Chapter Four:
Bailey jerked awake at Dean's sudden movement from the bed, her eyes widening as she saw Sam writhing on the ground.
"What's going on?" she asked anxiously, slowly getting up from the bed. She could feel that her legs were still slightly shaky from her earlier episode of sickness. However she also noticed that she was shaky all over, and made a mental note to ask the men about that later.
Dean shook his head, not answering her as he waited for Sam to be coherent enough to explain what he saw. "I don't know anything yet, Bailey. Just that it was about you." he said, his voice sounding more worried than he meant to let on.
She froze in her tracks, turned back around, and retreated to the bed. Not wanting to cause an issue or upset Dean anymore than he already was. She sat on the bed, watching Dean silently, knowing that her presence wasn't exactly welcome at the moment.
Dean sighed in frustration, before lightly shaking Sam's shoulder to rouse him. When Sam didn't respond, Dean shook his shoulder a little harder earning a groan from the younger man.
"Come on, Sam, wake up for me." he encouraged, relieved to see that his little brother was slowly opening his eyes and managed to keep them open.
"I'm awake... ish... What's wrong?" Sam slurred, looking up at Dean in confusion, before taking in his surroundings. He couldn't figure out why he was on the floor, why he had such a horrible headache, and why he had a strong unsettled feeling.
"You had a vision, followed by a three minute seizure. Do you remember what you saw?" Dean asked, watching Sam closely, as the slurring was a bit unusual for after a vision seizure.
Sam thought for a moment before paling and nodding, as his mind was consumed with visions of Bailey dying in his mind. "I saw her die, Dean.... It was horrible, and painful from the looks of it. Or well, i don't know if she dies... I just know she gets stabbed by an angel blade." He explained, getting so upset he didn't register the flutter of wings annoucing some angel's arrival.
Dean ignored the sound of wings too, too worried about Sam to notice that an angel had their blade tip against Bailey's side.
"Um... Dean..." Bailey stammered, trying to not show how confused and scared she was that s Sam's vision was already coming true.
"Not now, Bailey. I promise, I'll answer any questions you have later." Dean said firmly, earning an odd look from Sam.
Bailey cleared her throat softly, before speaking again. "Dean! Look at me!" She snapped, wincing as the angel pressed the blade into her side harder, without puncturing her skin.
Dean whirled around angrily, only to stop and freeze in shock. "What do you want?" He asked calmly, looking at Bailey with an apology in his eyes.
Sam sat up quickly, as he pulled a knife from his pocket and slit his palm open. He worked quickly, to draw the sigil that would send that angel packing.
"Hmmm that's a good question, perhaps to lay waste to this girl's future." The angel said, a malicious smile crossing its lips.
"What is so bad about her future?" Dean asked, noticing what Sam was doing out of the corner of his eye and tried to stall the angel so Sam could finish.
"Should she survive..." the angel started, shoving the blade hilt deep into her side.
Bailey cried out in pain, as the blade sliced into her. She gasped over and over, trying to pull as much breath in as her injuries would allow.
"NO!" Sam and Dean yelled in unison, as the angel smirked.
"As i was saying, if she survives, she could bring creatures to their knees. Imagine, the worst of the worst beings, hobbled by a single woman's words." The angel said with a shudder, throwing Bailey onto the bed aggressively.
Bailey groaned weakly, noticing her blood was starting to drip down and stain the sheets of the bed red. Spots were clouding her vision, as she forced herself upright to face the angel.
"You will not hurt anyone again! You will be released from your bond." She said calmly, as the whole room seemed to shudder from her words. "Get out of my sight." She snapped, causing the angel to disappear in a cry of pain, before Sam could add the finishing touches to his sigil.
As soon as the angel was gone, she collapsed to the floor, moaning as her body was jostled.
"Go help her." Sam said quickly, not wanting her to be alone and in pain, when he felt fine again.
Dean nodded, jumping up and rushing to her side. "Hey, hey, you're okay." He said gently, drawing her attention to him.
"Get the silver out... It burns, Dean!" Bailey gasped, writhing slightly as the blade began to melt and drip on her skin.
"What the hell?!" Dean asked in disbelief, when he looked at the now dripping blade. He grabbed ahold of the blade, whipping from her skin, as quickly as he could. He watched the drips of silver lace through her skin, stopping the bleeding and closing the wound.
As the wound closed, Bailey screamed in agony which caused the silver to light on fire and vanish from sight.
Dean watched all of this in bewilderment, confused by what was happening, and what on earth this girl's abilities were.
Bailey panted hard, her chest heaving with each breath, as she lay still for a few moments. "Thank you, Dean, you saved me." She whispered, her eyes closing as she fell into an exhausted sleep.
It took all of Dean's self control not to wake her up and demand answers. Even if those answers were ones he didn't want to hear, or wouldn't like.
Sam got up slowly, walking over to Dean's bed and started to strip it down to get rid of the blood. "Is she okay?" He asked, looking over and seeing Dean's now puzzled expression.
"What? Oh yeah, she seems to be." Dean said distractedly, not really looking at Sam as he stared at the young woman before him. "What the hell just happened?" He asked out loud, but not really to anyone in particular.
"She must have been more gifted than we thought. But if she can heal from a wound that should have killed her... What else can she do?" Sam asked in a quiet and thoughtful voice. He finished cleaning the bed and remade it, before disappearing in the bathroom to take a shower.
Dean nodded his agreement to Sam's observations and thoughts, but he stayed quiet, keeping his therios to himself. He could see and angry scar puckering under her skin, making him realize she was still in danger of an infection. When Sam walked out of the bathroom, he decided to share his concern.
"I think that blade may have been laced with something. The scar looks too angry to be healthy." Dean said, looking over at his newly showered brother. "Feel better?" He asked, knowing after a seizure Sam always wanted a shower.
"Yeah, much better." Sam said in an exhausted voice. "Let's keep a close eye on her and her scar to make sure she doesn't get really sick." He suggested, earning a nod from his older brother.
Dean nodded, as he gingerly scooped her up and moved her back onto the bed. He touched around the scar, searching for signs of infection, earning a low groan from Bailey. Even though she stayed asleep, he could tell the injury site still hurt immensely.
"Sorry, honey, I knoww that hurt." he said softly, as she curled up into the fetal position. "You're safe, I promise." he added, calming her down and having her relax.
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