Imagine 24: How you came to be our sister👩 (Lost Boys)
Requested by
A prequel to Imagine 18 "Big Brothers"
Pairing: Lilly x Lost Boys
Summary: *Lilly was only 14 when she ran away from home and her abusive parents. Hungry, and alone, she tries to steal some food from the boardwalk, accidentally bumping into the Lost Boys along the way...*
Requested by JamieWood821
*Lilly's POV*
I wander the boardwalk for several moments, eyes scanning the area for something good to eat that's out in the open for me to snatch.
I know stealing is wrong, but I have to do it. It's either I eat, or starve.
I walk for a few minutes until I spot the pizza stand, and slices of pizza displayed out in the open, and no one there.
I lick my lips.
Running to the stand, I snatch two slices, making sure no one saw it. And just when I felt like I was out of the clear, someone aggressively shouts.
"HEY! Stop her!"
I look and see a furious old man running after me. I take off in a dead sprint, dodging and pushing people out of the way, careful to not lose my food.
He's starting to fall behind, and right when I'm about to stop and laugh in victory I smash into another body and fall down.
I land on my back, groaning as I open my eyes to see a platinum blond man staring down at me, along with three others who stand beside him.
Oh shit...what did I just do?
The man chasing me catches up. "Hey! Is this your kid?!" He shouts at the platinum blond.
The blond looks at me for a moment, a little smirk on his face. One that I can't read, and it's scaring the hell out of me.
I'm pleading him with my eyes to say yes, and finally, the platinum blond looks at the man.
"She's our little sister," he picks me up a little aggressively, "is something the matter?"
Little sister? Uh...okay, I guess that'll work.
"She stole two slices of pizza!" The man shouts, pointing an accusing finger at me.
The platinum blond laughs softly. "Come on, don't be too hard on her. We were her age once, after all," he leans down so that our heads are level. "Say your sorry."
"Sorry," I mumble, but it's not enough for the man.
It takes the one who looks like Twisted Sister handing him a $10 for that guy to leave.
Once he's gone, the platinum blond crosses his arms. "So..." He says, "who are you?"
I almost tell him to get lost, but he's helped me, so I reply saying my name is Lilly.
He outstretches a gloved hand to shake mine. "Well, Lilly. I just saved your hide."
"You did, thank you," I say as we let go.
"I'm David, by the way," he turns and points at the dark haired one in the back, "that's Dwayne," then David points at Twisted Sister, "that's Paul," and finally, David points at the youngest one, "and that is Marko."
"Pleasure," I say before I stare at the ground at my soiled pizza.
I know this sounds wrong, but I'm seriously tempted to still eat it.
David notices. "Hey, you hungry?"
"Yeah, why?" I ask, before he pushes past me with the other three trailing behind him.
"Come with us," he says without looking back.
I stand in my place, until Marko waves at me to follow.
Sighing, I follow them to four motorbikes.
David gets on before looking at me. "Get on, Lilly."
"What?! But I don't know you guys!" I shout, crossing my arms and stamping a foot.
David chuckles. "Trust me, if we wanted to hurt you, we already would have."
Marko laughs under his breath with Paul, and I stare at them all.
These guys...are weird.
Finally, I cave in, knowing that I'm no safer being out here at just 14 years old.
I get on the back of David's bike, and we all speed away.
*At the cave*
"Watch your step, Lil," Paul says, helping me down so that I don't trip.
I stare at everything.
"Not bad, huh?" David says, walking past me. "This is our little home sweet home."
" you live in a cave?" I ask, seriously confused.
David smirks. "We don't have to pay taxes, or bills. And, we stay out of everyones way."
Marko laughs again, jumping off the broken fountain that takes up a large potion of the cave.
My stomach growls, which gains everyones attention.
"Right, food," he whispers in Marko's ear, and he runs off, coming back with a Chinese takeout box.
He hands it to me, and I hesitantly eat it.
They all watch me, one more curious then the other.
"Where are your parents?" Paul asks.
I nearly choke, but I manage to swallow it down and answer his question in a mature way.
"They were addicts and abusive, so I ran away a couple weeks ago."
Paul's eyes widen. "Sorry for asking," he mumbles, shaking his head.
David stares at me. "You got any friends?"
"Well, do you have ANY place to stay?" Marko asks, and I shake my head.
Dwayne sighs, staring at David who shrugs. "You can stay here if you'd like."
"No, I shouldn't," I reply, "I should go."
"Stay, get some sleep. We'll give you some of our clothes, forgive us if there too big," David says, which makes me stare at them all.
Well, so far they've been alright, it wouldn't hurt just to stay for a little while.
"Alright," I say, "but only for a couple of days..."
*1 week later*
Well, this is interesting.
Turns out the guys I'm staying with are day sleepers, and blood drinkers.
I'll give you three guesses as to what they are...
Yep. Vampires.
It freaked me out when they told me, but they said they wouldn't hurt me, and so far, they've been true to there word.
I sit on the floor, stitching a hole in my jeans right when the guys come down, drenched in blood.
Instantly, I gag.
"You guys stink!" I shout, holding a shirt over my nose. "How OLD is that blood on you?!"
"Not very old," David shrugs, licking a little bit off his fingers which makes me sick.
I almost throw up.
Marko senses my energy, and he pushes the guys forward. "Sorry, we'll get cleaned up right away."
Soon, there gone.
At least Marko is being respectful when it comes to me getting used to...all that vampire stuff.
Twenty minutes later, they are all cleaned up and hanging out with me.
I feel weird around them.
"Hey, what's wrong Lilly?" David asks, staring at me a little concerned.
"Sorry, it's just weird knowing your..."
"Vampires?" David finishes for me. I nod.
"I mean like, when I go to bed, your up. When you go to bed, I'm up. You come home drenched in someone else's blood, and yet you don't kill me."
"We'd never do that, Lil," Dwayne says, smiling a little.
"Yeah, but why? What makes you know the difference between friend and food?" I ask, which makes David chuckle. "That's easy. When we're around other people, we get this hunger that needs to be quenched, but when we're around you, we see you as our family."
"Family?" I ask, a little shocked. "What..."
Marko smiles. "Your like a little sis to us, Lilly. Even though you've only been here for a little while."
"What Marko is trying to say is, we would like you to stay with us for a very long time, because we love you like a sister."
My heart pounds. These four Lost Boys care about a real family.
I group hug them. "Of course I'll stay. I'll stay forever..."
Hope you like it!!!
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