I was walking in the woods trying to find the girl I met at the party. I think her name was Nicole........ Nicole Emerson. When I read her mind I smiled and after a little more research I found out that Nicole and her brother were the cousins to Sam and Michael Emerson. I didn't think they had any other relatives other than each other. It was hard to sneak away from Marko because if I'm being honest I didn't really want to sneak away from him. Ever since that horrific night in Santa Carla years ago I haven't really left Marko's side because I am afraid that if I leave him alone then he will die and I won't be there to save him. I looked up at the bright moon amongst the many stars in the pitch black night sky.
"The night is so beautiful."
I looked up at the stars and moon and smiled to myself. Ever since I became a vampire the moon and the stars have been a comfort to me. When I was a human child I loved looking at the sun and clouds. I shuddered as I remember the terrible life I had at a young age. I'm so grateful that I am alive. I was suddenly pulled out of my thoughts when I heard a twig snap. I looked around and saw Nicole. She looked like she was in a trance.
*Shane must have gotten to her*
I went up to her and she suddenly jumped around looking at me.
"Who are you? What do want with me?"
"Nicole, it's me Lilly. We met at the party a couple days ago. Remember?"
Nicole paused for a minute before taking off her sunglasses. I gasped in shock and sorrow. Her eyes were clouded like she was newly transformed or is halfway transformed. She suddenly started crying and I hugged her. I let her cry on my shoulders as she told me what happened to her the following day. I had tears streaming down my face.
"It all started when I had a weird red drink at the party. His name was Shane and he was very persistent that I drink it. Then when I got home that night I tried to attack my brother and then I tried to kill and eat a boy. I don't know what's happening to me Lilly. Do you have any idea what might be happening to me?"
I sighed and so badly wished I could tell her the truth. I wanted to tell her everything because I know what it's like to be new to this life and have no idea what's going on. But I knew that I couldn't without her freaking out. I looked at a very scared and confused Nicole Emerson and smiled sadly at her.
"I wish I could Nicole I really do. But I can't because I don't know what's going on. But you do have to be strong Nicole. Because soon you will find out on your own why this is happening."
She looked at me and put her sunglasses back on her face.
"Thanks for talking to me Lilly, but I have to get to Shane. He's calling me."
"What do you mean he's calling you?"
"Can't you hear him Lilly. He's saying"Come to me Nicole".
I started at Nicole in both shock and horror. Now it all made sense. Nicole must be Shane's mate. Shane being a male vampire and Nicole being a female human. I shuddered at the thought of a sweet human girl like Nicole Emerson in this life. I turned to her with tears stained eyes.
"All I can really tell you is to be careful Nicole. Not everyone who shows you kindness has good intentions towards you."
"What do you mean Lilly?"
"Just be careful okay Nicole. Can you promise me that Nicole."
"I will I promise Lilly."
She then began walking away from me. I had tears running down my face. Nicole didn't deserve to be in this life. She will never be able to eat and feed like a vampire. Once I was sure that Nicole was out of hearing and seeing range I flew into the air into the direction of me and Marko's home.
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