Chapter 8: Lucy?!
So... here's what happened:
Natsu and Lucy finally established a relationship and Natsu popped the big question. When he told everybody the news his Dragon instincts took over and shortly after he collapsed. But it isn't like the first time Porlyusica believes that he may not survive. Something is happening to both Lucy and Natsu that cannot be explained by anyone other than the very person who's unconscious. Both Lucy and Natsu have changed physically... What is that about... Let's find out.
Lucy's (POV)
Natsu collapsed in front of me and something just snapped. I was no longer controlling my body. The force from before was taking over.
"I'm here to claim what is mine."
"Lucy?" Gray asked confused. "What happened to you." He asked.
I ignored him and my eyes drifted down to my fiance. I swiftly walked to his side and was stopped by Porlyusica.
"Before you do that, I must tell you about his situation." She looked at me then I nodded waiting for her to say her peice.
"Natsu's breathing is shallow. His life is slipping away. If his state doesn't change within the next twelve hours... He will die"
I paused for a moment and let those words sink in.
'He will die.'
'He will die.'
'Natsu's dying.'
'Natsu's gonna die.'
'My Natsu's gonna die...'
I began to cry and I fell to my knees.
"He can't die he promised. He promised me that he would never leave me. He promised... He... We were gonna get married, go on more journeys, and start a family."
I grabbed his hand and squeezed hoping to feel a force in return but his hands felt cold and clamy.
Natsu is never cold.
"Lucy, he's gonna be fine. I know flame brain, he's not gonna give up his life that easy. There's gotta be something we are missing."
"No, I can sense it. I'm feeling drained as well. He's dying and if he..."
Gray hugged me... "He's not gonna die. I won't let him. Fairytail won't let him."
Natsu's (POV)
I opened my eyes to a familiar sight. I was in the spirit realm.
I heard a faint female voice calling out to me. I looked around and saw a blonde haired woman wearing a long blue dress. She looked familiar...
"Who are you?" I asked.
"I'm Layla, you know my Lucy." She smiled.
"Layla... Oh... Mrs. Heartfilia!" I bowed my head.
"Never mind that we have very little time. When I heard that Igneel's son chose my Lucy I was rather shocked but also very happy to know that she will be in good hands."
"That being said we must tell you something about Lucy that not even she knows."
This time it was a males voice that spoke suddenly Lucy's father appeared next to his wife.
"Mr. Heartfilia!" I bowed my head once again. He laughed and Layla elbowed him in his side.
"Ow sorry I find it funny that he bows even though we're dead."
"JUDE! Please excuse my husband... Lucy as you know isn't quite normal. She is the next spiritual ruler."
"Come again?"
"Oh right... Lucy is next in line to the throne of the Celestial kingdom."
"In other words when she becomes of age she will take the place of the Celestial king and become the Celestial queen."
"Celestial queen?"
"Correct and saying how you're her mate I wanted to tell you personally that... If my Lucy is hurt by you in anyway, I will come back from the grave and haunt you. Understand Dragon Slayer!"
"Yes mam!" She's scary!
"A few more things before we let you go... If and when Lucy dies she will then become the Supreme ruler of both the spirit world and human world. Because you are her mate you are also granted the power to rule along side her as King. Lastly since we are both deceased spirits we temporarily stopped your heart in order to communicate with you."
"As you know a day in the spirit world is three months in the human world. Since you've been here for just a few hours it's been about 3 weeks for the human world."
"Three weeks?!" Lucy is going to be heartbroken.
"Yes. Natsu I want you to take good care of our daughter." Jude stated sternly.
Lucy's parents began to slowly disappear.
"It was nice to finally meet you... son."
That was the last I heard Layla say. I opened my eyes and tried to sit up but as I did so I hit my head. I realised I was in a box... Crap I've been barried alive.
"Oh man. I'm never gonna hear the end of it... I'm coming Luce."
I used all I had in me and broke out of my temporary grave. I headed home to see my Luce.
Lucy's (POV)
Its been almost three weeks since Natsu passed away. I still cannot accept it. He promised me that he would never leave me... I stood by and watched as his heart beat was no more. I wanted more than anything to hear his voice again and to feel his touch. I've cried countless tears just thinking about him. Happy cried almost as much as I did. He was also unwilling to accept the reality of the matter.
I want to more than anything join him in the afterlife but I know he would not want me to.
"Your damn right about that!" I heard a sweet familiar voice shout. I turned to see Natsu leaning on the door of our bedroom.
"N-natsu?" I walked over to him and began to pinch his cheeks and pull his hair.
"Ouch Luce that hurts." He wined.
I was shocked I can hear him, I can feel him... How is this possible?
"I'm here Luce."
"Is this a dream..."
"No Luce, it's real. I'm real"
I still was too shocked to believe it. Before I knew it he pulled me close and my lips met his soft ones. I've been longing for this. I know now, this is definetly real. I hugged him tightly, something I've been wanting to do for the past three weeks. I pushed him away to catch my breath.
"I've missed you so much. But how? How are you here?" I was still puzzled.
"I'll explain later but right now all I want to do is kiss you."
"How can I say no to that."
He pulled me in for another round of sweet passionate kisses.
I've missed this so much.
Not as much as I have.
Nope... I'm gonna win this one. Sorry but I thought you were dead...
Yeah... Ok... Sorry.
Natsu pushed me toward the bed. I fell to the bed pulling him with me. He hovered above me using his arms to hold himself up.
"God I missed you so much..."
I pulled him down to me. His arms buckled under the weight and the gap between our bodies closed. Our lips met once again. I've longed for his touch and now I can't help myself I want more of him. Suddenly I felt him push me away.
"I'm sorry but I still want to wait..."
"I understand Natsu. About our wedding... when can we..."
"As soon as possible I want you to be mine as soon as possible."
"I'm already yours."
"You know what I meant."
"No I don't think I do Mr. Dragneel."
"Oh really Ms. Heartfilia... I'm gonna miss calling you that."
"Yeah, but I can't wait to call you Mrs. Dragneel."
"Pfft, okay Natsu I think we should get some sleep. But don't think I've forgotten about your disappearance act. When we wake up you owe me an explaination Mr."
"Yes baby."
We both slowly drifted off to sleep. I could hear his breathing which was something I also missed dearly. When he sleeps his breathing almost sounds like a cat purring. I haven't been able to sleep without it for the past couple of weeks.
"Don't leave me Natsu." I whispered sleepily.
"Never, Luce." I heard him mumble.
Morning time
I woke up to a certain blue cat crying.
"How could you Lucy... How could you cheat on Natsu."
I looked at the arm that lazily held onto my waist then smiled.
"Your horrible!"
I began to chuckle and Happy looked angrily at me.
I shook the man lying next to me rapidly he moaned and I just laughed.
"Hey babe wake up. Happy thinks I'm a cheater."
Natsu popped his head out from behind me.
"What...?" He said tiredly.
Happy froze and both Natsu and I smiled. More tears formed into his eyes and he jumped onto the bed.
"NATSUUUU!" Happy hugged Natsu.
"Hey buddy." Natsu chuckled.
"You stupid jerk." Happy cried.
"How do you think I felt?"
"Happy, you owe Luce an apology." Natsu said sternly.
"What for?" Happy asked innocently.
"Luce would never cheat on me." Natsu stated and I can't help but smile.
"I'm sowwy wucy!" Happy hugged me.
"It's okay Happy."
We finally got out of bed after the reunion and I made us breakfast. I was probably the happiest girl on earth. Natsu's back and now things are finally back to normal except...
"Natsu I think it's time you explain."
This is where I will leave you my readers.
I feel that I need to explain myself a little.
As you know there are allot of NaLu fanfiction's out there and I mean allot.
Because there are a ALLOT I've tried my hardest to write my own unique fanfiction but saying how I like for my fanfiction's to compliment what acctually happens in the original version (Hiro Mashima's Manga) I find myself working with allot of cliches.
Cliches exist for a reason because they are the more than likely to happen. I've put my own uniqueness into my story but not so much because I really hate it when people make their own traits for characters that already exist.
If you are a NaLu enthusiast like "moi" then trust me when I say that I am trying my hardest to make this story be unique and also still give you the same feels Fairtail would give if in fact these scenarios were to ever happen.
[Secretly wishing for all scenarios to come true!]
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