Imagine 17: Happy Birthday Valerie!🥳 (Lost Boys)
This is a little something for me🥳
*Valerie's POV*
I set my bag down, and sit on the sand, letting my feet soak in the ocean water.
It's night time, and the moon is full, hovering over the ocean.
My parents wanted to do something for me for my birthday, but it didn't work all.
They thought it would be cool to invite my entire class over for a party. They all agreed to go, but when it was time, they didn't show up.
To be honest...I was expecting that, but still...I thought I had some friends.
I left the house after my parents went to sleep. I grabbed the cake, and headed for the beach.
I'm gonna have my own party...but I'll be the host, and the only guest.
Fun, yeah?
I sigh, poking a fork into the cake my mom spent a day baking. "Happy birthday to me..."
"Its your birthday?" A voice cuts through the air.
I look behind to see a group of four guys.
Three are blondes, the other a dark hair native American.
One of them looks like Twisted Sister, the other, is younger with a crazy looking patch jacket and curly hair that's short on top, but is long in the back, and the one who spoke is a platinum blond wearing all black.
"Who are you?" I ask, a little cautious.
He smiles. "Forgive us. I'm David, this is Paul, Marko, and that's Dwayne. Since I answered your question, will you answer mine?"
"Oh," I realize. "Yeah, it's my birthday today."
The one they call Marko looks around. "Where's the party?"
"This is the party," I say, pointing at the cake and myself.
Paul raises an eyebrow. "Seriously?"
"Yep," I say, faking a smile. "I don't like big crowds."
Actually, that's a lie. I was really excited to have a big party, but it turned out to be a big bummer.
David smirks a little. "Well...are you going to invite us?"
"Huh?" I ask, but already there gathering around me, sitting down and talking to each other.
"But I don't know you guys!" I say.
David laughs a little. "You'll get to know us. Now come on, let's have some fun."
"By the way, what's your name?" Dwayne asks. I notice that he's the quietest one in the group.
"I'm Valerie," I say, smiling a little at these four strangers who just randomly decided to spend there time with a girl like me.
Dwayne smiles. "Nice to meet you, Valerie."
We broke into the cake. Paul was the one who ate most of it, even though David said that the birthday girl gets most of it, Paul didn't care.
And now, when our plates are set aside, Marko jumps up, grabbing Paul by the arm and suddenly they sing "Happy Birthday" in the most loudest, embarrassing way possible.
I die of laughter.
When they sit back down, a bunch of sand gets on my outfit.
"Guys! You just got me dirty!"
"Oh, here!" Marko sweeps me off my feet and carries me to the ocean. "I'll help."
"Don't you dare!" I laugh, hanging onto him for dear life.
When we're knee deep in the water, he stares at me in silence for a few minutes, before.
And then he drops me.
Everyone laughs, but when I emerge, I chase after them.
"You jerks!" I laugh, running after Marko, Paul, and Dwayne.
David sits there, laughing softly as he watches us.
Finally, when we're out of breath and collapse onto the sand, we stare up at the sky for a while.
"Best party ever," Paul says, before doing a high five with Dwayne.
I giggle.
David comes up. "Guys, we should probably go. It's getting late."
"Aww..." Marko sits up, "can't we stay a bit longer?"
"Sadly, no. Oh, Valerie? Did you walk here?"
I sit up. "Yeah, why?"
David motions us to follow. "We'll drive you home."
I get up and grab everything, following them to there motorbikes.
Marko gets on his. "Valerie? Wanna ride with me?"
"Oh!" I blush a little, actually, a LOT. "I...I don't know."
Marko shrugs. "Don't be scared, Valerie. You'll be fine!"
Finally, I let my feelings cave and I sit behind Marko, my heartbeat beating out of control.
Through the short time we've spent together, I'm beginning to feel a crush coming on for Marko...
Everyone starts there bikes, and we pull out so suddenly that I squeak, throwing my arms around Markos waist.
He looks over his shoulder, smirking, before going faster.
He intentionally did that, didn't he?😳
We drive down the beach so fast that it feels like I'm flying.
Soon, I begin to loosen up, and I start to laugh and cheer.
David and the others pulled ahead a bit, whereas Marko drove right to my porch to drop me off.
"That was a lot of fun," I get off, "thank you."
Marko smiles.
I begin to walk away before. "Valerie?"
I turn around.
"Do- do," he shyly plays with his fingers. "Do you wanna hang out again?"
I smile widely. "I'd love to!"
He grins from ear to ear. "Great! How about this Saturday, at the boardwalk?"
"It's a date," I laugh, before realizing I said the word 'Date'.
He smirks. "Date? I don't mind that."
I blush, saying goodnight and going inside.
The four of them drive away, and when I'm in my room, I begin to write in my diary about everything.
April is my birth month! So happy bday to me lol😂
Hope you like it!
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