Chapter 16: The Ritual completion.
Lucy's (POV)
After last night I don't think I should move. It's all very blurry. Natsu and I made love for the first time and judging by how I feel... I can tell we were enjoying ourselves allot. I shifted in bed. Natsu's arm draped over my abdomen. When I moved he groaned and opened his eyes. He stretched out and yawned.
"Good morning."
"Oh yeah, what's so good about it." I joked.
"It's officially day one of our honeymoon!" He grinned.
"Pfft, so how much of last night do you remember?"
"Hmmm, last thing. I remember was biting you when we..."
"Natsu that was the first time!"
"What's the problem with that... It was the most important time in my opinion."
"Your such a dork."
"Yeah, but I'm your dork." He said smugly.
"That you are Natsu, that you are."
"So... What do you want for breakfast?"
"Isn't it saposed to be me asking that? Can you even cook.?"
"Well I figured. You'd be sore... Also I thought It'd be nice if I cooked for you. After all, you're always cooking for me."
"Awww that's so sweet... But... Can you cook?"
"Uhhhh yeah! Otherwise I wouldn't offer to cook!" He retorted in a 'duh' tone.
"Okay Natsu, surprise me today."
"Oh I'm full of surprises." He said while getting out of bed.
"If your gonna cook your gonna do it with clothes on!" I shouted.
"You know Luce, I'm not as dumb as everyone thinks I am." He pouted.
"You sure?" I joked.
"Shut up or cook your own breakfast." He countered.
"Fine by me, at least I'll know it tastes good."
"Your on real thin ice here Luce." He smirked.
"I'll tell you what, if I like your food... Then I'll do what ever you want for the rest of our honeymoon."
"It's your funeral." He joked
'I'm already regretting this!'
Natsu put his clothes on then headed for the kitchen. I took the opportunity and made way for the bathroom to take a long hot soak. I sat in the tub for a long time... the smell of bacon and eggs wafted through the crack of the door.
'Mmm, damn... looks like I've lost.' I thought.
"Luce, breakfast is done." Natsu called.
"Be out in a minute." I shouted back.
I got up and wrapped myself with a towel then I headed for the kitchen.
I sat down at the table still in my towel and Natsu placed a plate in front of me with bacon eggs and toast.
"Thanks babe." I said.
I began eating and Natsu just stared.
"What?" I asked.
"So..." He dragged.
"So... What?" I asked.
"How's the food?" He asked with a sparkle in his eye.
"Hmmm it's missing something..." I said taking my final bite.
"Oh yeah what's that?" He pouted.
I stood up and washed off my plate then placed in in the dish rack to dry. I walked up to Natsu and kissed his chest... I then leaned into his ear and whispered...
I kissed his neck and down his chest. I brought my lips up to his and bit his lips. I pulled away then smiled.
"Guess I lost the bet... This was the best fucking breakfast I've ever had." I said with a smirk.
"Care to make it even better?" I teased.
"Luce... I'm still alittle tired from last night."
"Natsu, your no fun." I said walking away.
"Hey!" He snapped grabbing my hand. "I said I was tired... But that's not stopping me." He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist, my arms around his neck.
He laid me down on the table and showered me with kisses. His kisses trailed down from my lips to my stomach then they ceased.
"Hey where'd you go?" I asked slightly annoyed and sad.
"I changed my mind, this can wait... I have other stuff planned for today. Go get dressed." He smirked.
"I think I made a mistake marrying you." I teased.
"That's not what you were saying last night." Natsu grinned.
"I was lying." I joked.
"Oh, we're you now? Let's see what lies you'll be telling tonight." He said back with a sexy smile.
"Hmm I don't think I'll be available tonight." I said.
"See that's where your wrong... Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't you say 'if I like your food... Then I'll do what ever you want for the rest of our honeymoon.' Tonight and Everynight your mine!"
"Damn, see already I'm looking into divorce." I joked.
Natsu gave me a deadpanned look at scoffed. "Fine by me... What we did last night is enough to last me till death."
"Okay, okay you won I'll be out in a second."
I entered the bedroom and grabbed clothes. I looked at myself in the mirror admiring the love marks I received last night. I examined Natsu's bite mark on my neck... It reminded me that I will always be his.
Natsu's (POV)
I jumped into the shower for a quick wash. I got out and looked at myself in the mirror. Last night was amazing. I looked at the faded bite mark on my neck that Lucy gave to me some time ago. It always reminds me that I will always be hers.
I put my clothes on and headed for the bedroom. When I entered I saw Lucy looking at her self in the mirror. She turned and looked at me with a pout.
"What's wrong?" I sighed.
"Natsu, be honest... Do I look fat?" She asked.
"Why do you ask that?"
"I look alittle too chubby." She whined.
"What? No..." I stammered.
"See I am fat." She whined.
"No your not." I said back.
"Your lying. You and Happy always called me heavy." She cried.
"Lucy, we were only kidding back then. Where is this all coming from?" I asked.
"I was just looking in the mirror and... I don't know."
"Luce, how heavy is Happy?" I asked.
"Not heavy at all." She said.
"Exactly, so you holding him is kind of equivalent to me holding you."
"Natsu your scaring me... When did you learn to use big words?"
"Oh shut up... Luce what I'm saying is your not fat you wanna know fat look at droy!" I joked.
Lucy started to cry...
"Why are you crying?"
"I don't know..."
"Then stop crying." I said.
"I'm trying." She sobbed.
"Maybe we should just stay in for the day, okay?"
I brought Luce to the bed and we climbed in. She clung to my chest sobbing for hours. We fell asleep... But when we woke up the next morning her crying only got worse. Her eyes were red and puffy, her nose was red and her cheeks were stained with tears.
"Luce, what do you need me to do. Anything, I'll do it." I said with a worried look.
She didn't answer me, she just cried more and more. She stayed silent the rest of the day still crying her eyes out. She cried herself to sleep. I couldn't sleep knowing that something was wrong with Lucy.
The next morning I woke up and Lucy was gone. I ran around the cabin trying to find her but there were no traces of her. I walked outside and saw a single pair of footsteps leading up towards the mountains. I followed the footsteps and they led to a cave. I could smell her but the scent was faint. I followed the scent and I saw Lucy sitting down on the ice floor of the cave.
"N-natsu what are you doing here?" She asked.
"I should ask you the same thing. Care to explain Lucy?"
"I just needed to clear my head. I'm sorry I didn't even think to leave a note."
"So are you going to explain?" I asked alittle annoyed.
"About what?" She asked.
"Luce, you cried for two days straight and you didn't even tell me why." I answered.
"What are you talking about?" She questioned.
"Do you not remember? The day before yesterday you asked me if I thought you were fat. After I told you no you cried. And you kept crying." I said worryingly.
"I don't remember that. I'm sure it's nothing. Let's go back to the cabin and enjoy the rest of..."
"NO! Somethings wrong you need to see Porlyusica, she can help."
"Natsu it's fine, it's probably just a side affect from the ritual. If it happens again then we'll go see Porlyusica, deal?"
"I'm fine, Natsu please I want to enjoy our time together okay."
"Okay, come on. You must be freezing why didn't you bring a jacket?"
"What are you talking about? It's warm out." She said in a 'duh' tone."
"Your starting to weird me out Luce."
"Now you know how I felt when we first met."
"What ever!" I pouted.
Lucy's (POV)
As we walked back to the cabin I couldn't help but feel guilty lying to Natsu.
I remembered everything but I didn't want to say anything... I'm still not sure why I was crying.
My stomach growled and Natsu chuckled.
"Yup, what's for breakfast?"
"I don't know. We'll see when we get back."
'Man! Why am I so hungry?' I thought.
"I guess the rituals complete." Natsu said.
"Yeah, I guess so."
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