~Dawn's POV~
Dally and Darry left about an hour ago leaving me and Zaria alone. I sigh looking through magazines. I get up and put my shoes on.
"Zaria I'm going for a walk," I shout.
"Okay," I hear her say from her and Darry's room.
I walked down the street. I kept humming, ignoring the things around me. I didn't hear a car door slam shut and trust the gut feeling I had that somthing was about to happen. I ran a hand through my hair.
I had a lot on my mind. I sighed softly. Suddenly an arm wraps around my mouth and an hand goes over my mouth. I start squirming.
"Don't try," Randy snarls in her ear.
Zaria hid behind a bench. I growl, scared. Randy handcuffs her and puts her in the backseat.
~Zaria's POV~
Omg what am I gonna do. I start panicking. Dawn looks at me.
'What do I do,' I mouth to her, scared.
'Run,' she mouthes back.
'I can't leave you,' I mouth.
'Go,' she orders.
I did as told accidentally knocking over a trash can Randy looks in my direction.
My eyes' widen and I try to run but couldn't put pressure on my left ankle. Randy catches me. I struggle. He smirked.
"Let me go," I say.
Randy tosses her in the car. I land near Dawn and cry out as my ankle hits it. Dawn scooted close to me. I watch her.
Randy gets in and starts the car. Dawn was scared. I could see it in her eyes I sit up and hum trying to calm her and myself down Dawn was shivering. I hug her.
"I have my phone in my pocket," I whisper in her ear.
"My hands are bound," she says.
I undo the handcuffs quietly. Dawn gets my phone only sending 911 to Dallas and Darry. I bit my lip and see Randy pull up to an abandoned house.
"D-dawn," I stutter.
Dawn hid the phone. I put it back in my pocket. I look at Randy. He laughs.
"Let us go," I say.
"Not happening," he says.
I look at Dawn and I get pulled out of the car and thrown to the ground. Dawn growls. Randy growls right back dragging us both into the house.
Dawn squirmed. I just stayed still not wanting to get him more mad. Dawn sighed.
I get throw into a room. Dawn gets thrown into the same room. I hear the door lock and hold my ankle. Dawn curled into a ball.
"Dawn do you know how to fix an ankle"
She nods.
"Can you fix mine"
"Just stay quiet"
I nod. Dawn rebreaks my ankle, then she uses some wood and Dally's jacket to wrap it. I bit my lip and thanks her after she finishes. Dawn nods. I look at my lap.
"Do you think Darry or Dally got the message," I ask.
Dawn curled in a ball. I sigh and lean against a wall.
~Darry's POV~
My phone dings while me and Dally were at the mall getting engagement rings for Zaria and Dawn. Dally raised a brow. I look at my phone then hand itnto Darry seeing I was driving. Dally growled.
"What is it," I ask gettin scared
"Randy has them," Dally says.
I slam on my brakes.
"Dawn sent 911"
I drive home.
"Did they say where"
Dally shakes his head no. I cuss. Dally gets scared. I get scared too. Dally looks at the small, purple gem ring. I put my hand on his shoulder. Dally looked at me.
I smile, "we'll find them"
He nods. I start driving around town try to find the girls. Dally's phone dings. I look at him. Dally growled
"What," I ask, voice cracking.
"I know where they're at"
Dally shows me a picture Dawn took.
I nod. "Text her to see if they are injured or anything"
Dally's phone dings again. I wait for an answer
Dally says, "Zaria's ankle broke when she ran"
How can this day get any worse?
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