Chapter 17: Our Last Day.
Natsu's (POV)
Lucy has been acting weird since a few days ago after her whole 'fat' episode. She crys every time after we have sex and it worries me.
"Natsu... Come here." Lucy said from the bathroom.
"Coming Luce." I walked through the bathroom door and was greeted by my wife's lips.
"Hey let's take a shower together." She said.
"Umm Luce... I don't think so." I said gently pushing her away.
"Why not?" She said with a pouty lip.
"Luce every time we... You know... You cry afterwards. Maybe we should just save it for later till you're better." I answered.
"Natsu I'm fine..."
"Then why were you crying?" I interrupted.
"Luce I'm serious tell me what's wrong... I know you're hiding something from me." I interrupted again.
"I don't know why." She said back with an annoyed tone.
"Then maybe we should return home... Have Porlyusica take a look... Luce I'm scared." Tears began to well up in my eyes. I saw the same happen to Lucy.
''Natsu I'm sorry I... I didn't know... I just wanted..." Lucy began to choke up.
"I wanted to spend as much time as I could... Just the two of us." She cried.
I wrapped my arms around her in a warming hug. I sighed and took in her pleasing scent. "Luce we can be alone when ever you want. You just say the word and we'll rent this cabin or go anywhere else. Right now we need to see Porlyusica and see if everything is OK, ok?" I said with a soft soothing tone.
I could feel her nodded her head. We broke apart and began packing up. We called a carriage via Lacrima and waited for it to arrive.
The carriage arrived shortly after and we headed back to Magnolia. The ride was unusual. At first, I felt perfectly fine and Lucy was miserable. But soon after I joined in on the misery train and we both were throwing up nonstop till finally we reached the guild.
We entered the Guild and everyone looked at us with shock.
"What are you two doing back so early?" Mira asked.
"No reason... We just felt like taking up a mission." Lucy said.
"Oh... Or maybe it was because Flame brain isn't so good in the sack." Gray joked.
Before I could say anything back my wife beat me to it...
''Shut it virgin..." Lucy said with an annoyed tone. "Me and my husbands sex life is of no concern to you.'' She snapped.
"Pfft virgin..." Gray retorted.
"Yep Juvia told me everything... And I mean everything." She teased.
"JUVIA WE NEED TO TALK RIGHT NOW!" Gray shouted pulling Juvia towards the exit.
Lucy smiled then laughed.
"Come on Luce... We should go." I pulled her toward the infirmary.
"Yeah, Yeah I know." She smiled.
Juvia's (POV)
Juvia was having a pleasant conversation with Erza- san till Gray- sama pulled Juvia outside.
"Juvia how could you tell Lucy about me being a virgin! I told that to you in confidence." Gray-sama shouted.
"Juvia doesn't know what Gray-sama is talking about... Juvia never told Lucy anything of the sort."
"Don't lie... How else would she have known." He said with much anger.
"Juvia doesn't know."
"Don't act stupid... I thought you loved me but if your just going to blab to everyone about private things maybe we shouldn't be together." Gray snapped.
"Juvia didn't..."
"Just save it for your daily gossip chain. We're done... If I'm going to be in a relationship everything stays between me and my girl. And you... You just aren't the right girl for me." Gray-sama walked away.
I stood there frozen...
'Gray and I are broken up...'
'What did I do?'
I did the first thing that came to mind I ran into the Guild and up to the Master's office and knocked.
"Come in." Said the master.
I entered and took a seat.
"What troubles you my child." He said.
"I... I want to quit Fairytail." I sobbed.
The masters eyes widened. "But why? What did Gray do this time I swear that brat better not have..."
"No... It's not because of Gray... I'm afraid I'm the one who did wrong and for it I will atone... By leaving Fairytail." I said with tears filling my eyes.
"What did you do Juvia?" He asked.
"I hurt Gray." I answered.
"Hurt? How?" He asked.
"I don't know... But I hurt him... I can't bare it any longer... The only way he will be happy is if I leave." I sobbed.
"No... I won't let you leave the guild for such nonsense when I get my hands on that little..."
"Master, please... I've known for a while that he and I would never... My welcome here has been spent..."
"No it has not! You are apart of this guild... Juvia why not just take a break for a few months, then if you feel the same... I will grant your wish. Please Juvia."
"I'm sorry Master... But my feelings will not change I will leave Master. " I said leaving his office. I walked through the Guild and out. I headed home and started packing.
'I don't know where I am going but it's somewhere far from him. I will no longer cause Gray Fullbuster pain.'
After I finished packing I headed to the train station and hopped on the first train out of Magnolia I didn't care where it took me just away from here is enough.
I will always remember... Our last day.
2 weeks later
Lucy (POV)
Natsu and I went to see Porlyusica two weeks ago and found out that my crying was indeed just a side affect of the Mating Ritual. I'm perfectly fine and so is Natsu.
We were all hanging around in the Guild hall till we all heard an elderly voice.
"Fairytail listen up!" Said Makarov.
The whole Guild silenced and let the Master speak. Tears ran down his cheeks and he held a letter in his hand.
"As you may have noticed Ms. Juvia Lockser has not been with us these past two weeks. It pains me to say... That... She is no longer a member of Fairytail. She quit... Two weeks ago due to... A personal matter." Makarov choked.
"Juvia quit!" I was shocked.
"Who cares... Fairytail's better of without her." Gray said with annoyed tone.
I walked up to Gray's collar. "You ASSHOLE! She loved you..." I screamed. I slammed him down onto a table and started punching him. Natsu pulled me away. "What did you do?!" I screamed.
"I broke up with her." He yelled back.
"Because she couldn't keep her mouth shut. She blabbed to you about me being a virgin still and I find that to be a quality I don't want in a relationship." He said back with venom in his voice.
I wanted to charge him so badly but Natsu was still holding me back. I could tell he was also mad at Gray but his main focus was to keep me from murdering the prick.
Gray's face went from stone cold to complete sadness. "You... I... Where is she? Where is Juvia I need to apologize! Where is she?" Gray began to cry.
We all looked up to the Master who was a heaping mess of tears and snot.
"I... I got a letter today... It's from Lamia Scale... Juvia became a member of their Guild almost a week ago..." He cried.
"No! I'm gonna get her back!" Gray ran for the door but Makarov stopped him.
"Gray, Juvia is no longer with Lamia Scale... She was killed in action just a few days ago." Makarov sobbed dropping down onto his knees.
"Juvia... Is gone." I began to sob along with the rest of my Guild mates.
Gray took it the worst. He started screaming out her name. "Juvia! Juvia, she can't be gone... I'll find her... She's still here I can feel it!" Before anyone could stop him, Gray ran out of the guild.
Gray's (POV)
'What have I done?'
'Juvia... Please... I will find you... I promise... I love you.'
I left the Guild and ran down the streets of Magnolia with tears that filled my eyes. I ran into a woman with brilliant blue hair.
I looked up and saw... Juvia.
"Juvia... It's you..." I pulled her into a bone crushing hug.
"Get off of me you creep. Somebody please help me! HELP!" She screamed.
"Juvia it's me... Gray." I cried.
"Who? Sir please let me go." She said out of breath.
I loosened my hug and looked into those deep navy blue eyes of hers.
"Juvia it's..."
"Who's this Juvia you keep talking about?" She snapped.
"Juvia this isn't funny... I just found out about you quitting Fairytail and dying. Please stop. If this is a prank to get back at me it worked please..." I cried.
"Look... Gray? Or whatever your name is I'm not this Juvia you keep talking about... Wait did you say Fairytail! Are you a member?" She asked.
"But... you are her." I said.
"Look dude, my name is Raina Lockser. If you would just let me go that would be great." She said annoyed.
"Lockser, how do you have the same last name as my Juvia?" I asked.
"It's the name I was born with. Listen Gray could you please take me to your Guild I need to speak with your master." She pleaded.
I finally let her go realizing the truth... She isn't my Juvia.
"Yeah... Sorry you just look exactly like her you even have the same last name." I said.
"That's cool so... She's gone huh?" She asked with a frown.
"Yeah... I miss her." I said back.
"She must of been a good friend." She said.
"She wasn't just a friend. I love her... I was gonna make her my wife but I messed up." I clenched my fist.
Raina blushed alittle and then smiled. " I'm sure she understands."
Raina's (POV)
I followed Gray to the Fairytail Guild and as we entered all the members looked at me with widened eyes.
"Guy's this is Raina... Yeah I thought she was Juvia too." He said sorrowful.
"Hi there." I said breaking the ice. Gray pointed up the stairs. I made my way up the stairs to the Master's office and knocked.
"Come in."
I did as told and entered. I closed the door and looked at the Master. His eyes were wide open. I couldn't help but smile.
"Juvia!" He rushed to me and I accepted him with open arms.
"It's good to see you too Master." I chuckled.
"You... You brat! Why do you have to go give an old man a heart attack for huh?" He pouted.
Now in Juvia's (POV)
"To be honest this wasn't meant for you... I had to get back at Gray somehow. Maybe I went about it the wrong way. But his reaction was priceless when he saw that I wasn't dead. Well... When he saw Raina Lockser." I chuckled.
"Yeah, yeah. I know I'll tell them but could you do me a favor?" I asked.
"Sure thing what is it?" He asked.
"Can I be a Fairytail wizzard once again?" I asked.
"Child you will always be a member of Fairytail." He said giving me my insignia once again.
"I think it's time I introduce myself." I said walking towards the door.
"Ooh let me, I want to have some fun too!" Master chuckled.
I followed the Master into the Guild hall and he got all of their attention.
"Listen up Fairy's... We have a new Guild member..." He shouted and all eyes were on me. "Welcome back, Juvia." He said. The whole Guild was still. All of their eyes widened in confusion.
"Master her name is Raina." Gray said.
I started to laugh...
"What's so funny, Raina?" He asked.
"No its Juvia... Gotcha Gray-sama... Surprise everyone!" I couldn't hold back my laughter and neither could the Master. Soon everyone joined in with me except for Gray.
I noticed he was crying and it snapped me out of my laughter. He ran towards me and he wrapped me in a heartfelt hug. His lips connected with mine and our hug loosened. His hands held my waist while mine cupped his cheeks.
We broke apart and he looked me straight into the eyes. "Not funny Juvia." He said.
"Oh Gray it was very funny." I smiled.
"I love you, Juvia... I'm sorry." He said with sorrow showing in his eyes.
"I know." I smirked. "I'd be happy to be your wife Gray."
2134 words.... WOW!
OK so I know... This chapter didn't really focus on NaLu but guess what... the Gruvia moment was needed for my storyline... Next Chapter is STRICTLY NaLu I promise.
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