Mom dropped me off at the Festival entrance. She parked the car and turned in her seat to look at me.
"Be safe. Don't talk to strangers. Don't get into random people's cars."
"And don't do something you're not comfortable with," I finished. "Yes, Mom. I know."
Mom leaned over and kissed the top of my head. "Have fun. Text me when you're done."
I smiled. "I will." I opened the door and hopped out. I waved as she drove away. I stood outside the entrance, awing at the sight of things inside.
The fair was outside, lights of all colors stretched across the land. Rides for all ages, big and small, stood more towards the left with the games to the right. I could see concession stands for food scattered throughout. I could smell fried chicken, popcorn, chocolate, and hundreds of other sweet and savory foods. It took me a second to realize that Sage was standing right outside the entrance by the ticket booth.
"Paris!" She shouted. I shook myself out of my daze.
"Oh! Hey!" I smiled and walked over, "I didn't see you there."
She smiled. "I take it you've never been to a fair before?"
I shook my head. "No. But it looks really cool."
"I know! The Fall Festival has been my favorite event since I was a kid. They've added a lot since my first time going."
"Well, I'm excited to see what it has to offer."
Sage smiled brightly. "Let's buy some tickets. Rai is in the Circus Show so we'll stop there first."
"Circus Show?" I couldn't imagine those two being in a circus.
"Yeah! They have hourly performances in the evenings throughout the weekend. Rai's dad has been in charge of them for years."
I nodded. "Let's go then."
Sage and I slipped into the line and bought a few tickets for rides and the show. I followed her towards the middle of the field where the circus tent was. I couldn't help but look around at all the amazing lights and colors. People cheered as they won games. I could hear screams and laughing from the rides. I watched as people zipped down on a roller coaster. It looked like so much fun!
"Here we are," Sage said. We stopped at a red and yellow tent. A sign outside with the words Circus Show sat on the left of the drawn back curtains. Different times were posted underneath the title. The next showing was in 5 minutes.
"Let's head inside and find seats." Sage grabbed my hand and pulled me inside the tent. I stumbled a little as I followed her. There were wooden benches across the dirt floor with a big stage up front. I could see small curtains over on the corners of the stage for backstage. It looked pretty packed as Sage and I sat down towards the front.
"Are Lae and Foster coming?" I asked.
"They're coming later. Lae had some sort of family business to take care of. And Foster, well, he's always late to everything."
I chuckled. "What about Axel?"
"Oh, he's with his younger brother. I think they went to go catch some rides."
I nodded. I secretly wanted Axel to be here watching the show, but I kept the thought to myself.
I turned my head towards the stage. I tried to see if I could see Rai at all. He must still be backstage.
"What does Rai do in the show?" I asked Sage. She was looking at her phone when I asked.
"Rai just does backstage stuff. Mostly work with the animals before they come out to perform. He usually is seen bringing the animals on and off stage."
"I didn't know he likes animals," I said.
"Yeah, he's really good at taking care of animals. He has this, I don't know, connection, with them." Sage seemed to have a hard time forming her words, as if there was something else that she didn't want me to know.
I shrugged it off and turned my head towards the stage.
A spotlight appeared on the stage and a man in a Ringmaster costume ran up on the stage. The curtains towards the entrance closed.
"Welcome! I am the Ringmaster and this is the Circus!"
The audience cheered and clapped. Sage and I joined in.
"Our first act will be the amazing Waldo and his talented assistant Elvina!"
We clapped as Waldo and his assistant walked on stage. I watched closely as Waldo made Elvina disappear, levitate an audience member, and make a lizard appear from his sleeve. After his stunning performance, the Ringmaster appeared again to announce the next act.
"Now, we shall have our next act with our magnificent Asher the Tiger!"
Suddenly, a tiger jumped on stage. I yelped and leaned back, scared that the tiger would somehow attack me.
I saw Rai standing off towards the side. He watched closely as the tiger walked along the stage. The Ringmaster smiled as the tiger looked around.
"This here is the wonderful Asher the Tiger! Don't worry, he is trained to not attack anyone. Now, anyone want to feed this fantastic beast?"
A young boy, about 10, stood up and jumped in the air. "I do! I do!" He ran up to the stage and stood close to the Ringmaster.
"Perfect! Our first volunteer! A brave young man!" The Ringmaster stuck his hand out. Rai walked over and handed him a small piece of meat. As he walked by, I felt something. This odd vibration feeling. It seemed to be flowing towards the tiger. But from who?
I looked closer at Rai. He looked at me. I could feel the vibration flowing around him. Was he the one doing it? How could he? I watched him as he made it back down towards his corner from earlier. He gave me a goofy grin. I rolled my eyes and turned back at the stage.
The boy followed the instructions of the Ringmaster as he showed him out to feed the tiger properly. The boy stuck his hand out to let the tiger come close. Then he tossed the raw meat at the tiger's mouth. The tiger caught the meat in the air. The audience cheered. I clapped, but felt odd. Why did this feel strange? Like something wasn't right about this show. Sure, all Circus performances had their secrets, but this one had something big. Something that made it different from all others.
After a few more acts, Sage and I snuck to the back to congratulate Rai after everyone left. Rai stood by a small crate, putting his things away.
"Rai!" Sage ran over and gave him a big hug. "You did good!"
Rai laughed. "Thanks Sage." He looked at me. "Enjoy the show?"
"Yeah. Pretty cool. Didn't know you were good with animals."
Rai laughed. "I'm a mysterious kid, Paris." He gestured us to follow him out to meet up with the rest of the gang. I followed behind.
We ran into Axel as he dropped his brother off with his dad. Lae and Foster came walking over to us.
"Hey! Heard you had a successful performance!" Lae said to Rai.
"Wasn't too hard. There's always an ambitious kid who thinks he's brave enough to do anything." Lae smiled.
"I'm hungry," Foster said. "I want fried Oreos! Anyone else up for some?"
"Fried Oreos?" I asked. "What are those?"
Everyone laughed. Sage placed her hand on my shoulder. "Only the best fried food ever. Come on. You'll love them."
I followed them towards a fried food stand. It smelled amazing. Foster bought two dozens so we all could share and get even amounts of fried Oreos. He let me get first pick.
"Come on! It's not poison." I hesitated as I picked a hot one from the top. I took a large bit.
"Oh my gosh!" I said with food in my mouth. "This is so good!" I shoved the rest in my mouth.
Foster laughed. "Want more?" He stuck the basket out closer to me.
"Yes!" I took a second one. We all sat down at a picnic table as I finished my second fried Oreo. We all sat around the basket of food, chatting and eating the delicious treat. I was quite sad once the basket became empty.
"Don't be sad!" Foster said with a smile next to me. "They're easy to make at home."
"Really?" I said with wide eyes.
"Yeah. Just some Oreos, frying batter, and a fryer. Easy!" I was glad for that.
After a little wait to let food settle in, Sage popped the question of going on some rides. We all agreed. Lae offered that we go ride the Ferris Wheel first.
Sage, Foster, and I walked in front with Rai, Lae, and Axel behind. I noticed that the back row was a little quiet. I turned my head a little to see what was going on. Lae just smiled at me and went back to the hushed conversation. I turned my head back around in confusion. Odd. Why did I feel like these people were hiding something?
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