Moment 10: "Taken Aback" (August 18, 2018)
(Note: This is a follow up that happens after the events from "My Friend Loki: The Price You Pay." Read it first, then return to this moment for better understanding.)
Every time Dr. Tom Lowenstein called me, I'd become quite nervous and wonder what had befallen my mischievous friend during yet another mission with the Initiative. I knew if it ever was something quite serious, Thor himself would most likely show up on my doorstep to tell me personally. Nevertheless, I couldn't help but become anxious.
Taking a deep breath, I answered the call, and I closed my eyes.
"Hi, Beverlee."
"Hi, Tom..."
"Loki's fine, so just relax and breathe."
I smiled. He knew me too well - and I was grateful for that.
"Now that's out of the way, I have a request for Loki's sake."
Doctor Lowenstein informed me that Loki had taken on a special target - the mission was to use his powers to read their mind so SHIELD could get some answers. However, the target's mind was very powerful and overwhelming. In turn, Loki's mind was overloaded - barely managing to sever the connection.
Upon his return from the mission, Loki spent the night in Med Centre for observation. Although there seemed to be no side effects / psychological damage the specialists could find, Lowenstein recommended that Loki have a few days off, just to make sure he was okay.
What was Lowenstein's request?
"Could Loki stay with you for a few days? We would comp..."
"Yes, of course," I said, cutting off Lowenstein. This decision was a no-brainer. I was already coming up with ideas for making my friend feel more comfortable during his stay.
I soon heard something in the background - it sounded like a guttural cry of excitement. It could only have come from one person...
"Umm... is Loki with you?" I asked, feeling amused.
"Why yes he is," Tom said, also in an amused tone, "how did you know?"
I laughed, then heard Tom do the same.
Loki's arrival at my domicile had been arranged to be later in the day, which gave me enough time to do some grocery shopping, basic house cleaning, and create a list of some activities which were fun but also relaxing for the mind.
The hours just sped by, and Loki was at my door exactly at the time Lowenstein and I had agreed. He was standing on the threshold with a rollaway luggage bag and a smile on his face. I let him in and closed the door behind him.
"Thank you for letting me stay here," he said softly, "it would have been a rather dull existence remaining at the facility."
"My pleasure," I said. "Mi casa es su casa."
"Make yourself at home, dear friend."
However, I knew before Loki could make himself at home, we had to talk. No matter how classified the Initiative's mission was, I had to know some things so my mind, like Loki's, could start to be at ease.
Loki seemed to sense this as well, and taking me by the hand, we walked into the living room and sat on the couch.
Immediately I reached out and pulled Loki into my arms, holding him tight. He didn't resist, his arms came around me in kind.
"I've been wanting to do this since I got off the phone with Lowenstein," I whispered.
Loki released the hug a bit, and lightly kissed my forehead, "I've been wanting to do that since I escaped from that mind."
"Lowenstein just gave me the basics on what happened, but I'd like to hear it from you," I looked into Loki's eyes. Reaching up, I cupped his cheek. He could see how concerned I was.
"Beverlee, I was trapped in a mind that was dark, and extremely malevolent. Exposed to unspeakable horrors, some of them even triggering painful memories..." Pausing for a moment to take a breath, his hand took mine from his cheek, and held it on his lap, "I'm glad I know a few tricks to cause a diversion even in dire circumstances, but it was rough going making my escape." Loki then looked downward, "However that wasn't the end of the torment. I had to suffer through a debriefing, and relive my experience for the greater good that is SHIELD."
"Oh, Loki," I said sadly, "I didn't know. That must have been awful."
"At least they got Tom to be the one to ask the questions. Thor was also there to make sure I wasn't being pressured too much. It made the experience feel less daunting."
"And then... you were sent to the Med Centre?"
"My poor friend. First a hero, then a prisoner of the standard procedure," I released my hand from his lap, then put both my hands on his shoulders. "Well, I believe a reward is in order," I said playfully, my hands sliding down his shirt and beginning to unbutton it.
"Beverlee... what are you doing?" Loki asked slowly, his voice curious and concerned. He had never seen me act this forward.
"I... need to remove your shirt," I simply said.
"Okay," Loki smiled shyly, "I... I trust you," and finished with the remaining buttons. Once the shirt was removed, I pointed to an area of the living room where I had put down a blanket. I took his hand, and we moved over to the area and then sat down.
"I'm pretty sure when you were on Asgard," I said, "you had the luxury of massages. I'm probably not as practiced as they were but..."
Loki softly smiled, and leaned in close to me, "Beverlee, they were paid staff that... had... to perform a task," he whispered. "What you offer is so much better... you want... to touch me."
His words made me tremble inside, and the feeling was not unwelcome.
Taking a deep breath to calm myself, I leaned over to reach my stereo system and pressed a few buttons.
Soon, soft relaxing music was playing. I then picked up a small bottle of massage oil I placed on the blanket earlier.
"Shall I lie down?" Loki asked.
"No," I replied, smiling at him sheepishly, "we're going to do this sitting up."
"Beverlee," Loki smiled wickedly, positioning himself to sit in front of me, then tucking his dark hair away from his back to drape over the front of his shoulders, "how bold."
I also shifted my position to get close and comfortable. Opening the bottle of massage oil, I poured a small amount into my hand and then put the bottle aside. I rubbed my hands together to warm the oil, then gently spread the oil onto Loki's back, using gliding movements in long, even strokes. I knew this 'light friction' was called effleurage from the books I had read on the subject.
After a few minutes, I increased the pressure from light to medium to warm up his muscles. As I explored his back, my hands could feel tense areas in various places.
"Let me know if anything I do makes you feel uncomfortable," I said softly, "I want you to enjoy every moment."
"So far so..." Loki let out a soft moan of pleasure as the next word escaped his lips, "...good."
I began to knead his sides in circular strokes, and the sounds of his pleasure continued... sounds that I found very pleasing indeed.
However, as pleasing as they were, my thoughts started to drift to something Loki had said about his experience while being within that vile mind. Before we had first met, what inflicted harm had he previously suffered and endured? This sobering thought made me even more mindful of what I was doing and to take extra care with him.
I continued to apply several different standard massage strokes to his back as time progressed, occasionally stopping to apply pressure to a tense area...
I had only been massaging Loki's back for about ten minutes when he spoke, his voice sounding strained, "Beverlee... please, stop."
I immediately took my hands off his back. "What's wrong?" I asked with concern. "I-I didn't hurt you, did I?"
Loki turned around and looked at me. As soon as I saw his eyes... there was glistening moisture within them.
"No, you didn't hurt me," Loki replied quietly. "Actually, it's quite the reverse."
"How do you mean?"
In one smooth move, Loki grasped my shoulders and carefully pushed me down on the blanket. He looked at me with such elation.
With gentle hands, he slowly undid the top button from my shirt. Then with some fumbling, attempted to undo another...
What the..? He wasn't actually trying to..?
Instinctively, my hands came up and grabbed both his wrists. Confounded, I looked up at him, "Loki, stop. What do you think you're doing?"
"I thought... this is what you wanted?" he replied hoarsely.
"Why... why would you think that?" I said with surprise.
"How you caressed my back... I thought, it-it a prelude to..."
"Loki," I took a deep breath, "the reason for the back massage was only to relieve your tension."
"This wasn't to...?"
I shook my head.
Loki pulled me back up to sit. My friend looked at me for a moment, the realization of what he had just done starting to show on his face. His usual pale complexion began to exhibit a blush of shame. He swallowed hard and looked downward.
"Wh-what... have I done?" he whispered in dismay, "I-I'm terribly sorry..." he spoke so softly, I almost didn't hear it. He turned around clutching his arms, "I didn't mean to... I'll contact the facility and have them pick me up..."
He was about to stand, but I grabbed his arm to prevent him - gratefully learning at the same time that the sheen of oil I had on my hands had already absorbed so I could.
"Loki..." I said. "Look at me."
Loki slowly met my eyes. I could see such trepidation and remorse within them.
"You don't have to run away," I said quietly. "We're going to talk about this."
"It might be better if I left," Loki said dismissively.
"No. That would make things much worse..." I said, my other hand reaching up and cupping his cheek. "For the both of us."
My couch had become a regular venue for us to talk, especially about matters that concerned us. So it was only natural to bring us back to it for this discussion.
As we sat down, I took the knitted afghan blanket I kept on the top of the couch and draped the blanket around Loki's shoulders. I gave him a sympathetic look.
My friend appeared withdrawn, even more nervous and still avoided looking at me. But I couldn't blame him. We had never before had to deal with such a situation. Even I was a feeling quite uneasy, but I knew I had to be the one to start the conversation.
I drew a deep breath, knowing the only way to get through this was to take things slow.
Very slow.
"Loki," I said quietly, "before we address this, I want to make something very clear," I had hoped he would look at me when I began to speak, but he kept his eyes downward. "We are still friends. Nothing about that has changed. Do you understand?" Although he still didn't look at me, he nodded in assent. "With that, we've been able to talk to each other about anything. Like those other times, you don't have to be afraid to speak freely. You know I will listen to you and never judge."
I paused, waiting for another nod, but instead, Loki turned his head to face me.
"Okay?" I asked.
"Okay," he whispered in reply.
What I said next I knew was necessary, but it killed me inside and reminded me of family dramas I had often watched on TV.
"Loki, it disappoints me that you would mistake a simple backrub as an invitation to... engage in sex. Now, I admit I had a hand in this - pardon the pun - initiating a very intimate act, but I'm trying to understand how you wouldn't know better than this." I took a deep breath, trying to alleviate the stress manifesting in my stomach.
Loki took a minute or two to process what I said, then spoke.
"Previously, I had never faced this issue," he said quietly. "My only intention was... after all you've done for me, for us... I wanted to show you how good you make me feel." He looked into my eyes, "The touch of your hands on my back was incredibly soothing, I didn't know I even needed it until your fingertips began to dance on my skin with such an amazing technique. Every moan of pleasure that escaped my lips, elicited by you... I never felt any pretense in your touch, only caring and compassion for my well-being. Beverlee, you wielded powerful magic in your hands... it enchanted me, and... I couldn't take such a gift without giving something in return."
Oh, that silver tongue of his could be ever so charming! It may have sounded manipulating, to butter me up, but I actually did understand what he meant. However...
"Loki," I gave him a sympathetic smile, "while I can appreciate that, and your lovely words... you must know our relationship hasn't reached that point." I took his hand, "So I'm still trying to understand what could have caused you to do this. I mean... you didn't even ask." Then a thought came to me, "Is it possible... that vile mind you escaped from... might be a factor in this?"
"I..." Loki began, then stopped. The thought brought a bittersweet expression to his face, "I... wouldn't dismiss that theory." He pulled the hand I was holding to his lips and lightly kissed it, "You are aware of how much I care about you. I would never want to hurt you," he swallowed hard, "and, pardon the pun, it disturbs me greatly that I may have been affected by it more than I thought."
"Easy now," I said, "you didn't hurt me and I was more surprised than anything," I gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. "Remember, you're here because Doctor Lowenstein wanted you to recuperate in a safe and comfortable environment. He's aware you might suffer some side effects, but he wouldn't have allowed you to stay if you were considered dangerous."
Loki lowered his head with a sigh of sadness, "But, when you tell Doctor Lowenstein what I did... I will be in so much trouble. My probation..."
"Oh, Loki," I said softly, "I promise you won't be in any trouble," with my other hand, I reached up and lifted his chin to look at his face, "he'll more likely have words with me for initiating what I did."
"Well, he wouldn't exactly be surprised," Loki said wryly, a small smile teasing his lips, "with the both of us."
"He certainly wouldn't," I agreed, a smile now appearing on my face.
Briefly, we looked at each other, enjoying the view and indulging in a bit of silent communication.
"Come here," I said and pulled Loki into my arms. He didn't resist, and his arms came around me swiftly. We held each other tight as if we were holding on to dear life itself. I could feel my eyes welling up with bittersweet tears, as the thought of losing my friend had been overwhelming, but the amazing feeling of being able to bring each other back on track was equally powerful.
"I'm so sorry..."
"Are you alright?"
"Are you?"
"I was so worried..."
"So was I..."
"We're okay...?"
"We're okay..."
One of the rewards of being part of a 'Friendship Agreement' is that if the friendship is strong, both can rise above adversity and come out even stronger than before...
And Loki and I had just proven that - again.
My thoughts briefly returned to what Loki may have endured in the past, and considering what had just happened, had it been with anyone else, someone who did not know him as well as I, my friend could have faced some very unpleasant consequences. I could only speculate that Loki's actions of the past were more often than naught misunderstood, and because of his reputation, many couldn't be bothered to seek the truth.
I was very glad I wasn't one of them and swore I never would be.
As we had already gone through a very difficult discussion that was quite taxing, I wasn't about to begin to put Loki through some kind of lecture about the current hot-button topic on specific types of impropriety - especially towards women - and the movements that were founded to protect them.
However, I promised myself, I would bring up the topic sometime later during his stay - although I suspected he may already be aware. I mean aside from this blip, he always treated me with respect - why wouldn't he with others?
We held on to each other for quite some time. Aside from our hugs being able to fix what couldn't be said in words, along with offering security and safety, somehow this one felt even more special. I didn't want to let go, and it seemed neither did Loki, but even all good things need to, at least temporarily, come to an end.
"Now just rest," I said, gently pushing him back and making him lie down, "I'm going to make supper for us." I then stood from the couch.
"You don't want me to help?" Loki asked.
"You're a great help to me in the kitchen, but just for tonight, I want you to stay put and rest. You can help me with breakfast, okay?"
Loki gave me a thumbs-up and then curled up more comfortably on the couch. Just as I was about to walk into the kitchen, Loki grabbed my hand and kissed it. I knelt by the couch and caressed his cheek.
"My clever girl... I couldn't ask for a better friend," Loki said, looking up at me with puppy dog eyes.
"Likewise," I said with a soft smile, then lightly kissed him on the forehead.
I was in the middle of preparing dinner when there was a strong knock on my door.
There wasn't anyone else I was expecting, neither was I really prepared for any more company.
When I opened the door, there stood Loki's brother from another mother - Thor.
"Well, hello there," I said with a smile, "what brings you here?" I let him in, then closed the door behind him.
"Loki forgot a few things before coming over to your place," Thor said, handing me a small tote bag.
"Well since you've come all this way," I said, taking the tote, "you should at least stay for supper. Considering the circumstances, I don't think Loki will mind."
"Thank you, Beverlee, I'd like that."
"But you have to promise me something."
"For a home-cooked meal? Name it."
I chuckled, then said, in an amused tone, "After dinner, you have to tell us another Volstagg tale."
Thor smirked, "deal."
I gestured for Thor to follow me to the kitchen. As we passed the living room, Thor noticed Loki curled up on the couch sleeping.
"Have you ever considered you may be spoiling him?" Thor asked.
"Do I detect some jealousy?" I asked in a wry tone.
"No, I just, umm..." Thor struggled to find the right words to explain.
"It's okay, it's a valid question." I said, touching his arm, "It's true I may give in to more than a few of his indulgences, but... I do say no to him when the situation calls for it."
Taking a deep breath, I looked at Loki's brother from another mother. It suddenly dawned on me that no matter what had gone before, even though Thor was revered in the public eye, he also had to be suffering from at least some of the issues that Loki was.
In a short time, Loki and Thor had become quite dear to me, in more ways than they could know. While I knew the God of Thunder's life was far better off than his brother's, I promised myself if an opportunity ever arose, rare as that might be, where Thor had a problem - if I could, I would reach out to help.
"In any case," I said to him, having him sit down on a stool by the kitchen counter, "I have no problem spoiling you both with this hearty meal," and continued to prepare supper.
[AUTHORS NOTE: Originally, I had another direction in mind for this vignette, but discovered on the journey writing it, a little goes a long way. This vignette was inspired by a song/video by Sam Tsui entitled "Clumsy."
[Photo mischievously borrowed from DarthxErik on YouTube.]
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