Chapter 25: Happy wife.
Natsu's (POV)
Lucy has been very uncomfortable lately.
She refuses to go get a check up with Porlyusica. I worry for her and the baby.
Lucy was asleep and I sat on the bed beside her. My head started to throb which could only mean that Lucy was having a nightmare. I massaged her head softly and the pain started to disapear. She wiggled alittle and a slight smile took over her face.
She's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I leaned down to kiss her three and a half month old baby bump. Porlyusica said that our baby is the size of a cantalope or some other fruit.
I Pressed my ear to Lucy's exposed belly and just listened. I could hear Lucy's stomach. It made a soft grumbling noise, telling me that she's hungry.
I've listened to her stomach a lot lately. The sound of the baby's heartbeat calms me. It's like therapy... It was alittle strange at first but knowing that she's a part of me and Luce just makes my whole being complete.
It's a feeling I don't understand. One things for sure I will protect my family. I will especially protect my baby girl from those evil boys. But, what if I'm the one they need protecting from.
"Stop it." Lucy stated with her eyes still closed.
"I feel a frightening amount of daddy aura." She stated emphasizing the word 'daddy'.
"What are you going on about now, Luce?" I asked alittle confused.
"What are you worried about?" She asked trying to sit up.
She wasn't too big yet but she still struggled to sit up. I sighed and helped her get comfortable.
"Just our baby." I replied.
"Yeah, and..." She jestured her hand in a 'tell me more' movement.
"Well... I was just thinking is it okay?" I asked.
"Is what okay?" She asked back.
"Well I mean we're wizzards and we live a dangerous life, Luce. Having a baby is going to be tough. Is it okay that I'm her father... I'm sure I'll bring her lots of danger." I looked down to my twiddling fingers.
Lucy's (POV)
'Oh hell no!'
After Natsu's last comment I lost my sense of control. I let my hand create a fist and I conked him on the head.
"Ow, what was that for?" He asked rubbing his head.
"Don't act like you don't know... You idiot." I shouted.
His head dropped as well as his hand.
"Natsu I'm sorry."
"No I needed that. Thanks Luce. I'll go make you something to eat." He tried to get up but I pulled him back down.
"Natsu please, don't act like everything is fine. Talk to me." I said burying my face into his back.
"I'm scared, Luce." He said alittle sadness in his voice.
"Why are you scared?" I asked tightening my arms around him.
"I'm E.N.D. Luce, that alone scares me. Adding our child into the mix just terrified me." He said shaking.
I kissed the back of his neck and sighed. "Well then there's nothing to worry about."
Natsu turned to look at me. Doing so I let him loose from my arms. He looked at me confusingly.
"You forgot one key thing... Our baby is a part of you... Therefore, part of them is E.N.D. as well." I said cupping Natsu's cheek.
He closed his eyes and let his head rest against my palm. He sighed then a smile took over his gloomy face.
"You always know exactly what to say." He opened his eyes and they were full of love.
He stood up and stretched his arms out to me. He lifted me into his arms and I couldn't help but laugh.
"Natsu, you know that I'm pregnant not disabled right?" I joked.
"Yeah, okay. But the moment you feel any pain you tell me, got it?" He said letting me down.
"By the time I tell you, you'll already know, so what's the point?"
"You got me there. So what does mamma want today?" He asked walking into the kitchen as I followed behind.
"Hmmm, mammas been really craving some fire chicken." I stated, my mouth began watering.
"Yeah... No Luce our baby needs some vegetables." He replied.
"I know that. This is a lot harder for me okay. I haven't had any vegetables in almost four months. Got any ideas?" I asked alittle annoyed.
"Maybe I do. Care to experiment?" I asked.
Natsu's (POV)
I have the idea that maybe our baby would let Luce eat greens if I distract her.
It sounds dumb but it's all I got.
I made Lucy a strawberry salad with shredded mozzarella cheese and ranch dressing, her favorite.
I wanted Luce to eat her food on the bed so I had her go into the bedroom. I brought the salad into the room and Lucy was drooling.
"Please, let me eat that." She said with stars in her eyes.
I gave Lucy the salad and just before she started eating I told her, "Wait Luce I'm not ready yet."
Lucy frowned and dropped her fork. "Ready for what?"
"You think she'll let you eat it just like that?"
Lucy shook her head no. I crawled behind Lucy so that I sat directly behind her. I lifted her shirt and rubbed both sides of her belly with my hands.
"Okay, go ahead."
"So this was your plan?" Lucy giggled.
"Watch it... you got anything better?" I remarked.
"Now you listen here... You and your mommy need to eat some greens. If you don't eat the healthy food then you won't become a strong Dragon Slayer or a powerful Celestial wizzard. Are we clear." I spoke as I rubbed Lucy's belly.
I felt alittle movement and took it as a yes.
"Look at you. I think being a dad works really well for you. Your such a sexy dad too." Lucy smirked then took a bite of the salad.
Lucy finished the whole salad without gagging or throwing up which made me happy as ever.
"Hey Natsu?" Lucy asked placing her empty salad bowl on our nightstand.
"You still call our baby a girl. What if it turns out to be a boy?" She asked.
"No, I'm more than certain it's a girl." I stated proudly.
"Okay, how about this... Since you believe the baby is a girl we won't ask Porlyusica for the sex of the baby. When we have check ups the only thing that Porlyusica will tell us is problems regarding the baby's health. Let's see if your right when the baby's born." Lucy said.
"Alright, challenge accepted."
"Good... Just for the record I want it to be a girl too." Lucy leaned back into my chest and slowly fell asleep.
I gently moved her over onto her side of the bed and got up from the bed. I grabbed her bowl and went to the kitchen.
"I know... It's definetly a girl."
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