Chapter Six: Our Home.
Lucys (Pov)
I can't believe it...
'He cleaned.'
"No! That wasn't the surprise!"
"It wasn't? Then what are you talking about?"
"We'll do you notice anything?"
"Well we already established that you cleaned... Oh I don't see that hammock that use to be in here. And you got completely new furniture..."
"Seriously Luce..."
"Come on. Follow me."
Natsu pulled me through the living room and up the stairs.
'Since when did this house have a second floor?'
"Me and Happy built it while you were gone..."
"Because we needed more rooms in the house."
"More rooms? What for its just you two living here."
"That's true but hopefully this will change that."
He opened the door to what seemed like a miniature library. Three of the walls were completely covered with shelves of books. Then there was a large desk before a large picture window. This is amazing...
"I didn't know that you read."
Natsu began to laugh.
"You think I read?"
"We'll all these books..."
"Luce why don't you take a closer look."
I looked around the large room I saw that I have a lot of these books... Well, had. I walked over to the desk and I saw a familiar beat up journal.
"It's... Is that... My novel?"
"Yeah... the books are yours too. So is the furniture down stairs."
"I was wondering what looked so familiar... Natsu why is my stuff here?"
"Do you really not know?... Look Lucy I want you to live here with me and Happy. I moved all your stuff out of that apartment and brought it all here I got rid of all my old junk."
I don't know what to say...
"You don't like it? Fuck! Just this once I thought I had a good idea. I'll move it all back."
"No, Natsu..."
I ran over to him wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him on the lips. He was shocked at first but he joined in soon as he realised what was happening. I pushed him away.
"I don't think it's possible to love someone this much. Natsu... Thank you... Thank you so much."
I could no longer hold back my tears.
"Why are you crying Luce? You know I hate seeing you cry..."
"I'm sorry, I'm just so happy."
"Oh, ok tears of happiness. Those are allowed but anything else, unacceptable."
"What about tears of pain?"
"I'd die before I'd let anything hurt you."
"You say that now but... What if you hurt me?"
"Lucy, I would never hurt you."
"I know. But that's not what I meant."
"Then what did you mean?"
"N-nothing... We'll talk about it when it comes up again."
"So you like my surprise?"
"That depends... Did you bring my bed?"
"Of course we weren't gonna sleep in that hammock."
"Then I love it! And this room... It's beautiful."
"Yeah I thought you'd like to have a little quiet space to read and write. I put a window so that in the future you could watch our kids play while you write."
"Our kids?"
"Y-yeah I mean if you..."
"Natsu just how much of our future have you planned?"
"All of it Luce. Till my last breath I want to live my life to the fullest with you by my side. Oh that reminds me... one last surprise."
Before I could react to his sweet words he unwrapped his scarf from his neck and blindfolded me with it.
"Shhh Luce, do you trust me?"
"With my life."
I could feel him pick me up bridal style. He carried me down the stairs and judging by the wind I feel, we are outside.
We walked for what felt like half an hour finally he stopped and put me down.
"Can I take this off now?"
"Just a sec."
Natsu turned me then removed the scarf from my eyes. We stood in front of a big Sakura tree.
"Do you remember?"
"How could I forget. This is our tree."
"When I uprooted this tree I didn't think about the consequence or how weird it was. All I thought about was making you happy."
"I knew that you really wanted to see the rainbow Sakura trees and when you couldn't go I felt empty and it just wasn't the same."
"I was so happy when I saw that tree float down the river. It was the most thoughtful thing anyone had ever done for me."
"You know... Most guys by their girlfriends flowers not uproot the biggest Sakura tree in the park. But I got lucky cause I have you and I promise I'll repay you someday for that."
"That's the thing Luce... I know it's a little soon but in exchange for me making you happy then... Will you make me the happiest man of all Earthland..."
He pulled a blue velvet box from his pocket and he got down on his one knee.
"Will you Marry me... And live life to the fullest by my side?"
Oh my God.
"Natsu I..."
'Say something...'
I can't speak...
Natsu looked worried. It's been about a minute and a half of silence.
"I can't take this anymore."
Before he could ask I knelt down and kissed him. He didn't jump this time. This kiss was unlike the others I swear I can feel his heart beat through our kiss.
We released and took a moment to catch our breaths.
"I take that as a yes?"
I still couldn't speak but I manage to nod rapidly telling him I accepted his proposal. He took the ring from the box and slipped it onto my finger.
"I-it's beautiful Natsu."
"Not as beautiful as the girl who's wearing it."
He looked me straight in the eyes and grined.
"Natsu, I love you."
"I love you too. Hey Happy did you get all of that?"
"Aye sir!" Happy flew out from behind a tree holding a video camera.
"Hey Lucy..."
"What we're you doing?"
"Natsu asked me to video tape his proposal." Happy winked at me.
"Why Natsu?"
"Because I want us to remember this moment forever."
"Trust me Natsu I don't think I can ever forget this."
"Yeah but it's also for the kids and grandkids."
I pulled him in for a long passionate kiss. I heard Happy say 'Gross' then I heard his wings flap away.
When the long kiss ended we began walking towards the Guild.
"Hey Luce?"
"Let's go home. We can tell them about it tommorrow."
"Sounds good. Hmmmmm..."
Natsu and I held hands as we walked to the house.
"Home, our home."
Natsu smiled and kissed my forehead.
God I love you.
I love you more.
No I love you more.
Uh-uhn Lucy...
Oh what are you going to do?
I think someone forgot about their punishment.
Oh yes... You just wait till we get home.
Mavis give me strength.
Yay.... 1160 words.
Not that much but it's enough to make my heart melt.
Don't hate me but I really want that special Sakura tree to make another appearance.
I also chose that ring in the picture because it is 14k Rose gold, the stone is a Light Pink Champagne Sapphire and the pear shape because it resembles a flame (in my eyes). The other stones around the band are diamonds.
I hope you enjoyed!
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