Chapter 10:
"No offense, Bailey, but we've been down this road more than once." Dean said heavily, as he pulled out a book on how to re-cast wards in the bunker.
"Let me guess, he almost died." Bailey stated flatly, a hint of anger in her tone, that he would think she didn't remember the last few tries.
"Yeah, I'm not getting his hopes up again." Dean stated angrily, not caring that he was now mad at her, which he had vowed not to do.
Bailey sighed in frustration, as she turned and stomped away down the hall, her bare feet echoing on the floors. She walked to her room and slammed her door, the sound reverberating through the bunker.
Dean re-cast the ward, before heading down the hall to his own room, when Sam stopped him by stepping out of his room.
"What's going on?" Sam asked in concern, wondering why Bailey had slammed her door so aggressively.
"Oh Sam..." Dean said, jumping in surprise. "Bailey claims she can get rid of the demon blood in you, but I said I didn't want you hurt or to get your hopes up again." he explained, sounding a bit breathless after being startled by his brother.
Sam leaned against his door jam, as an array of emotions played across his face. "I... uh... really? She can?" he asked in a soft voice, wondering what her way entailed.
Dean froze, looking up at Sam, searching his brother's face, his heart sinking as he saw that hope he had been afraid of. "Sam..." he started to say before Sam cut him off.
"No, Dean, listen, its been years... years..." Sam said shakily, his voice shaking with the raw emotions rushing through him at a speed that took his breath away. "What if it works?" he whispered, his eyes filled with wonder and hope.
Dean felt like all the oxygen had been sucked out of his lungs, as he tried to figure out what to say next without dashing that hope. "Do you want to try?" he asked finally, after battling a mini war in his heart, finally deciding to let Sam decide for himself what was best.
Sam's jaw dropped open, before he snapped it shut audibly and nodding. "More than anything." he said, sounding breathless, like he had run a marathon.
"Alright, I won't stand in your way on one condition. and only one condition. If it looks like you are going to die, I will stop you." Dean said firmly, watching Sam stiffen then relax.
"I would expect nothing less... Are you really okay with this?" Sam asked in confusion, as he looked Dean in the eye.
Dean held his breath briefly, praying to whoever was listening that Sam not see the war he was fighting in himself. "I'm not okay with this at all, but if she can help you, I am not going to stop it." he said finally, after a few very tense minutes of eye-locked standoff.
Sam nodded heavily, turning around when he felt like he was being watched to see Bailey standing there, arms crossed over her chest. "Bailey?" he asked softly, unsure of what her deal was, or if she even had a deal or what. He felt so confused, he couldn't think straight, and his thoughts were swirling dangerously out of control making him so dizzy.
"Sit down, Sam, before you pass out." Bailey said simply, closing the distance quickly, and guided him to sit down against the wall. She held out her hand to Dean, a glass vial and a syringe in her hand, before looking him in the eye. "If you want my help tell me, otherwise, there is Sam's magic cure." she said, as she turned to walk away.
Sam grabbed her hand, stopping her in her tracks, and pulled her down to his level. "You don't want to administer it?" he asked, as he was starting to be able to think more clearly.
"That's up to you, Sam. It's going to burn, and make your veins feel like they are on fire. You are going to hate me, and everything, you will lose consciousness, and when you wake it should be over... If not, we have to repeat it, are you up for that?" She asked sharply, glaring at Dean as she spoke each word.
Sam raised an eyebrow at the glare. "No love lost between you two, what's going on?" he asked firmly.
She turned to look back at Sam, smiling tiredly at him. "He thought I'd honestly offer an idea that could kill you." she admitted gently, her voice raising slightly in anger.
"I didn't think you'd do it on purpose." Dean objected, dropping the vial in his exclamation, the vial shattered, splattering them all in some crimson. "What was that?" he asked, noticing its color for the first time.
"My blood, the blood of a nephilim can right a lot of wrongs." she said with a shrug, as she pulled another syringe from her pocket. "So Sam, can you handle what I said will happen?" she asked, lining the needle of her syringe to her arm, before looking up at him.
Sam took a deep breath, to calm himself down and to prepare himself. "I'm ready for whatever happens, Bailey, I trust you explicitly." he said firmly, giving Dean a look as if to dare him to argue with him.
Dean smiled apprehensively, before moving to Bailey's side and offering his hand to help her draw her blood and inject Sam. She nodded her permission, relinquishing the syringe, and hissed softly as he punctured her skin.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you." he said gently, looking at her sadly, as he drew a full syringe of blood.
"It was a necessary pain, its okay. That one syringe should be more than enough, inject all of it into his heart, like you would adrenaline." she instructed, as he removed the needle from her arm.
Sam got up, and moved to his bed, laying pillows and blankets around himself as a barrier, and sat down, before removing his shirt. He then lay down on his back, taking slow breaths to prepare for what was about to happen.
"I am so sorry, Sammy." Dean said in a tortured voice, as he stabbed the needle into his little brother's chest injecting the blood directly into Sam's heart.
Sam groaned loudly, thrusting his head back, as the liquid fire in his veins started almost immediately. He started sweating profusely, starting to writhe as soon as Dean withdrew the needle from his chest.
"Its killing him!" Dean exclaimed, his face white as a ghost, as he watched Sam in horror.
She sighed softly, pulling Dean into a tight hug, noting he was trembling in his fear for his brother. "It's okay, my blood is burning the demon blood to dust. Sam is okay, just in a lot of pain." she said gently, as she felt Dean start sobbing uncontrollably in her arms. She slid down to the floor, pulling Dean into her lap, letting him cry, as she watched Sam writhe.
She knew Sam had a long ride ahead of him, days would pass, before they knew if he was demon blood free, but deep down, she could already feel him changing for the better.
Sam slowly opened his eyes, amazed that he felt great, like amazing... He had never felt this good.... ever. He looked around, to see Dean walk past his room, with his arms full of books.
"Dean?" he asked, sitting up quickly, surprised he wasn't dizzy.
"Bailey!! He's awake finally!" Dean shouted, running into the room and tackling Sam in a big hug. "How do you feel?" he asked, as Bailey walked in the door and watched from the door looking exhausted but relieved.
Sam laughed at Dean and nodded to Bailey. "I feel great! You act like I've been asleep for days." he said with a laugh.
"Sam, you were asleep for a month." She said, looking like she hadn't slept at all in that month.
"What?! Why so long? Are you okay?!" Sam demanded, not liking any of this.
"Her blood has been pulling its strength to fight from her grace and her body, she is literally exhausted." Dean explaining giving her a look of reprimand.
"Did you know?" Sam asked her bluntly.
She sighed heavily. "I knew about the strength pulling, not that it would take a month. But be happy, your demon blood is gone!" she said, trying to change the subject on Sam.
"I never would have agreed, if I knew it would do this to you." Sam said finally, after a few tense moments of silence.
"That's what I told her two weeks ago." Dean said in annoyance.
She sagged against the wall, a tired smile on her face. "I am glad you both didn't know, so that I could help you." she admitted, before her eyes rolled back into her head, and she collapsed unconscious.
Dean jumped up, scooped her up and carried her out to the couch, laid her down, and covered her with a blanket.
"Is she okay?" Sam asked, following close behind, watching his brother lovingly care for her.
"Yeah, just over-exhausted. She really does care about us, and that means she'd do anything to make us happy. Even if it hurts her. I've learned a lot about her this last month... Including that she doesn't have wings... and that her powers are only getting stronger.
She blew up a barn, trying to kill a demon last week. Castiel is still looney tunes, and tried to kill her again, which is why it took a month for you instead of two weeks, she had to heal from multiple stab wounds from an angel blade.
Her powers were also were on the blink when she was healing you, it was kind of amusing, the random things that happened were hilarious. Earthquakes, lights exploding, random things, and best of all, they all startled her." Dean recounted, the more he talked, the more he smiled, telling Sam there was more to it than meets the eye.
"Sounds like fun. So Dean, do you like her? and I mean like like like her." Sam asked, smiling at the fun stories he had missed.
"What?! NO!" Dean exclaimed loudly, his face turning beet red. "Maybe... I don't know... Yeah." he admitted softly, smiling down at her sleeping form, not realizing how much he cared about her, until she had held him while he sobbed the multiple times while Sam was out of it.
"Have you told her?" Sam asked gently, knowing angels and nephilims were pretty clueless.
"No, I can't that's weird, she was my car." Dean said sadly, looking up at Sam with a heavy amount of sadness in his eyes.
Bailey opened her eyes slowly, looking up at Dean, mulling over what he said, before sitting up and kissing him on the lips suddenly.
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