Imagine 52: I'm Not A Vampire!😤 (Edgar)
I have YET to write about Edgar, or Alan, or Sam!😱
So, I'll probably do them soon.🤭
For now, here's an Edgar imagine!
Pairing: Y/N x Edgar
Summary: *Y/N is a girl whose a regular customer at the comic shop. Overtime, Edgar starts to like her, but he soon realizes that she's always around the Lost Boys. And during there first date, he says the wrong thing at the wrong time*
*Edgar's POV*
" know I won't give this to you, right?" I smirk, crossing my arms.
Y/N rolls her eyes. "I'm three dollars short, come on! You know I'll pay you back!"
"Will you?" I chuckle, enjoying seeing Y/N get mad.
She's so adorable...
Y/N sighs. "God you can be unbearable sometimes," she turns to leave, and that's when I realize my teasing went too far.
"Okay okay," I run up, handing the comic to her, "you can pay me back later."
She smiles, taking it in her hands, "but other times," she smirks, "you can be a sweetie."
I furrow my brow. "Do not call me that."
"Okay, sweetie," she pushes me playfully, and I roll my eyes.
I glance left and right, searching for Alan, whose probably in the corner spying on me.
Suddenly, I feel a pair of soft lips touch my cheek.
Instantly, I tense.
She pulls away, blushing intensively.
I stand there silent.
"Do you..." She stops, twisting her comic nervously.
Oh she gonna say what I think she is?
I wait.
"Do you wanna do something fun, tomorrow night?"
My eyes widen.
Is this a date?
To be honest, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited.
I smirk. "Maybe."
She laughs. "I'll talk that as a yes," she brushes a hand against the top of my chest, running it to my shoulder before heading to the door. "I'll meet you here, okay?"
She leaves, and I stand there completely stunned.
Yo...I just got asked out.
By the cutest girl on the boardwalk!
Alan approaches me. "You're blushing."
"Shut up," I growl, and he laughs.
"Are you going to hang out with her?" He jumps on the counter, "even after we know what we know?"
"We don't know, for sure, okay?" I point out sternly.
Yes, Y/N spends her time with the Lost Boys, but...she can't be one, right?
Well, I guess I'm gonna have to find out.
If she is one, it goes against everything I stand for.
I need to find out first, before I let this go to far.
*Next night*
"Hey Edgar!" She runs up and hugs me.
Alan makes kissy faces behind me, and I flip him off.
She pulls away, but grabs my hand and takes me deeper into the boardwalk.
I need to find the right moment to ask her...and not sound like a complete idiot. .
Oh boy this'll be challenging.
For about an hour, we run around and try all the rides. Then, she demands that I wear this HORRID heart shaped stuffed hat, which I swear to god, Alan took a picture of in the shadow corners.
Yes he's stalking me! I caught him a few minutes ago!
Now, were sitting on a bench, just chatting.
She however, keeps scooting closer to me.
My heart pounds.
"You know what'll make this night better?" She whispers.
I shake my head.
Suddenly, she presses her lips against mine.
Not a passionate kiss, but still, it surprises me.
When she pulls away, a bright smile on her face, I say the worst thing at the WORST time.
"Never thought a vampire would kiss me."
Her eyes widen. "What did you just say?"
Instantly, the regret fills me. "Y/N-"
"Did you just say VAMPIRE?!"
My eyes widen. "No, you don't understand-"
She pushes me and stands up. "I'm not a vampire you asshole! How could you even SAY that?!"
She turns and runs off.
I almost run after her, but I sit there, hands on my face.
"Fucking idiot!" I hit myself.
I just permanently ruined any chance I have with Y/N...
Damn it.
*Y/N's POV*
I can't believe Edgar would say that! After we kissed!
That's the worst thing to say to a girl when they kiss you!
Ugh the jerk!
I pace the beach, completely heartbroken.
It hurts, I really like Edgar a lot...
I sigh softly.
Yes, I live with four vampires, but he doesn't understand.
I'm not one of them.
I live with my older brother Dwayne, who is a vampire, and has to live with the other three vampires.
But I, in no way, will become a vampire.
I want to experience human things, like kisses, boyfriends, families...
I feel embarrassed that I ran out on Edgar like that, so tomorrow morning, when I see Edgar working in the comic shop, I'll go inside.
*Next morning*
*Edgar's POV*
The last thing I expected was to see Y/N come in the comic shop, but honestly? I'm happy that she did.
She sits me down, and explains more in detail about who she is, and who her family is.
And twenty minutes later, she sighs. "I get it if you don't wanna hang out, but-"
I pull her into a kiss.
She pushes me away. "Wha-"
"Tonight," I smile.
She stares at me funny. "Tonight what?"
"Tonight," I take her hands in mine, "we'll make up for our date."
She smiles wider, and we kiss again.
Thxs for reading!!!!
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