The Mission
It's been six years since the Dragon Slayer Siblings joined Fairy Tail, and Laxus, Gajeel, Natsumi, and Wendy were playing in the park with Happy and Lisanna, when Mirajane and Elfman came up to them.
Wendy's older twin sister and her older brothers weren't S-Class wizards yet, but they were up for promotion.
A few years ago, Natsumi found an Exceed egg in the forest and raised it with Lisanna.
When Happy hatched, the entire guild was happy!
Lisanna decided that he was like a bluebird of happiness, so Natsumi decided to name him 'Happy'.
"Please don't tell me you lot are fighting again," Natsumi teased her brothers and sister as she walked up to them.
"Hi, Natsumi. Glad you're back," Wendy greeted her sister.
"Uncle Gajeel and Uncle Laxus ate my whole fish and didn't even ask me first!" Happy ranted.
"Whenever we eat any fish, you say it is yours," Gajeel explained.
"They have a point, Happy. You're really selfish when it comes to fish," Wendy pointed out.
"I don't know what to do with you guys. We're a family and we're human. There'll be times when we clash with one another. The only thing that's important is that you reconcile with each other. " Natsumi explained to her family and guild.
"Come on, Lisanna. We've got to get to work," Elfman said as he came up to the group with Mirajane.
Lisanna turned to her older siblings and asked, "Huh? We just finished a job. Can't we take a little break?"
"Yeah, but it's an S-Class quest. Mirajane wanted us to come along for assistance. Since she's the only available S-Class mage, it automatically fell into her, " Elfman explained.
"What kind of S-Class quest?" Natsumi asked curiously, now at age 17 1/2 years old.
(Natsumi's outfit)
"An emergency one. They want us to kill off a monster called 'The Beast ' that's terrorizing a local village. Hey, Natsu. You and your siblings want to come with us? You might learn a thing or two~" Mira teased, making Natsumi's face explode in a blush.
She nodded and the seven of them set off for the train station.
"Everyone!" Natsumi called to the guild doing their symbol.
"I'll be back home real soon!! Remember, no matter where I am, I'll always be with you and I'll always love you guys!!" Natsumi continued and ran up to her group.
On the train, Gajeel, Laxus, and Wendy were asleep on each other and Natsumi was asleep in Mirajane's lap.
The eldest Take Over Mage was gently carding her fingers through the teen's beautiful, salmon hair with a content smile.
Lisanna noticed this and snickered under her breath.
Natsumi and Mirajane have been secretly dating for two years, and
Natsumi was ready to become Mrs. Dragneel-Strauss.
When they got to the station, Mirajane gently woke up the sleeping girl in her lap and they immediately set into action.
Gajeel and Laxus were with Elfman to distract the Beast while Natsumi and Wendy helped Lisanna evacuate the village.
With Laxus, Gajeel, Mirajane, and Elfman:
Laxus and Gajeel were firing their strongest attacks, but they were doing nothing.
The Beast tried to strike Mirajane down, so Elfman decided to try and take it over to protect her.
But, the Beast was too powerful for him and now he's lost control of himself.
"Elfman! Elfman, pull yourself together!" Mirajane yelled at her brother.
Just then, Lisanna came in her bird form with Natsumi and Wendy riding on her back.
"Mira!" Lisanna called as the trio reached the group. "We had everyone in town evacuate. Now, let us help you!"
Mirajane looked at her younger sister and explained, "You have to run, girls. We were getting beat up badly, so he tried to take over the Beast to protect me and the boys. But, it's too powerful for him and now he's totally lost control of himself. Gajeel and Laxus are trying to knock him out, but their spells aren't doing anything."
"Oh, my goodness. How can we save him?" Lisanna asked as she helped her injured sister up.
"We have to get him to come to his senses before the beast takes over his soul. Now, get out of here!" Mirajane replied.
Natsumi looked at her girlfriend and gave her a look that said, 'No way, Jane. We're not leaving you all behind'.
"Lisanna, come back here! Where are you going?" she asked, seeing Lisanna walk up to her possessed older brother.
"Big Brother Elf? Are you feeling okay? It's me, Lisanna, your little sister. Big Sister Mira, Natsumi, and her siblings are here to. You don't have to feel bad. What happened today isn't your fault. We're a family, and when times are tough, we pull together and work things out. So, why don't the seven of us go home and talk about what happened today? I promise we're not mad at you." Lisanna reassured as she spread her arms out. "Come on. Don't be afraid, Big Brother. We still love you.".
The Beast raised one of its claws and was about to strike Lisanna away, if it wasn't for Natsumi knocking her out of the way and taking the blow for her.
"LISANNA!!! LISANNA, GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!! LISANNA, NO!!!!!!!" Natsumi yelled as she pushed Lisanna out of the way, allowing her to narrowly escape death.
Lisanna was relieved, until an extremely pained screech from Natsumi caught her attention.
The third-eldest Dragon Slayer sibling took the entire force of the blow and sailed through the air, already unconscious by the time she crashes into the forest.
(Elfman attacking Natsumi and Mirajane screaming her name)
"NATSUMI!!!!!!!!" Mirajane, Gajeel, Laxus, Wendy, and Lisanna screeched in horror as they rushed to the injured girl.
(Natsumi sailing through the air and landing in the forest)
Natsumi was laying on the ground limp, her green eyes devoid of pupils and life.
Scratches and cuts littered her skin, hair dirty, and her outfit was torn.
Mirajane was the first one to reach her, followed by Lisanna, and her siblings.
(Imagine Lisanna, Laxus, Wendy, and Gajeel are there. In all the pictures I post in this chapter, Lisanna is Natsumi.)
"I strange. It's like I-I can't move." Natsumi groaned out, her voice barely above a whisper.
"Don't waste your strength," Mirajane pleaded, grabbing her hand.
"You'll be okay, Natsumi. Just hold on until we can get you help! We can't lose you too, big sis!" Wendy begged as she held her sister's other hand.
(Natsumi after being attacked by Elfman)
"Where'd you all go? Gajeel? Laxus? Wendy? Jane and Lisa?" Natsumi weakly asked. "We're right here." Laxus replied , threatening to break into tears.
(Natsumi weakly trying to talk to her family)
Natsumi weakly managed to look at Mirajane and said, "Jane, I'd love to be Mrs. Dragneel-Strauss. I'd love to marry you."
(Natsumi looking at the sky)
Then, she looked back at the sky. "So, this is how it feels to be cold. It feels, comforting. So calming..."
"Natsumi, stay awake for us! Please hold on! " Laxus begged as he tightened his grip on Natsumi's hand.
He saw that her eyes were threatening to close.
"You guys, I just-want you all to- know..."
(Mirajane, Laxus, Wendy, Gajeel, and Lisanna tearfully looking at Natsumi)
(Laxus, Gajeel, Wendy, Lisanna, and Mirajane screaming Natsumi's name after she loses consciousness)
"Natsu?" Gajeel called, fearing the worst.
"Natsumi?" Laxus also called to his little sister.
" NATSUMI!!!!!! " all of them yelled when they saw she wasn't answering them.
All of a sudden, the unconscious girl started floating and glowing.
Like her body was disappearing.
Mirajane tearfully grabbed her body and tried to prevent her from disappearing, but failed and could only watch as the love of her life disappeared.
"Come find me in Edolas," were Princess Natsumi Maya Dragneel's last words before disappearing completely in her fiancee's arms, leaving her comrades completely devastated.
(Natsumi being sucked into the Anima and disappearing completely in Mirajane's arms.)
"STAY HERE WITH ME!" Mirajane yelled as she cradled her disappearing fiancee.
But, it proved futile.
Once Natsumi disappeared, Gajeel, Laxus, Lisanna, Wendy and Mirajane broke down crying at the loss of a beloved family member.
Combining their magic into one strong attack, they managed to knock out Elfman and turn him back to normal.
When they returned to the guild, Gajeel revealed that Natsumi passed away on the mission, resulting in the guild having a funeral for her a few days later.
"Natsumi was a wonderful addition to our Fairy Tail family. Her kindness, wisdom, and compassion were unmatched in this world. She will greatly be missed at our guild. Natsumi, wherever you are, we'll be here waiting for you to come home. " Makarov said finishing his eulogy and doing the Fairy Tail symbol.
(Wendy, Gajeel, Laxus, Lisanna, Elfman, and Mirajane at Natsumi's gravestone)
"Please don't blame yourself, Elfman. Remember what Natsumi told us? All living things have to die eventually. I don't think she's dead, though. I have faith that she'll return to us one day." Mirajane said to her older brother and her friends as they stared at the gravestone. "Until the day we find out where she is, we need to keep smiling. It's what Natsumi would want us to do. So, let's keep smiling. For her, for my love,"
With Natsumi
(Natsumi switching with Edolas Natsumi)
I woke up in an unknown location.
Where was Lisanna, Mira-koi, Big Brother Gajeel, Laxus, and Wendy?
Looking at my right shoulder, I was shocked to find that my guild stamp was gone and in front of me was what looked like the Fairy Tail guild hall.
But when I walked inside, everyone stared at me in shock and started cheering.
"Natsumi, you're alright! After a fall from that height!" another version of my girlfriend.
I guess their Natsumi passed away from a big fall.
I don't want them to be sad again, so I'll pretend to be their Natsumi and live my life out here in Edolas.
Back at Fairy Tail
Mirajane was so overcome with grief, that she underwent a personality overhaul.
Gone were her gothic clothes and makeup, instead she wore a simple ankle-length maroon dress with a flower bracelet and sapphire necklace.
Her long, ivory hair flowed freely down her back with her bangs held back with a ruby lily pad hair clip.
Wendy now wore Mirajane's old gothic clothes and makeup, Laxus and Gajeel wore semi-gothic clothes, but the three of them adopted really serious personalities and rarely smiled.
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