The Lord and Her Knight
A/n: Hey guys! I really hope you enjoy the story. Tell me if you guys want me to make a part 2. If so leave a comment and vote. I hope you guys enjoy it.
In a land far away, in a time when there were knights and dragons, was a village called Phoenix Drop. The village is very small and not well known, but if you have heard of the village, it was because of the kind lord. She was known throughout the land as the kindest lord. She always put the village first before herself and would give up anything to keep it safe. Her name was Bella and true to her name she was beautiful. She had long flowing hair, sparkling brown eyes that looked gold in the rays of the sun, and was naturally tall. She was kind to all things in nature and allowed magic users to live in her village.
Now in this village there were 5 loyal guards and 1 head guard who would do anything to protect his lord. The five guard's names are Laurence, Dante, Travis, Katelyn, Aaron, and the head guards' name was Garroth. He had been with lord Bella since she had first come to the village. Now here are the other villagers. There is Kawaii-Chan the Meifwa who only ever speaks in third person, Logan the werewolf shop keeper, his wife Donna and this adopted werewolf son Yip, the librarian Emmalyn and her boyfriend Kenmur. Then there was Zoey, Bella's best friend and the healer of the village, and last but not least there was Lucinda the witch. The rest of the villagers were guards.
The village was a very peaceful village, but sadly was also a target for many attacks due to their size and their peacefulness. Soon, however, things are about the change. The biggest fight they were ever going to be in.
It was a beautiful day, the sun barely peeking in through the windows of villager's houses, but that was enough to wake up the lord. She opened her brown eyes, a smile already upon her face, the smell of pancakes and bacon makings its way around the house. She stretched a little and jumped out of bed. She looked through her closet and chose a sky blue dress that flowed down to the ground, a very simple dress. She put on her flower crown which matched her dress and made her way downstairs. She jumped off the last step and saw Zoey in the kitchen.
"Good morning Zoey! Isn't today such a GREAT DAY," Bella said excitedly.
Zoey smiled and her lord and said, "Well someone is in a good mood."
Bella rolled her eyes and said, "When am I not in a good mood Zoey, I thought you would have figured this out after 5 years."
Zoey laughed and put the food on the table, "Oh Lord Bella, funny as usual. Now hurry up and eat before..."
Before Zoey could finish her sentence someone knocked of the door.
Bella chuckled a little and got up, "I got it Zoey it's probably Garroth with the morning report."
Bella walked over to the door and opened it. Not to her surprise stood Garroth with his diamond sword strapped to his side. Bella took a second to admire her admire her head guard. He was strongly built. You could tell he was muscular just by looking at him even though he had his armor on. He had beach blonde hair and eyes as blue as the ocean. He was just a bit taller than Bella; she was up to his chin so Garroth had to look down a little to see his lord. Bella had always admired Garroth but never wanted to accept her feelings for him. Bella shook herself out of her daydreams and smiled at Garroth.
"Let me guess, morning report," Bella said.
Garroth rolled his eyes, "Why else would I be here lord Bella?"
Bella gasped, "So you're not just here to bask in my beautiful glory?!"
Bella and Garroth broke our laughing.
Bella smiled and asked Garroth, "Why don't you come in, we were about to have breakfast."
Garroth nodded his head and came into the house. Zoey knowing Bella was going to skip breakfast for the report so she put the food away the food and saved it for later. Bella walked over to the counter and grabbed the tea. She offered Garroth a cup of tea but he politely rejected.
Bella sat down and said, "Go ahead and give the morning report."
Garroth cleared his throat, "Well my lord there is not much to report. The village keeps expanding every day and new merchants are always looking to come here and set up their booths, even though Logan tries to scare them away. Everything has been peaceful, which for us is a little odd."
Bella nodded only paying half attention as Garroth gave the rest of the morning report, nodding every once and a while, something heavy on her mind. Garroth stopped and took notice of Bella's behavior. Garroth cleared his throat which snapped Bella back to reality.
"My lord, are you okay," Garroth asked with worry in his voice. He had never seen his lord behave like this before, and it worried him.
Bella gave a weak smile, "Nothing Garroth, I just have a lot of my mind."
Garroth looked unconvinced and said, "My lord, you know you can tell me anything, right?"
Bella sighed and looked up at Garroth with worried eyes and said with a worried tone, "Garroth, I think something bad is about to happen. For the past week I have had constant nightmares that keep me up at night. It has gotten so bad that I have not been able to sleep for a good day or two."
Garroth looked up at his lord in surprise. He took a look at his lord to see she truly did look different. Somehow he had noticed how her brown eyes that sparkled in the morning were now dull. She had bags under her eyes and she looked a bit pale. A feeling of worry spread through Garroth. What was wrong with his lord?
"But Lord Bella, you have acted just fine and you never acted like anything was wrong," said a worried Garroth.
Bella sighed, "I didn't want anyone in the village to worry, so I just pushed my weariness aside and acted like I was just fine. We have other things to worry about besides my silly nightmares."
"Lord Bella my job is to protect you, and lord Bella I am worried about you. You have had nightmares in the past, but they never gotten so bad as to disrupt your sleep. Please lord Bella, tell me what your nightmares are about," Garroth said with pleading eyes.
Bella sighed and knew it was time to tell him what her nightmares were about. Bella sat back in her chair and began her story.
Before Bella could tell Garroth about her nightmares and explosion sounded through the village and shook the ground. Bella and Garroth immediately stood up and ran out the house. Bella grabbed her sword on her way out. They ran towards the wall that kept bandits out only to see a big hole in the wall with rubble scattered around the ground. Bella ran up to Dante, one of the guards who were guarding the wall.
"Dante, what was that," Bella said with great concern in her voice.
"It was Zane, he and his army are right outside the wall."
Bella quickly looked through the hole to see Zane standing there with the biggest smirk on his face. Bella's face turned red with anger. Of course it was Zane, when wasn't it Zane?! Bella looked to Garroth; he had the same expression as her.
Dante sighed and looked at Bella with sad eyes and said, "He also said he wanted to see you Lord Bella."
Garroth immediately responded, "She can't do that, he will kill her the second she goes out there."
Before Garroth could respond Bella put her hand on Garroth's shoulder and stopped him mid-sentence. She looked up at her head guard with sadness in her eyes. She knew she would have to go with Zane. He would keep her prisoner and she would never see her village again, but she knew it would be the only way to keep the village safe. Tears threatened to spill over, but she held it in
Garroth took her in his arms and looked at her with pleading eyes, "Please, don't do this. I can't lose you. We can think of another plan, we can fight, we can..."
Bella put her finger on Garroth's lip and stopped him, "Garroth, I have to do this. My job as lord is to make sure my village is safe and protected. If we try fighting Zane, he will kill everyone and he will never stop until he has me or we are all dead. Garroth please, let me go."
By now Bella was crying, pleading with Garroth to understand. Garroth looked down at his lord and gave her a sad smile, "I know."
Bella, still in Garroth's arms, turned her head to look at the whole, where her new horrible life awaited. Bella turned to Garroth and before she could second guess herself she kissed Garroth. The kiss was short and sweet, but it held so much meaning. Their foreheads touched and they looked into each other's eyes.
Bella pecked Garroth's lips and said, "This isn't goodbye forever my love. I know you; you will come save me and bring me back to Phoenix Drop."
Garroth smiled, determination in his eyes and said, "Of course I will, you can't just get kidnapped and expect me NOT to come for you."
Bella smiled and kissed him, "There's my head guard."
Bella stepped out of Garroth's embraced and turned to see her other guards had stood behind Garroth. Bella smiled at them and she knew all of them were going to rescue her, one day. Bella sighed and without looking back walked through the hole and went into Zane's awaiting army and was taken away to Okasis where her prison awaited. She took one last look and knew that this was not the last time she time she would see her village. She was about to turn away when something caught her eye. A phoenix flew out of the trees of the village and flew off into the sky. Bella smiled and knew that there was hope, and knew that she was going to return and be back in Garroth's arms and she was never going to leave.
Hey guys! I really hope you liked it. Sorry if it was so long. I hope you guys enjoyed it! Don't forget to vote! Bye!!
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