Chapter Four- The Forces of Love
Natsu's (POV)
Lucy swiftly pulls me down the stairs and to the center of the Guild hall. I'm curious as to how she's gonna tell them about us because I sure as hell ain't gonna say nothing.
The Guild mates seem to not pay any attention to Lucy and I. Suddenly Lucy stops then pulls me towards her. I didn't know what was happening till I realized her lips were smashed against mine.
The Guild turned silent and I could feel the confusion in the air.
I didn't care about them. I returned Lucy's kiss with all I could then I heard faint cheers in hall.
"Yeah, Lucy!"
"Lu-lu *squeal*"
"It's happening, it's finally happening!"
"Lucy's no longer Juvia's Love Rival!"
"Didn't know you had it in you Ash Brain."
OK Gray's gonna pay for that last one. I can't hear them any more all of me is focused on her.
"Umm... Natsu are we gonna stop..." I heard Lucy, mumble against my lips.
I held her for a few more seconds then finally I released her lips from mine. I looked at her eyes but they weren't their usual brown they were yellow with a hint of blue along the rim of her iris... Is this what Igneel was talking about.
Lucy's (POV)
I don't know what came over me I pulled Natsu to the center of the Guild then all of a sudden I lost control. I want his lips on mine... I need his lips on mine... I have to...
"Luce?" I looked at Natsu his eyes were full of worry.
"Natsu..." the Guild began to push and shove their way to us...
They separated us...
'How dare they!'
'Get away...'
'Leave him be...'
"BACK OFF HE IS MINE!" I screamed the Guild was silent once more and I made my way through the sea of bodies to get to him.
"Lucy!..." I reached out to him and finally was at ease when he wrapped his arm around me.
I began to shiver. Tears began to pool from my eyes. The thought of loosing him terrified me.
'But why... He's here... He's right here. He's not going anywhere he promised...'
Natsu's (POV)
'But why... He's here... He's right here. He's not going anywhere he promised...'
Her words rang through my ears. Before I could say anything Mira beat me to it.
"OK guys back off. Give the love- birds their space. You guys can ask questions later." Mira hushed them all away like flies.
Lucy was still shivering and crying. My eyes began to tear up as well and before I realized it I was holding her in my arms bridal style.
"It's been... I'm gonna take Lucy home she needs..."
"I understand Natsu, take care of her." Mira said then disappeared behind the bar.
As I was heading for the exit my pal Happy flew past me and opened the door. He let me through then closed the door behind us.
"So we headed to Lucy's place?" He asked.
"No Happy, Luce and I need to be alone."
"Oh, you liiiiiiike her!" He teased.
"Happy... I love her."
Happy was shocked at my statement.
"Your no fun anymore..." Happy flew off and I smirked realizing his taunt wont work anymore.
"I don't care what anyone says Luce, I love you and nothing will change that."
"I love you too." She whispered just enough for me to hear.
I walked to her apartment with her still in my arms. This may be the first time I use her door. I carried her inside and sat her down on the couch. I knelt in front of her on the floor.
"Talk to me Luce... What's wrong?"
"I was so... Scared. It terrified me, the thought of you leaving me just made me..."
"Luce what made you think I would leave? I would never do that."
"I don't know... Just when I saw that you weren't by my side I... Don't leave me, Natsu." Lucy cried.
"Never Luce. I Promise."
"I don't think I can live without you" I wiped her tears away and tilted her chin so that her eyes looked into mine.
"Lucy, I'll stay by your side. Because I want you to stay by mine."
Lucy's eyes changed again. From their rich brown to a lemon yellow with deep blue on the outline of the iris.
"Your mine Natsu... You belong to me."
Lucy pulled me close to her into a hug. She seemed different.
"I'll make sure that they know... You belong to me and only me."
Lucy's (POV)
"I'll make sure that they know... You belong to me and only me."
'I can't control it.'
This force... it is my love. And it wants to show.
I can no longer hold back. The Forces of Love are taking over.
My canines began to throb and I could feel that they grew in length. I could smell Natsu's blood. It is intoxicating, I know it's wrong but I just can't resist. I want to taste him.
Before I knew it I sunk my newly formed fangs into Natsu's neck. He jumped at my action. I could stop my self from consuming his blood... But I won't... I want more...
He is mine.
Natsu's (POV )
Lucy bit me. I was startled at first but other than that the bite was harmless.
I could hear her as she swallowed my blood, and I could feel myself getting drained. Finally after a moment she retracted her fangs from my neck then wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.
"Natsu I..."
I looked at Lucy and noticed that her eyes were back to their normal chocolaty brown.
"I'm so sorry..." Lucy began to cry again.
"Why... Stop crying Luce. There's nothing for you to cry about."
"I hurt you." Lucy pointed to the bite mark on my neck.
"This... It didn't hurt... Besides you had to."
"What do you mean?" She asked.
I sat next to her on the sofa and pulled her close to me.
"Listen Luce, there's a catch to being with me."
Lucy looked at me confused but stayed silent to let me finish.
"Because I am a Dragon Slayer there is is a certain ritual my mate has to go through. You will loose control sometimes because your soul is changing to ready itself for when we..."
I don't think I can continue to talk this is just...
"I understand."
Lucy stood up a walked to her bedroom.
"Wait, I'm not finished."
"That's all I'm willing to hear at the moment. I'll be in my room, don't bother me."
I heard the door to Lucy's room shut quietly.
'Did I say something wrong?'
I wanted to give Lucy some time and space to take it all in. I'm sorry that this is what she has to go through to be mine.
'Should love be this big of a burden?'
'Or... Is it just my love?'
I decided to leave Lucy's and go home. I should clean my house up so Lucy doesn't kill me.
As I was heading home I could feel a familiar presence.
"Happy... There's no point in sneaking around me I don't even have to use my nose to know it's you."
"Ehhh... Natsu, where's Lucy?"
"She's back at her place. Say... Happy can you help me with something? It's for Lucy."
"I'd be glad to help especially for Lucy."
Happy followed me into our house and helped me plan.
What are they planning well let's find out.... Next time on The Long Road.
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