Chapter One: Those Three Most Important Words...
Natsu's (POV)
It was just the two of us, Happy went on a job with Wendy and Carla. I'm glad I get to spend some one on one time with Luce.
I've been thinking allot lately, with all I have put her through why does she continue to be my partner. I know she has to pay rent but... I can't help but feel there's something else. Maybe she's just that weird or maybe...
"What are you thinking about" Lucy taps my shoulder.
"Uhh nothing.... why?"
"I just sensed something that's all" She smiled at me. Her smile always makes me happy even though she's got something in her teeth.
"Yup, definitely weird"
"What did you say" Lucy scowled. She's scary... just like Erza maybe even scarier.
"Uhh nothing just.... you've got crap stuck in your teeth"
"WHAAT!" She reached into her bag probably to get a mirror she started to cry.
I could almost keel over from all this laughter.
"What it's not my fault it's there" I say as I rub the brand new knot on my head.
"No... but that's what you get for not telling me, what if some guy saw me...ugh"
'Why Luce, why do you care so much about what some guy thinks?'
"Oh, sorry."
Why am I sad I don't care that much do I?
What is she doing to me.
'Why am I... am I crying?'
I could feel them, my tears. But why?
Why am I crying... Natsu Dragneel doesn't cry like this.
'What's wrong with me?'
Normal (POV)
Natsu stopped in his tracks. Tears began to trickle down his cheeks. Lucy hadn't noticed Natsu's halt and continued her little pout. A look of confusion took over his face. He wiped away the tears but they just kept on coming like twin waterfalls.
Lucy finally noticed Natsu wasn't at her side anymore and turned toward the broken Natsu. She was shocked to see Natsu crying.
"Natsu?... are you..." Before Lucy could finish Natsu interrupted her.
"No." He said still wiping the tears from his eyes.
"Don't lie Natsu what's wrong?" She asked 'Did I hit him that hard' she thought.
"Luce I..." Natsu began but he paused looking at the ground.
"What is it Natsu?" Lucy was worried
Natsu starred straight into Lucy's eyes his tears ceased. Lucy couldn't tell what was wrong like she normally could.
"I'm....." Natsu's sentence died. He began to walk in the direction of their job. He passed a rather speechless Lucy.
Natsu's (POV)
What is wrong with me why do I feel so much sadness and anger. I should be happy, I'm with Luce.
'I think I....'
'Lucy, it's her. She's the one... she's the reason why I...'
I began to walk I tried to focus on the job but it's pointless. I can't get these thoughts out of my mind.
I feel... I have to let some of this out. But how do I tell her?
Lucy's (POV)
He didn't finish, he just started to walk. When I caught up with him I could tell that he didn't want to conversate so I kept quiet.
Something is wrong, my Natsu is never like this.
'Where's the fire?'
It feels like the fire inside him is burning out.
'This is my fault.'
I'm the reason he's acting this way.
'But what did I do?'
I don't remember saying anything that could upset him.
We walked in complete silence to the job location. We finished the job with ease, collected the 700,000 Jewel and began our trip home.
Natsu still hadn't uttered a word.
'Did I break him?'
This is getting on my nerves...
'I've had enough already!'
"God Dammit Natsu!" I screamed.
He turned and looked at me surprised by my sudden outburst.
"Who the hell are you? If you were my Natsu you'd be smiling and talking my ear off saying how easy it was to kick that sorry excuse of dark guild's ass!"
I'm so mad right now I could just explode!
"Where's the Natsu I love!"
Oh crap... did I just... say that out loud!
Natsu's (POV)
She said...
'She loves me?'
Lucy's face turned red In three seconds flat. She looked down then began to sway left and right.
"I mean I... Natsu I... W-why aren't you saying anything?" She stammered.
I want to say I love you too but nothing is coming out.
'Speak you idiot speak!'
"Natsu?" Lucy questioned.
Why can't I say it!
Why is nothing coming out.
'Say something already!'
Tell her that you love her too!
"Natsu!" Lucy cried.
She's crying. Your making Luce cry.
What is wrong with me why can't I move. What is this feeling? Feels like I'm going to pass out.
"Natsu, can you hear me?" Lucy shouted.
I can hear you loud and clear Luce...
"Luce... I love..."
Before I could say anything more I was inveloped by the darkness.
The last thing I heard was her.
Lucy's (POV)
Why hasn't he said anything yet?
I just poured my heart out... and he looks almost... sickly.
"Natsu, can you hear me?" I asked him
His lips began to move....
"Luce... I love..." mid sentence he collapsed.
"NATSU!" I screamed.
I ran to his side and shook him I got no response. He was hot to the touch. I could feel the heat radiating from him. Minutes later I tried again still no response.
I reached into my bag for the emergency lacrima Mira- Jane gave me and called her.
"Lucy what's wrong? What happened?" Mira asked concerned.
"It's Natsu he... he passed out and I can't wake him up... and he..." I could barely speak my words clear enough for her to understand.
"Where are you" Mira asked.
"Not that far from Magnolia to the south"
I wish I could tell them more but that's all I have.
"We'll find you!" Mira said.
Shortly afterward the lacrima lost signal.
'Hurry guys.'
I held him in my arms as my tears rained down. I rocked back and forth. This is all my fault.
'What is wrong with me?'
He could be dying and yet...
In this moment all I can think about is...
'What was he going to say?'
'Was he going to say it back?'
"Natsu you can't die, you hear me! I still haven't heard those three most important words!"
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