Chapter 7:
Warning graphic female bodily functions!
Over the next few days, they taught Bailey: hand-to-hand combat, how to cook key foods without burning the bunker down, what foods and drinks were safe and not safe, and had her studying lore left and right about all manner of creatures.
Bailey sat back at the table, noticing that Sam was nodding off at his laptop and Dean was pacing in the hall, having given up studying for a while. She thought back, realizing she had been human for about 8 days now, and that made her think of all she learned. She noticed Dean was chugging a beer, which was perfect for her.
"When can I learn to shoot a gun?" she asked, causing Sam to jerk awake, and Dean to spit his beer down the hall.
"Whats the rush?" Dean asked, coughing on what had sprayed out off his mouth.
"Cas said I needed to be able to protect you. How do I do that without a gun?" Bailey countered.
Sam scrubbed a hand over his face sleepily. "Can I take a nap first, then we teach you?" he asked, as a compromise.
Bailey nodded, in understanding, but noticed that Dean was frowning at Sam's request.
"You okay, Sammy?" Dean asked in concern, once he could breathe again.
Sam nodded, with a big yawn. "Just tired, been staring at the laptop too long." he said, avoiding looking at Dean.
Dean could tell Sam was pale, but didn't say anything, hoping that sleep would take care of it.
"Get some sleep." he told his little brother. "You look exhausted." he added.
After Sam disappeared into his room, Bailey got up and walked over to Dean.
"Is Sam okay? He looks too white." She observed thoughtfully, seeing Dean frown deeply at her words.
"You noticed too? It's called pale, when you are too white." Dean explained.
"Is pale bad?" she asked curiously. Dean nodded his head slowly, looking at Sam's closed door in deep thought. "What does it mean? You were pale at the motel before you got sick... wait... is Sam sick?" she gasped.
"Pale could mean sick or in pain." Dean explained calmly, wondering what was going on with Sam.
"Did one of those monsters, you both made me read about, hurt him?" she asked, her mind latching onto pain as the cause and dismissed sickness entirely. She flinched suddenly, feeling a pain crawl through her stomach, different from the pain she felt back in the motel.
Dean shook his head, too preoccupied to notice something was wrong with her too.
"We haven't been on a hunt, since we met you." he said distractedly.
Another pain ran through her stomach, making her suddenly need to pee... like urgently.
"I'll be right back." she said quickly, retreating down the hall to the bathroom before he could notice. She dropped her pants and sat down quickly, as she waited for her body to work, she looked down at her unders to see a good amount of red on them.
She gasped, staring at the red in fear and confusion. Am I dying? What's wrong with me? What do I do?! Another pain ran through her stomach, causing her to whimper, as someone opened the door.
"Bailey? You okay? I heard you gasp." Sam said tiredly, staying by the door to give her as much privacy as he could.
"Something is wrong. I'm bleeding." she choked out, her panic rising as she voiced her problem.
"Down there?" Sam asked, no longer sounding tired. He walked over to a cabinet, grabbed pads and tampons, and brought them outside of her stall.
"Yes, what do I do?! Am I dying?" She choked out frantically.
"Breathe. Its okay, you aren't dying at all. It's called your period. Its your body's way of saying you can get pregnant if you had sex. Can I come in and help you?" he asked gently, relieved that Jess had taught him all about the female body. "Oh, pregnant means have a baby."
Bailey opened the door still on the toilet, too afraid to move. "I know about sex and pregnancy, I ran across it in the lore. What do I do now?" she asked, sounding less panicked, after sassing Sam.
Sam chuckled softly, smiling at her encouragingly. "Now this is where it gets awkward. This," holds up a tampon, "can go inside you to catch the blood, but it's not the most comfortable, but it's less messy. Or you can just use a pad to catch it, and it gets stuck to your unders so the blood doesn't spill into your pants." He explained, showing her how to put a pad in her unders correctly.
"No, weird painful sticks!" She snapped, blushing as she looked at Sam with an apologetic look.
"No problem. Pads can be removed and replaced whenever you need to." He said, looking up at Dean as he walked in looking for Bailey.
"What the hell?" Dean demanded, glaring at the female products at Sam's knees.
"I don't know what you think is happening, but I'm only helping her. She got her first period, and freaked out." Sam explained, wondering what Dean thought was going on.
Dean visibly relaxed, before frowning and scowling slightly. "You okay, Bailey?" he asked, noticing she had silent the whole time.
Bailey flinched, gently pushing Sam out of the stall and closing the door. She wiped, once again noticing the blood, pulled up her pants, and flushed the toilet, before exiting the stall.
"I'm fine. I thought I was dying, but Sam explained it all, and assured me I was okay." she said happily, before doubling over as a sharper pain shot through her stomach. "What is this pain?" she ground out, breathing harder.
Sam flinched, as Dean's eyes widened in surprise, before both recovered quickly.
"Those pains are cramps, muscle spasms, another part of the period. You can take one of two meds for it, but for your sake we'll have you try what's called pamprin. It treats multiple symptoms, should any new ones pop up, you'll be covered." Dean suggested, earning a surprised look from Sam.
"How?" Sam asked, as Dean grabbed the meds from the cabinet Sam had grabbed the other products from.
Dean handed the meds and waited until Bailey swallowed the meds to answer. "I've had girlfriends." he said, his voice making it clear he wouldn't answer any questions further on the subject.
Sam shook his head, but took a hint. "Let's get you on the couch, since cramps have already set in. You're not going to want to move." he suggested.
"What happened to shooting?" Bailey asked in a pout. "Maybe tomorrow?" she asked, as another cramp set in. She was glad she hadn't straightened up yet, as that cramp almost brought her to her knees.
Sam walked her slowly to the living room, keeping a slow pace as she chose to stay doubled over.
Once she was situated on the couch, Sam and Dean met in the kitchen alone, leaving her to watch a movie alone. Knowing she could hear them if the vocalized what they were saying they opted to right notes back and forth, hoping she couldn't read minds too.
'So a period?' Dean wrote.
'Yeah, her panicking woke me up.' Sam wrote back, watching Dean's face.
'Moody? Bleeding? Anything else?' Dean asked back.
Sam rolled his eyes and nodded. 'Of course,' he wrote in return.
The lights flickered, as a gut wrenching scream echoed through the bunker, causing both hunters to grab hidden guns and run towards the piercing noise.
Bailey had been watching tv, before Cas appeared before her and touched her forehead, sending ripples of shooting pain through all of her. She screamed through the pain, to warn Sam and Dean that something was wrong.
"Cas, let go, that's enough." Dean growled, as Cas let go of Bailey and she collapsed unconscious on the couch.
"That's impossible... she's a Nephilim. She can't be, She was a car." the angel rambled, like a drunk Man.
"Are you intoxicated?" Sam demanded flatly. He was about to send Cas packing, when the angel vanished.
"Did he say Nephilim?" Dean asked Sam, earning a look of exasperation.
"Is she okay?" Sam asked, as Dean cirled th couch in time for her to stir.
"Honey, you okay?" Dean asked, as Bailey blinked her eyes open. She jumped to her feet.
"Where is that stupid angel? He wasn't supposed to find out yet..." seeing Sam and Dean, she sighed softly. "Yes, I'm a Nephilim." she said calmly.
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