Chapter Eight:
"Wait... what? You know what you are?" Dean asked in disbelief. He scrubbed a hand over his face, too stunned to say or think anything else. He just couldn't believe she knew and hadn't said anything.
"I... uh..." Bailey started to say, unsure of what to say next or how to answer any questions.
"How long have you known?" Sam asked calmly, his eyes dark and less than friendly.
Bailey bit her bottom lip, debating how much she could safely share with them without unnecessarily endangering their lives. She sighed softy, before throwing her hands up in the air in defeat and exasperation.
"Fine, I'll answer all your questions, to the best of my knowledge. So... yes, I know what I am. At least part of it, I'm a Nephilim and something else, like angel but not. So I don't know what that half of me is. I've known since Cas first zapped us here. So about four days, I wanted to tell you both, but I didn't want to put you both in more danger than was needed. Um... next question," she said quickly, not really liking being in the spotlight.
Sam scowled at Bailey angrily, opening his mouth then slamming it shut audibly.
Bailey flinched at the sound, looking down at the floor as fears pricked at her eyes.
Dean sighed softly, rubbing his hands together as he thought. "What else do we need to Know?" he asked gently.
Bailey sighed again, nearly in tears as she spoke, "There is demon in me too. I'm not talking a wimpy demon, I'm talking like a knight of Hell." She explained, her voice all but disappearing as she spoke.
"Demon too?! What else? What more trouble are you going to cause? How much more danger are you going to risk our lives in?" Sam snarled out of nowhere, startling both Dean and Bailey.
"I..." Bailey started to say, when Dean chimed in.
"What the hell, Sam?! We agreed to help her no matter what," Dean pointed out, earning a glare from Sam, who seemed to be getting more and more angry by Bailey's presence.
"He's right, Dean. I'm just putting you both in danger. I'm gonna go pack." Bailey said, all but running to her room, as tears ran down her cheeks.
"Bailey!" Dean cried out, wanting her to stop, but she didn't. Everything in him screamed at him to punch Sam's lights out, and stop her from leaving, but he was frozen, he had no idea what to do.
Sam smiled smugly, before black smoke vanished from his mouth and nose, escaping the bunker easily. His body collapsing weakly in a heap, as Bailey walked back into the room bag in hand.
She froze, seeing the last bit of the black smoke, looking at Dean who rushed to Sam's side, in confusion. "Was he possessed?" she asked softly, her eyes red and swollen.
Dean looked up at her, his heart breaking at what he saw, and nodded. "It was a demon not Sam. Sammy would never say those unkind words." he said adamantly.
Bailey nodded slowly, putting her bag on the floor by her feet, watching Sam quietly, wondering if he was okay. "I thought you two couldn't be possessed because of your tattoos, unless your tattoo was broken... but how could they get the jump on him?" She asked. "And when?" She added, starting to feel a bit frantic and panicky.
Dean ripped Sam's shirt open, finding the tattoo was intact but that there was a swollen lump looking injection site on his left arm, looked like he had been given a shot that he didn't like.
"What the hell?!" He asked, noticing the site was starting to smoke faintly, then stopped and deflated fully, looking like nothing more than mosquito bite.
Bailey gasped and she inhaled the little bit ot smoke, a grossed out look marring her face, as she looked faintly sick. "That is disgusting... and new, isn't it?" She asked curiously, looking at Dean wondering what the hunter was thinking, as no one noticed She inhaled the smoke.
"That was new... what else did I miss?" Sam asked, having come to enough to see the black smoke leave his skin.
"How do you feel?" Dean immediately asked, ignoring both asked questions, as he switched to big brother mode right away.
"I'm fine, just grossed out by the demon smoke that just evaporated from my skin. " Sam said wisely, catching on to everything too quickly.
"How did you...?" Dean asked flabbergasted, by his brother's smarts once again.
Sam chuckled, looking over at Bailey to see her red and swollen eyes in concern. "Are you okay?" he asked her.
Bailey looked away quickly, the demon's words echoing in her head about her being a danger.
"Demon you was not kind to her." Dean pointed out calmly, reaching over and taking her hand gently in his, giving it a squeeze.
Bailey shrugged, trying to pass it off as no big deal, even though it was a huge deal in her mind.
Sam looked at her again, debating what to say to her. "I'm so sorry that my fears were used against you and used to hurt you, Bailey. I never wanted anything felt toot you... or... Bailey, your brandings are glowing." he said suddenly, startling Dean and Bailey.
Sure enough, more brandings were popping up all over her visible and hidden skin, all of them glowing an angry red. Curiously, Bailey reached out and touched one of the brandings, drawing her hand back quickly with a hiss, as if the skin had burned her.
"Bailey?"Dean asked, not daring to touch her, not after what happened with the angel blade. "Are you alright?" he asked in concern.
"No, they burn." Bailey gasped, stripping her shirt and pants off, leaving her in just her bra and underwear. The branding marks shown on her skin to be identical to markings and drawings on the impala.
"Is that enochian?" Sam asked, moving closer to look at symbols on her back that matched the devils trap from the trunk.
Her chest and ribs matched their carvings by Cas, her arms and legs had other enochian and demonic symbols, some of the symbols looked identical to those on the tablets of God. demons. and angels tablets, and there were foreign symbols too.
Bailey nodded slowly. "Enochian and others. "I only recognize a little bit of it... like the devil's trap." She said honestly. She looked down at her skin curiously, debating what more meant. and if it was important to know right now. The more she stared at them the more they burned, making her breathing pick up rapidly.
"Hey, you are okay. I promise." Dean said reassuringly, moving into her line of sight and drawing her attention to him.
"How do you know?" Bailey asked softly, her voice soft and small, just like how she had felt since possessed Sam had spoken up.
"Sam and I have literally been to hell and back again, if we can survive that, you can survive whatever this is." Dean promised, making a mental vow to help her through it no matter what.
"Dean's not joking." Sam said, walking upand hugging her, not caring if he got thrown across the room, thankfully he didn't. "Thanks for not throwing me across the room." he said comically.
Bailey giggled and nodded, her brandings fading as she focused on other things. "Your welcome, Sam." she said, blushing deep red as her stomach suddenly growled beyond loudly.
"I think its time for burgers and rabbit food." Dean said, reaching over and squeezing her hand gently. "After you get dressed." he added, earning a giggle and nod from Bailey.
"Right, no distracting you boys with my nudity." Bailey said bluntly, her eyes twinkling with mischief, as she pulled her clothes on.
She retreated to the kitchen to make burgers and salads, having taken over some of the cooking duties. She made sure to clean as she cooked, so whoever cleaned up after eating, wouldn't have much to do.
Once she was done, she delivered everyone's food, and sat down to eat. Everyone tucked in to their delicious food, before retiring to their rooms for an early night after their crazy day.
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