Chapter Seven: Mine.
Natsu's (POV)
I can't believe it! She said yes. I've got to be the happiest guy alive right now because I'm gonna marry the most beautiful girl in the world.
We got back to the house and Lucy started to cook dinner.
"Sorry that there isn't much. I had to fork up some Jewel for the remodling. So I haven't been buying any good food lately."
"It's fine. I'll pay you back on our next job."
"No you won't."
"I mean it Luce. I'm the man of the house and it's my job to take care of my family."
"OK Elfman, but we're in this together so I can contribute too yah know?"
"Nope. Lucy if I can't afford to put food on the table for you then I don't deserve you."
"Oh Natsu..."
Lucy walked towards me and wrapped her arms around my neck and pecked me on the lips.
"How did I get so damn lucky. To have a man like you."
"I don't know Luce. I guess that day in Hargeon was what cealed the deal."
"That was the worst day of my life."
"What? Why?"
"Because that was the first time you rescued me."
"Natsu... You don't understand what it's like to be so weak you need to be saved."
She unwrapped her arms from my neck and walked back into the kitchen.
"What do you mean?"
"Natsu you are always there for me when I'm too weak to carry on. But I'm too weak I can never return the favor."
"Lucy just stop okay. I don't want to hear this... You are not weak. You are what gives me strength Luce. The reason I am able to save you... Is because you mean everything to me and that is what makes me stronger."
"No, let me finish. I'm the one who's weak. It's because you mean so much to me that I become strong. Without you I'm weak."
"I'm sorry I didn't mean..."
I could feel the tears that threatened to fall from my eyes. Lucy's eyes were red a puffy.
"Shhh Luce, what did I say... Only tears of happiness are allowed."
"I'm sorry."
"Hey stop that. Stop apologizing."
I pulled her into my chest and wrapped my arms around her. I could feel her tears as they fell and soaked my shirt.
'I did this... I made her cry.'
"I'm the only one who needs to say sorry. I didn't realize how you felt."
"Just shut up! I'm the one who started this. I don't know why I called that day in Hargeon the worst day of my life when it was the best day... Because I met you."
Lucy shrieked and cried some more. She barried her face in my chest. Tears pooled from my eyes and Lucy froze. She looked up at me.
"Why are you crying?"
"Didn't I tell you Luce... If you cry then I cry."
Before she could say anything else I swiftly placed my lips on hers.
This kiss is amazing. It's not enough... I want more... I need more.
Before I could acctually act Lucy squeezed me tightly. In our kiss I felt her tongue brush against my lips. I took the hint and for the first time my tongue entered her mouth and danced with hers. Resulting in the most passionate kiss we have ever shared.
I could hardly breathe but I'd rather die then stop.
Warning! Things are getting a little spicy this is what you could call a little lemon warhead... If you do not wish to read the spicy kissing scene then skip but it will affect the story somewhat.
Lucy's (POV)
Natsu's tongue entered my mouth and it brought this sensation that I've never felt before. I know this can't last forever because we need to breath at some point but I don't want to stop.
Natsu pulled away a string of saliva formed as we parted. We both were panting. Before I could say anything I was hit with another wave of his passionate kisses. But these kisses weren't nearly as long. His lips left mine and trailed down my neck. My skin tingled with each soft kiss. His hands rested at my hips as his lips kissed my neck and collar bone.
He continued to kiss me. I felt his hands move from my hips to my thighs and before I knew it he lifted me up and sat me down on the dinning table. His lips finally met mine once again and I let out a soft moan.
The way he said my name did me over. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him closer with my arms wrapped around his neck. At that point my instincts took over. I wanted him so badly.
I want him... I want more...
I slid my hands down from his neck to his belt that tucked in his long coat. I unbuckled it and it fell to the floor. I unzipped his one sleeved long coat and pushed it off his shoulders and he helped me get rid of the garment. I was taken back by his bare chest. I kissed just above where his heart would be and he moaned.
He pulled me back in for another series of kisses but these were more violent and animalistic.
Not long after he pushed me away.
I looked into his eyes... They changed... They were the most beautiful rose pink I've ever seen. A hint of white was blended with the rose pink in the iris.
"I'm sorry Luce... But we shouldn't."
"Oh... I... I'm sorry."
"Don't get me wrong I really, really want to but... I also want more than anything to be married before we..."
"I get it, I want to wait too."
Natsu's (POV)
"I'm glad you understand."
I sniffed the air and found an all too familiar scent.
"What is it?" Lucy asked worriedly.
"Somethings burning..."
Lucy pushed me away and hopped off the table. She ran toward the stove and tended to the burnt food.
"Really Luce if you wanted dinner extra crispy you could've asked me it would have been a peice of cake."
"Very funny Natsu..."
"Hey Luce?"
"I really want some of Mira's chicken."
"Yeah... I could go for a strawberry shake."
Lucy dumped the burnt food into the trash. And we left for the Guild.
Lucy's (POV)
When we reached the Guild Natsu grabbed my hand before I could reach the door handle.
"You ready? Happy probably already told them about us."
"Yeah, the key is no eye contact."
Natsu chuckled then he opened the door for me. As we entered the Guild didn't falter. Gray and Elfman were at each other's throats arguing which one of them is more manly. Natsu grabbed me by my left hand and pulled me to the center.
Oh no...
Oh yes...
"Listen up fairy's..."
The whole Guild silenced and all attention was on us.
"I just wanted to say that you all have to be extra kind to Lucy... after all it ain't easy marrying a Dragneel and lugging around this big thing ain't a walk in the park either..."
Natsu held up my left hand and the whole Guild gasped. The girls squealed and the guys cheered.
They came rushing toward us Natsu pulled me into his arms. I caught a glimpse of his eyes they were rose pink.
Calm down Natsu they don't mean harm.
My Luce... Mine.
Before I knew it I looked around and saw the eyes of the Guild widen. They were all looking at me or more like they were looking through me. I turned and saw that Natsu changed this time it wasn't just his eyes but his hair and skin too.
Natsu's hair was rose pink at the roots but it faded into a snowy white. His skin was pale and out of his head grew a pair of black and rose colored horns. I could see scales forming up his arms and on his cheek bones. I saw his hands transform into claws.
The Guild mates backed away and gave us some space.
As I was about calm down Natsu I was swept off my feet by Natsu and I saw that black wings sprouted from Natsu's back.
"Luce... is mine."
I watched as his eyes rolled back into his skull. We collapsed to the floor and his body fell limp. I shook him but there was no sign of consciousness.
I shook him rapidly. This can't be happening again. He promised.
I... l-love y-ou... Luce.
Natsu! Natsu!
He didn't respond to me and I hugged him close and whispered over and over.
"I love you."
"You can't leave me. You promised."
"Wake up dammit!"
I felt someone pull me away it was Erza. I watched as the Gray, Gajeel, Elfman, and Laxus carried Natsu away into the Infirmary.
"Let go of me Erza he needs me!"
I tried to wiggle my self out of her clutches but I she wouldn't budge.
I'm coming my love!
Erza's (POV)
Lucy wouldn't quit squirming. She then paused I could sense a sudden change in her.
"Let me go..."
She said with a calm yet warning tone. Something that I've mastered over the years because of Natsu and Gray.
"No Lucy. Calm down."
"I'm warning you Erza let me go."
This isn't our normal Lucy she's... almost scary. She remained silent till I heard low whisper.
"I'm coming Natsu."
Lucy looked up to me. Her eyes were yellow and dark blue. Her hair was growing in length and her hair at the roots turn deep blue. Her canines grew long and from her head two white horns grew. Gold scales formed on her cheeks and white wings sprouted from her back.
"I warned you."
I let go of Lucy. She stood fully erect and walked towards the infirmary.
Just what is going on here? We were all laughing just moments ago. Now you can cut the tension in here with a knife.
What is up with these two.
Gray's (POV)
We brought Natsu to the infirmary none of us know or understand what happened. We just found out that he and Lucy are getting married then he went all psycho bitched and transformed into what I can describe as a sorry attempt at drag.
"Oi flame brain wake up. Lucy's freaking out."
The other guys left and it was just Porlyusica and I.
"I don't understand this one."
"You and I lady.."
"He's barely breathing there's no telling how long he has."
"Your kidding?"
"Does it look like I kidd you streaker."
I looked down and saw that I was in my underwear.
"When did this happen?"
I searched around for my clothes as I did so the door opened and it was...
"Lucy? What happened to you?"
She ignored me and looked down at Natsu. Her eyes were yellow and blue, white horns grew from her head and white wings that matched hung from her back. She had golden scales across her cheeks. Her new form resembled Natsu's.
"I'm here to claim what is mine."
Yay 1700 words!!!
What's happening to Natsu?
What's happening to Lucy?
Find out next time on The Long Road.
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