Chapter 23: What is wrong?
She looked at me for a brief moment then she ran away. She slammed the door of our bedroom shut and I heard the lock click.
'What have I done?'
I ran to the door trying to open it but the lock was too strong. I heard her crying then I saw a light flash under the door.
"Go away!" She screamed.
"Lucy open the door!"
'Fine, then I'll break it down.'
I rammed against the door and it broke off its hinges. I fell to the floor. I looked up to see Lucy glowing. I ran to her and pulled her into my chest.
"I'm sorry... I'm sorry. Luce, I'm so sorry." Tears threatened to fall from my eyes.
Lucy became quiet, her glow died down. Her chest heaved slightly. After moments of silence she finally spoke.
"What is wrong with us, Natsu? I don't think we've ever yelled at each other this much before we got married. When did we become such a bipolar couple?" She chuckled.
"You know what they say about marriage. It's good to argue." I answered.
"But we weren't even arguing... We were just yelling." She stated playing with a thread that stuck out of my shirt.
"That's my fault... I shouldn't have yelled at you like that." I said tightening my arms around her.
"No I'm the one to blame I should've given you a straight answer instead of teasing you." She said back.
"We're both at fault... Deal?"
Another moment of silence took over us. Till I couldn't stand it anymore.
"So... Your pregnant?" I asked.
"Yeah... I'm sorry I didn't tell you... I was... I was too scared that maybe you'd be mad." She said snuggling into my neck.
"Why would I be mad?" I asked alittle shocked.
"Well, I know you wanted us to train more."
With those words a thought popped into my head.
"Lucy?" I said in a serious tone.
"Yeah?" She replied in a nervous tone.
"How long?"
"How long?" She asked puzzled.
"How long have you known?" I asked not breaking my serious tone once.
I heard a soft gulp and then she spoke. "A m-month, maybe?" She said softly.
"You mean to tell me that you were..." I held back my thought.
I sighed. "You should have told me."
"I know but... I knew you'd be mad. Kind of how you are now." She said with a slight sniffle.
"I'm not mad. I'm just upset. That was dangerous Lucy... Training while pregnant... What if something bad happened. What if you got hurt?"
"I didn't... Natsu I'm such a horrible person!" She cried.
"No your not... Stop crying. Listen..." Lucy nodded her head letting me know that she was all ears.
"I want you to trust me okay. Even at times when you think I'm against it or that I'll be mad. I want to hear it from you ,not our friends, or from a stranger... I shouldn't have to guess okay? I want you to tell me."
"It'll only make me more upset if my wife doesn't tell me... I don't want you to fear me okay? No matter what, in this marriage we are equals. We make decisions together, alright?" I stated clearly.
"Yes, Natsu." Lucy pulled away and looked at me with a smile.
I pulled her close and our lips made contact. I let her go to catch her breath.
"I want to hear it again... This time with out the yelling." I said looking deep into her eyes.
"Natsu, I'm pregnant... We're pregnant." She smiled as tears fell from her eyes.
I pulled her into another long embrace and lost my composure. I cried into her shoulder.
"Natsu?" She asked with concern laced into her voice.
"Thank you."
"Thank you so much... Luce."
We held each other for moments but then I realized something...
"Your still hungry aren't you?"
"Yeah, I am." She replied.
"Well I'll have to make you something else." I let her go and walked to the kitchen she followed behind me.
"Natsu it's fine I can eat what you made just... Only give me meat." She shrugged.
"Only meat? Luce, we want the baby to be healthy." I spoke with a 'duh' tone.
"I know that but... The baby doesn't like vegetables." She pouted.
"The baby doesn't like vegetables eh?" I thought out loud.
"Just give me meat." She said tugging on my arm.
I looked at her, stars formed in her eyes. "Fine, just this once but... There's gotta be some kind of vegetable the kid likes."
Lucy started to chuckle.
"What's so funny?" I asked.
"You are. Look at you being a responsible and strict daddy." She said poking my sides.
"Yeah, well I want our kid to be strong, beautiful, and healthy just like his or her mommy." I stated proudly.
"Your so sweet daddy." She purred.
"Daddy... I like the sound of that."
"Good in almost a year you'll have a little one calling you that." She sang.
"Okay but before we get talking about the future let's focus on the present... Sit." I said pointing to her chair at the table.
"Or what you'll Punish me?" She teased walking to the table.
'Oh my god... Punish... Punishment.'
"Natsu you okay? Hello, what's wrong?" Lucy asked taking a seat.
I turned to look at her... Then joined her at the table.
"Natsu your scaring me."
"S-sorry it's just... When we were... when we... It doesn't hurt the baby... Right?" I studdered.
"Natsu, it's fine. In fact it feels great!" She smirked.
"I don't... Lucy... No more sex till after the baby is born!"
"What! Natsu come on... It's fine. Even the doctors say it's fine. Look, sometimes sex makes birthing allot easier." Lucy spoke quickly.
"No I don't want to hurt the baby." I said while making Lucy a new bowl, only meat.
"Conversation over, now eat your food."
Lucy sighed in defeat but gave me the 'this isn't over' look.
"Thanks Natsu this is delicious." She said with her mouth full.
"Don't talk with your mouth full!" I scolded.
Lucy smiled and within two minutes her bowl was empty.
"That was delicious I guess I lost the bet. So what do you want me to do?" She asked.
"I want you to rest. It's not good for you to be stressed. So from now and till the baby is of age... No more training. Got it!"
"Aye sir!" She shouted with glee. "But you know, Natsu I can still do things just because..."
"No, Luce... Please don't argue. Promise me you won't train. You'll only drain yourself of some very much needed energy."
"Okay, but only because you said please." She pouted.
Lucy's (POV)
It's been only thirty minutes and he's already a good father.
"I'm getting alittle sleepy."
"Alright, I'll join you in a few minutes." He said grabbing the bowls.
"Here let me help with that."
As I stood up Natsu only pushed me gently back down into my seat.
"You want to help? Sit here and cheer me on." He smiled.
I sat in my chair watching Natsu clean. He did quite a thorough job too.
'Is there anything he can't do?'
'God, his so hot and sexy!'
"Hey quit it!" He scolded not even looking my way.
"What do you mean?" I played innocently.
"I can practically feel your eyes undressing me... Quit it." He said drying the last dish. "Alright mommy go get ready for bed I'll be in soon okay?"
"Are you really gonna call me that now?" I asked slightly annoyed.
"Only when we're alone." He replied. "Go on."
"Okay okay. Stop acting like my father... It's creepy." A shiver traveled down my spine.
"OK ok you've made your point... Luce please..."
"Okay, okay stop crying about it I'm going." I stood up.
All of a sudden I felt dizzy.
I felt his arms wrapped around me. "Hey are you okay?"
"I'm okay... I just stood up too fast." I pushed off of Natsu but I felt weak in the knees.
Natsu noticed and he picked me up.
"Did you get lighter?" He asked taking me to our room.
"What's that saposed to mean?!"
"Geez your so sensitive I meant what I said your allot lighter than normal. Have you been eating well?" He asked laying me down on the bed.
"Of course I have... I've been eating for two." I snapped back.
"Maybe it's just me. Just sleep."
"Natsu I'd love to give you an earful but unfortunately... I'm just too tired."
I yawned and slowly let sleep take over me.
Natsu's (POV)
Lucy feel asleep quickly.
"She forgot to change... Oh well."
I leaned down and rest my head on Lucy's stomach.
"Geez kid you tire out your mother and you haven't even been born yet." I chuckled softly so that I didn't wake Lucy.
"Promise me, should anything happen to me you'll stand by your mother and protect her."
I kissed her bare belly. I looked up to see my Luce smiling.
"Natsu..." She whispered in her sleep.
"One more thing... Take an easy on her... Mommy's had her fair share of troubles in the past."
I slowly drifted off to sleep listening to the sound of my Lucy's breathing.
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