Imagine 34: Shape-Shifter🐺 (Lost Boys) Pt. 1
Pairing: Jay x Lost Boys
*This will be a two part imagine!😋*
Summary: *Jay is a 6 year old boy who can shapeshift into any animal he wants! But, only for a limited amount of time.
When Jays parents die and Jay is left to defend for himself, the Lost Boys find Jay in a small box clutching his stuffed fox toy.
So the boys decide to take him under there wing.*
Requested by Tired4rtist
*David's POV*
"Sooooo," I smack my fists together. "Whatcha wanna do tonight?"
Seems like we've been cooped up in the cave for too long, lately. I'm kind of in the mood to go out and do something.
Besides feast.
Paul smacks his lips. "Well, we could get dinner?"
"Paul, we just ate," Dwayne rolls his eyes, but Paul shakes his head.
"Human food, not blood," he smirks, "I got a craving."
Marko shrugs. "How about we go for a drive? Sounds like fun."
"I'm down for whatever," I push myself off the cave wall, heading for the exit. "Who knows? Maybe we'll find something interesting."
Two hours later, we're driving around on the beach like maniacs, laughing our asses off and making fools of ourselves.
We were at the boardwalk, but we got kicked out because we got in a little scuffle with the Surf Nazis.
Though they started it first.
Marko speeds past me, sticking his tongue out at me.
That little shit!
I laugh, going faster to catch up with him. Soon, we're side by side, racing as if our lives depend on it.
Until something ahead of us makes all four of us slam on our brakes, nearly toppling over and crashing.
We almost hit this thing in our way, but luckily, we don't.
Though, I don't know if it would matter if we hit it, it's just a box.
Adrenaline pulses through my veins as I climb off my bike, rushing to the block in the road.
Who the hell left a cardboard box here?! And why?!
Marko comes up beside me along with Dwayne and Paul.
We stare at the box curiously.
"A box?" Dwayne asks, tilting his head, "who'd leave this here?"
I furrow my brow, reaching down to open it.
I expect to see nothing inside, maybe some trash or something.
But what we did see was a total shocker to all of us.
A little boy, curled into a tight ball as his hands clutch a stuffed toy fox.
His hair is matted and a mess, his clothes are torn, and his face is dark from not being cleaned.
My eyes widen.
"What the heck is this?!" Paul shouts, before Dwayne smacks him in the stomach for him to shut up.
The boy was sleeping, but Paul's outburst made his eyes flutter open, before he starts screaming and growling when he sees us.
We all back up from him, hands raised in peace, but the child falls out of the box, backing up on the sand, growling at us.
"He looks feral," Marko says, hiding behind Dwayne for protection.
I roll my eyes. "He's not feral, he's just scared," I out stretch a hand, "it's okay little one."
The boy keeps growling, but I'm not scared of him.
I kneel in front of me. "It's okay, we're not going to hurt you."
"Maybe," Paul says, which leads to another smack from Dwayne.
The boy stares at me, then at the three guys behind me, before he slowly approaches me.
I smile softly, taking his hand. "Are you hungry?"
He nods.
"Let's go back home," I say, before pointing at Marko. "You go get some food. We'll give this little guy a bath, some new clothes."
I lead him to my bike, before helping him up on my bike and driving away.
When we got to the cave, the boy had another little fear tantrum, but with enough calm tones, and gentle gestures, he's calmed down.
Dwayne and I gave him a bath in the ocean and combed his hair, which lead to more screams.
But after all that, were inside the cave, watching him eat some food.
He eats like he hasn't eaten in days...
What happened to him?
Marko walks up to touch his fox toy, but the boy immediately growls at him, grabbing his toy and clutching it to his chest.
I raise an eyebrow.
Marko approaches me. "Yo, what is with that kid?"
"He might have some post trauma," I whisper, afraid that he'll hear.
But what about parents? Where are they?
"Where are your parents?" I ask.
He looks at me with wide eyes, before he glances around the cave, looking for something.
What it is, I can't say.
After a moment, he stutters the word. "D-dead."
My eyes widen, and we all fall silent.
"I'm sorry," Dwayne says, but the boy doesn't reply.
"How old are you?" Marko asks.
The boy holds up two hands, with six fingers fully extended.
He's six...
So young...
I clear my throat. "Do you have a name?" I ask.
He nods, before he points at a rock that's shaped like a J in the corner.
"You're name is Jay?" I ask, and he nods.
I smile. "It's nice to meet you."
Marko looks at me. "What are we going to do with him?"
"We can't let him back out," Dwayne points out, "he'll be killed."
He's right. We can't let him out, and after all, through the few hours I've known him, I've grown to like him.
"We're gonna have to take him under our wing," I say, which causes Paul's jaw to drop.
"But he's human," he hisses, quiet enough for the kid not to hear.
"I know that," I hiss back, "but he needs a family. He's lost. Like us..." I nod to Marko and Dwayne, "once he turns 18, we'll turn him into one of us. For now though," I stand up, and smile at him.
"Welcome to the Lost Boys family, Jay..."
To be continued...
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