Marko fights David
(This imagine is requested by ValerieWinks777. This will be a sequel to 'Marko meets Valerie'. In this image David will get jealy that Marko found his mate and is now in a relationship with Valerie. He will try and do something about it causing Marko to go in full blown protective mate mode.)
It's been weeks since Marko has met his mate. Now he made it official and they are now dating. But it made me so jealous. Marko is the youngest and I am the oldest. I was supposed to find my mate first not him. Why did the youngest of us find his mate before the rest of us. It just wasn't fair.
I was now watching them hug each other and then kiss. I couldn't take it anymore I had to do something. I saw Marko whisper something in her ear causing her to giggle before walking off. As soon as he was out of sight I rode to where his precious mate was.
After Marko left I smiled. These past few weeks have been the best weeks of my life yet. He's been so sweet to me and he even bought the outfit that I am now wearing.
I love him so much that I can't possibly imagine my life without him. As I watched him walk out of eyesight I heard a motorcycle engine getting close to me. I turned around and saw a platinum blonde man rode up to me.
"Hey there doll face how are you doing?"
"Hello. Do you need anything?"
"How about a name."
"My name is Valerie."
"The name is David doll."
I nervously looked at him. I didn't like his aura.
"I have a boyfriend please don't flirt with me."
He chuckled at me.
"I know who you are Valerie. I'm Marko's oldest brother."
"Oh you're Marko's brother?"
"Yes I am. And you are the person that has been stealing his attention away from us."
I didn't like his talking and I was getting really nervous. How was a sweet boy like Marko related to a scary man like David. He kept talking when I suddenly felt two arms wrap around my waist. I smiled as I saw my boyfriend looking at me. But his smile quickly faltered when he saw David and his stare turned into a glare.
"What are you doing here David?"
David threw his cigarette on the ground and then looked at his brother like he was annoying.
"We got to go home Marko."
"Okay David i'm coming. I'm so sorry Valerie I guess I just lost track of time. I will see you tomorrow night though."
I watched Marko and his brother ride away from me back to their home. I sighed to myself.
"They must have a really unique brother relationship."
I then walked away and went back to my home.
Back at the cave Dwayne was holding Marko back and Paul was holding David back.
"What were you planning on doing to her David?"
"What's it to you Marko."
"I can read your mind David. What were you planning on doing to my mate David."
David glared at Marko with a look that got Dwayne and Paul to both tighten their grips on them.
"You shouldn't have found your mate before me Marko."
Dwayne was now having trouble with holding Marko back.
"Calm down Marko."
"We have to go to sleep soon. So can you two please get along tonight."
Paul and Dwayne let go of David and Marko. Marko walked away from them.
"I'm sleeping in my bed tonight. Don't follow me."
"Fine with me."
Dwayne and Paul looked at each other before sighing and looking at each other.
"What a day."
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