Imagine 13 Jealous Much?🤨 (Lost Boys)
Pairing: Y/N x the Lost Boys x Michael Emerson
Summary: *Y/N has been hanging out with Michael Emerson for quite some time, and that makes the lost boys jealous...😤*
Requested by Butterup2
"Michael! Michael!" I wave through the crowd, seeing him in the middle.
He hears my voice, so he turns and waves back. "Y/N! Over here!"
I push through people until I'm standing at his side. "Man I thought I lost you," I laugh, he laughs as well, "nah, I've been here the whole time."
He turns to stare at the man singing, and so do I.
Michael and I have been friends for a while now, about five months. We met practically in this exact same spot, on the boardwalk, watching a concert.
We hit it off pretty fast, and ever since then, we've been hanging out.
Though that does anger a couple of other guys I know...
Lost Boys, there more known as. A couple of years ago they let me stay in there cave, and we became friends.
But lately, I can sense there a little annoyed that I'm hanging out with Michael Emerson.
Michael smiles at me. "Your spacing out again, Y/N."
"Sorry," I shake my head, smiling. "Just deep in thought."
He shakes my shoulder slightly. "Loosen up, let's have some fun."
I blush.
When it comes to most guy and girl friends, they develop feelings for each other.
I can already feel it happening to me.
Michael is a really nice guy, sweet, caring, and a lot of fun.
I just hope that it won't come in between my friendship with the Lost Boys.
*Somewhere on the boardwalk*
David's POV
Paul blows out some smoke. "She's hanging out with that Emerson again," he growls the words, squeezing his cigarette.
"I know," I reply, calm and composed, though on the inside, I'm screaming.
Marko sighs. "This is crappy. I mean, Y/N was ours first!"
"She doesn't think that," Dwayne says, staring into the crowd.
I bite my lip. What does she see in that Emerson guy? We're the good looking ones here...
I look at the other three.
Well, I am, anyways.
Y/N is our mate, we all can feel it. But I don't understand why she doesn't.
I look deep within the crowd, and I see a sight that makes me both happy and angry.
Y/N, smiling and laughing as she holds an ice cream.
And Michael Emerson, the one making her smile, the one who bought her that ice cream.
"That should be us," Paul says.
I couldn't agree more.
I start my bike.
"That concert was pretty cool!" I say, licking my ice cream.
Michael smiles, touching the handles of his bike. "Yeah, it was. I had a lot of fun."
He gets on. "Want me to take you home?"
I open my mouth to speak, but before any words are spoken, four engines pull up beside us.
One of them, an angry platinum blond.
My stomach sinks.
"Oh, hi guys," I smile, "what's up?"
"Where are you going, Y/N?" David asks, a certain tone in his voice that raises high alert in me.
"For a ride. This is Michael," I introduce him, and Michael waves a little.
"Hey, Mikey," Marko teases, before Paul and him high five a little.
"Guys, be nice," I warn.
David gets off and approaches me. "He won't make you happy, Y/N."
"What?" I ask, a little surprised.
Dwayne gets off as well. "Yeah, we really like you Y/N. Like, a lot."
"Your our mate," Paul says, "your meant to be with us."
I raise an eyebrow. "Whoa, wait, what's this about?"
Marko takes my hand. "Don't go with him! Stay here, with us! We'll always treasure you!"
Michael begins to laugh. "Wait, you thought- you thought we were a couple?"
"Well it sure as hell looked like it," David snarks.
"No! No, David, we're just friends, I assure you." I smile at the boys. "You really mean all that you said?"
"Of course," David smiles, "your our queen."
I hug him. "That is so sweet!"
Michael chuckles under his breath. "I better go, I'll see you later."
He drives away.
I group hug with the boys.
"What do you say we go terrorize some people?" I ask.
"You are such the perfect Lost Girl," Paul laughs, before we get on the bikes and drive away.
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