(This image was requested by ValerieWinks777. In this image she is going to be the little sister to the lost boys. She encounters Michael Emerson and let's just say that they like what they see.)
I managed to sneak away from my brothers. I love them I really do but oh my goodness can they get on my nerves. I get it I'm their little sister and they're protective but not every guy wants to get into my pants. I was walking around the boardwalk trying to find something to do when I suddenly bumped into someone. I looked up and saw a boy with short dark brown curls wearing a leather jacket. He was staring at me and I blushed.
"I'm sorry I wasn't watching where I was going."
I shook my head at his apology.
"No it's alright no harm was done. My name is Valerie. What is your name?"
"My name is Michael. It's nice to meet you Valerie."
I smiled at Micheal hoping that we would be friends.
"Do you want to go and walk with each other Michael?"
"I would love to Valerie."
I smiled at him and began to talk as we began to walk.
I was with the boys waiting for our little sister to come back. She hasn't arrived yet and we were all getting a bit angry.
"Where could she possibly be David?"
I sighed at my brother's.
"I don't know Dwayne. But what I do know is that when she does come back we are going to have a long talk about her being late."
I was looking around when my eyes spotted something that pissed me off. I saw our sister walking and talking with Micheal. What pissed me off is that she looked like she was actually enjoying it.
"Boys we have a problem."
"What is it David?"
I pointed in the direction of Valerie and the boy and they all soon turned angry.
"Oh hell no."
"Nope Michael has got to go."
"Who does he think he is?"
I threw my cigarette on the ground and stomped on it. I then got on my bike and started the engine. I looked at the boys and grinned.
"Come on boys let's go and cause some trouble."
I was having a blast with my new friend. She was such a blast to hang around.
"Wait that actually happened."
"Yes it did Michael. I sure wasn't expecting it."
"Who would expect their own brother to fall into a fountain of water high beyond imagination."
I was smiling when loud motorcycle engines were heard. My smile faltered when I saw the four boys that I was hoping that I wouldn't see. There were glaring at me for some reason.
"What do you think you're doing Michael?"
I was so generally confused on what he meant.
"What are you talking about David?"
They all started to chuckle and for some reason Valerie looked nervous.
"Boys Michael doesn't know what's going on. Should we tell him?"
"Yeah let's tell Mikey."
David began to get off his bike when Valerie walked up to him.
"David please not tonight."
"But little sister you know the rules on talking to boys that aren't us."
My eyes widened as his words left his mouth. I looked at Valerie and she looked so guilty. I guess I can tell why she didn't mention her brothers.
"I can assure you that nothing was going on between us."
"You better be telling the truth Michael because you know what will happen if you are lying to us. Now come on Valerie we have to get back home."
Valerie looked at me with an apologetic look before climbing on the back of Paul's bike and riding off. As they rode off I began to wonder if Valerie would be okay.
Valerie was sitting on the worn down couch getting lectured by her brothers for talking to a boy without their permission.
"Okay guys can we please move on and get some sleep. Michael is just a friend and nothing else."
"Oh we will move on and get some sleep but tomorrow night you are not leaving our sight at all. Now you are going to sleep in your bed tonight. Now let's get some sleep before we burn."
Valerie grunted before walking towards her room and letting sleep take over her.
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