average agricultural village, at the start of a happy, peaceful morning. Somewhere simple. Not the kind of setting where you'd expect a story to begin...
-Kakariko Village, Madeline's POV; Seven years later-
I raised the tan mouthpiece to my lips and started to play. Memories flooded my mind as I remembered my first time with the precious instrument. "I used to play this when I was young," she had said. "I want you to have it. As a reminder that there is always hope."
The sweet ringing filled the village. The Cucco Lady smiled at me, as did many others who passed by. A, B, A, F, A, D, B, I told myself as I played. A, B, A, F, A, D, B...
The first thing that you would notice about me is my ocarina. It was carved from wood from a raunadusk tree when I was little. I had once heard an old man play his ocarina in the streets of Castle Town, and I loved it immediately. The man was playing to advertize the making of raundusk ocarinas, so my mother bought it for me. I still remember watching the man as he carved the beautiful instrument from the wood. I did not know why at the time, but a small symbol of a leaf was also carved into the corner. He told me that it was a special carving just for me. Now, my ocarina is always with me, either snug in its pouch strapped on my belt, or displayed around my neck like a wooden trophy. I am constantly whipping it out and jamming to a song. I've been playing for who knows how long, and I can even earn a few tips from it.
I am usually wearing a casual skirt and blouse, but to be perfectly honest, I have always preferred pants, despite my mother's lectures. My hair is long and always down, brushed neatly, and free to flow in the wind. Someday I may cut it. I have often wondered what it would be like to have shoulder-length hair.
Personally, my favorite physical trait about me is my eyes. You know how whenever you look at someone you always look into their gaze? It's fascinating. My eyes are what is normally called hazel, but honestly, they are constantly changing color. Right now they are stormy gray, but I swear they were green a few days ago. The only part of my eye that never changes is the brown-speckled center surrounding my pupil, though it sometimes mixes with the outer color of my eye when my pupils grow large. I've heard at least one different person use every single normal eye color to describe them. In my opinion, I'd say my eyes are a stormy sea-green. I'm lucky. I get one of every eye color all at different times. They say that eyes are windows to the soul. Mine tell the whole story.
"Madeline!" Mother called.
I lowered the instrument and looked over at my home. I slipped the ocarina into its pouch and stepped back inside.
"I know I promised that you could play today," Mother said, "but I forgot to tell you that I saw Talon in the market the other day. He said that there are some new horses down at the ranch. He thought you'd might like to meet them."
I leaped for joy. "Of course I would! Will I get to ride one?" I inquired.
"Maybe. You'll have to go over there to find out," she answered.
"Great! Can I leave now?"
Mother smiled. "In fact, I'm heading over there now to deliver some eggs from the Cucco Lady. You can come if you'd like."
"Yes, please!" I grabbed my coat and she grabbed the basket of eggs. She held my hand as we passed by the guard at the entrance to the village. He nodded to her.
The guard, Jacob, was her brother. She didn't talk about him much, but he would frequently steal a glance at me whenever I stood out on the porch playing my ocarina. I had often attempted to decipher what thoughts he had held in his gaze. Envy? Admiration? Love? He never held his gaze long enough for me to read his expression. It had never occurred to me that there could be something else hidden behind his eyes.
Talon was waiting for us just outside of Lon Lon Ranch. "So you've finally arrived!" he exclaimed.
"Sorry, Talon," my mother apologized. "I forgot about it until the last minute."
Talon stroked the tip of his beard. "Well, you're here now, so let's not dilly-dally."
We followed him into the ranch. He led my mother into the coop, and his daughter, Malon, ran up excitedly to me. She squealed and pulled me into the stables. "You are going to LOVE the new horses!" she squeaked. "They're so cute!" I tried to keep up as she ran towards the back.
A golden brown dam with a black mane towered over four ponies, some black and some brown, like their mother. Malon was right. They were adorable. The smallest was a shiny, jet-black colt with a white stripe down to its muzzle. He was beautiful. I approached him slowly and kneeled down next to him. I stroked his mane gently. The small horse nuzzled his snout into my hand. I giggled.
"That one's Omaha," Malon whispered. "He's so adorable!"
I didn't want to leave. I couldn't ride him, since he was too young, but I still loved that horse. I wished I could take him back to Kakariko and ride him whenever I wanted.
Malon gave us a ride in his cart back to Hyrule Castle. The sun was beginning to set, and the Stalchildren would be out soon. We said good-bye to Talon and headed back home.
Mother came into my room to tuck me in after dinner. "I wish I could have my own horse," I told her.
She ran her fingers through my hair. "I know," she whispered. She kissed me on the forehead. "Good night, my little bud."
"Good night, Mom," I said sleepily. She blew out the candle and left the room. I happily fell asleep that night, dreaming of Omaha and riding throughout Hyrule Field, the wind beating heavily at my hair, causing it to fly with the wind. I threw out my arms to the open air, soaking in the feeling of freedom and life as my black friend rushed off over the empty field.
I wish that my life could have been that simple.
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