Chapter Three:
WARNINGS: mild language, DO NOT EVER DRINK GASOLINE OR OIL! Otherwise, I hope you all enjoy this chapter!
Bailey woke up from a four hour nap, feeling refreshed and energized. She sat up and looked around, finding Sam on his laptop and Dean snoring in a chair.
She stood up carefully, falling to her knees with a frustrated groan. She stood back up again, before looking up and jumping when she saw Sam right in front of her.
Sam looked up, surprised to see her trying to walk on her own again. He got up quickly, walked to the bed, and offered her his hand to help steady her.
She looked at Sam's hand in perplexed confusion. "Will it keep you safe?" she asked, thinking about what Cas had said.
"By helping you learn to walk, yes." Sam said calmly, not wanting her to reject help, when she could use the help.
She nodded finally, taking his hand as he guided her steps, she didn't;t see Dean was awake and watching her proudly.
It wasn't until she was walking around the room repeatedly on her own, that Dean walked up to her and startled her.
"Dean?!" she squeaked in surprise and stumbled. "When did you wake up?" she asked, as she regained her balance.
"I've been awake for a while," Dean admitted, implying he had been watching her for some time.
"Oh... I'm sorry, I just wanted to learn." she said softly, looking down at the floor as her cheeks became heated.
Dean smiled gently, reaching over and lifting her shin, so she could see his smile. "You're walking beautifully." he said, once she looked at him.
"Really?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with excitement.
Dean nodded, looking over at Sam, to see his younger brother trying to hide a smile. "Good work, Sammy." he said proudly.
"Sam... Thank you for helping me. I really do appreciate it." she said happily, as she clapped her hands together.
Sam nodded, raising an eyebrow as she suddenly paled and looked around.
Bailey heard a growling noise coming from her body and panicked, taking a few steps back from the men. The last time she heard that sound, she was a car... and possessed by a vengeful ghost.
Dean turned to look at her, wondering what had caused her abrupt change in mood. "Bab... Bailey?" he asked, noticing she wasn't breathing very well.
"I think you might need some salt or holy water..." Bailey said quickly, wracking her brain in an effort to understand how this had happened.
Sam walked right up to her, handing her a bottle of holy water. "Take a drink." he instructed.
She nodded quickly, removing the lid, and took a big gulp. She waited patiently for a reaction, which never came. Instead only another growl rose from her stomach, loud enough for the Winchesters to hear.
Dean took the water bottle from her, as both of them started laughing really hard.
By the time they stopped, Bailey's arms were crossed over her chest and a look of agitation had settled on her face.
"What's so funny?" she demanded, earning chuckles from from Sam, and coughs from Dean. "Are you alright?" she asked calmly, as Dean coughed even harder.
Dean gave her two thumbs up, as his coughing finally stopped and left him breathless.
"You're not possessed, Bailey." Sam began.
"You're hungry... you need to refuel." Dean interrupted, earning a look from Sam.
"Oh... what is gas for a human?" she asked curiously, causing both to dissolve into laughter once again. She put her hands on her hips, and glared at them with every fiber of her being.
"Sorry, Bailey, food is fuel. What have you seen us eat that sounds good?" Sam asked, as Dean started coughing again. He reached over and clapped his older brother's back, feeling only a second's notice before the coughs became gags.
"Sammy?" Dean asked in warning, between coughs and gags. He knew he was about to puke, and was hoping Sam understood.
Bailey jumped, as the coughs changed, her eyes wide with fear.
Sam got a bucket, that they kept nearby for just such occasions. Truth be told, these coughing fits were happening too often for comfort. He looked up, seeing Bailey's fear and took her hand, pulling her to Dean's side.
"Think of him as a car... with the wrong gasoline..." he suggested, struggling to find a good analogy. "His coughing is gagging him. So hold the bucket in front of him, and don't let go unless one of us grabs it." he instructed, earning an incredulous look from Dean.
Dean moved to take the bucket, but stopped when he saw a look of determination on her face. His gags were getting harder and more aggressive, with each one.
Sam wrapped an arm around Dean's waist, to keep him from falling. He could tell this attack was going to be worse the normal.
Dean lurched forward, vomiting into the bucket and startling Bailey.
"Dean?" she asked uncertainly, "Why is food coming back out your nose and mouth?" she asked, sounding anxious.
"I'm okay," Dean panted, before vomiting again.
"No, you are not!" she exclaimed loudly, causing both to look at her in surprise.
"He will be okay, vomiting has never killed him before." Sam said calmly, offering a gentle smile to his words, in the hopes of relaxing her a bit.
She returned the smile, before shaking her head and placed the bucket on the floor in front of Dean. She walked to the door, opened it, and shut the door behind her as she exited.
"Sam?" Dean asked weakly, before shrugging his little brother off of him. "I got her." he said hoarsely.
Sam nodded and let go of his older brother, inwardly relieved the coughing and vomiting session appeared to be over. "Just take it easy." he requested, not wanting Dean to overdo it and get sick again.
Dean followed Bailey outside, searching left and right, before finding her in an agitated state down the road slightly. "Bab... Bailey, honey, what's wrong?" he asked, his voice breaking slightly from the vomiting.
"I'm not honey! I'm not a sweet syrup. I'm... I don't know what I am... but I am not that." Bailey snapped firmly.
"Easy... honey is a term of endearment too." he explained, feeling like he was making up a lame excuse to get out of trouble with his dad.
"Oh... I didn't know that... sorry for snapping... I just feel weird and gross in my stomach." she admitted, causing him to search her features. He could see she was pale and slightly green.
He nodded slowly, unsure of how to help her. "Did it start when I was puking?" he asked, earning a nod as response. He watched her gulp hard, shuddering at the taste in her mouth.
"Yuck," she said uncomfortably.
"Don't swallow that again, spit it out." he instructed, not liking that her first experience with illness was caused because of him coughing until he puked.
She nodded, but as she went to spit, murky liquid shot from her lips, covering the ground in front of them.
"Shit! Sam!" he yelled, moving to her side, pulling her hair back and rubbed her back as it happened repeatedly.
Sam ran outside, shocked at what he saw. "What the hell happened?" he asked in disbelief.
"She got sick." Dean stated flatly, trying to support her.
"I can see that." Sam said dryly. "Why is she sick?" he demanded.
"Sympathy, I think." Dean said in a rush. He stayed focused on her though: clapping her on the back when she couldn't breathe, keeping her long brown hair out of the vomit's path, and rubbed gentle circles on her back with each new round. He realized after the 3rd round of sickness, that she was vomiting the leftover gasoline and oil from when she was a car.
Sam noticed too, and moved behind her and pressed a firm hand against her stomach to force more intense vomiting, in the hopes that it would clean all the toxins from her body.
When she finally stopped getting sick, she collapsed weakly into their waiting arms.
"Feel any better?" Dean asked in concern, before scooping her up, bridal style, and carried her back inside to his bed. Sam followed closely, mentally cataloguing her features for any inclination of what she was feeling or thinking.
"I'm tired." she admitted, earning a hoarse chuckle from Dean. If asked, she'd deny it, but she did love this man's laugh. "Can you stay with me?" she asked softly, not wanting to sleep alone after her day.
Dean nodded, climbing into bed beside her, glad to be able to sleep too after his day.
Sam walked back to to the kitchen area, and before he knew it, Bailey and Dean were sound asleep in each other's arms. He smiled, before the lights flashed around him and he was sucked into a vision.
Sam walked up with two newborn babies in his arms, and a four year old undertow. Dean was happy and in love, but alone. Bailey was nowhere in sight. And there car was a Ford.
Suddenly it flashed again, showing Bailey getting stabbed by an angel blade...
Sam collapsed to the ground, seizing violently, causing Dean to jerk awake and rush to his little brother's side. Dean rolled Sam on his side and waited for the man's body to still.
"A vision?" Dean asked, earning a nod.
"About Bailey..." Sam panted weakly, before losing consciousness.
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