I was sitting in front of me and Lilly's home. Rowan was sitting next to me drinking a beer.
"Are you okay Marko?"
I looked at Rowan and smiled.
"I'm okay Rowan, I'm just thinking about Lilly."
"You really love your little sister don't you Marko?"
"I can still remember the time we found her."
"Lilly told me the story Marko."
I looked at Rowan in somewhat of shock. Lilly hated talking about her backstory. The only reason that I know anything about it is because I accidentally overheard Lilly telling Star about it. I shuddered at the thought of Star. I wonder how she is doing in life. Rowan must have noticed me drifting off in my thoughts because I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder. I smiled at Rowan and shook my head.
"When did she tell you Rowan?"
"Last night."
"She did?"
I love my little sister
I looked at Marko and smiled. He loved his sister so much. I wished I could tell him and Lilly my deep dark secret. But I couldn't without them wanting to kill me. Whenever I look at Lilly and Marko all I see are two individuals who try their hardest to survive life. I noticed Marko looking at me with concern.
"Are you okay Rowan?"
I smiled at him.
"I'm fine Marko. I'm just thinking about my past life before becoming a witch."
"Do you want to talk about it?"
I shook my head at him.
"Let's just say that my family was murdered by a very power hungry man. Who's only desire was to destroy others lives. My family's being one of the many."
"Wow that sounds rough Rowan. How old were you?"
He looked at me with wide eyes. He walked up to me and hugged me. I hugged him back. I smiled up at him.
"I can understand what Lilly means by you are protective."
"I'm not that protective of Lilly."
I just looked at him like he was stupid. I smirked before answering.
"Marko, I literally saw you ripp a man to pieces for looking at her. She wasn't lying when she said 'protective is the nice way of describing it."
"And I still stand by that."
Me and Marko turned around and saw Lilly infront of us. Marko rushed to his sister and spun her around before hugging her tightly. I smiled at them. I wish I could have what they have. But deep down I knew that I could never have it. I felt a tap on my shoulders and looked up. I saw Marko and Lilly smiling at me. Lilly walked up to me and hugged me. When she let go she smiled at me with such a loving smile.
"We have to go now Rowan the sun is almost up."
"Okay Lilly, I'll see you two tomorrow night."
"That is most definitely going to happen."
I watched them ride away on Marko's motorcycle. When they were out of sight I went into my house and put a protection spell around it so that I would feel safe while sleeping.
"Please be okay and safe."
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