CHAPTER TWENTY-EIGHT: Atoning for past mistakes
Eli had given himself three days to patch up before he decided it was time to face Albert Jenkins. With Mary's voice in his head, he ascended his horse and drove away from London.
Allow him to take revenge like a brother should take revenge on the man who hurt his sister.
She was right, Eli had realized. If something had happened to Ada, Ivy or Cora, he would beat the man up as well. And he would probably not be satisfied until the man would surrender.
So that was what Eli was going to do. Tell Jenkins that he may have his way with him. That he may do to him what he deserved, and that he would endure it all.
It might not bring back Emma Jenkins, but it might be satisfying enough for the man to stop beating up Eli at every sight of him. And hopefully, when Jenkins had given up, Eli would be able to move on from his mistakes.
Much too quickly, the horse and rider arrived at the big estate just outside London. He knew the Jenkins lived here, for he had visited them when he did not know yet why Albert beat him up. But every time he entered the house, he would exit it with bruises and pain.
This time would not be much different, he realized. A little bit, though, for Eli had become older and had the wise voice of Mary Brompton in her head.
Give yourself to him so that he can beat you like you would beat him if he had done the same to one of your sisters.
He would not enter the house. If Emma's parents would see his face, they might be the one to give him the beatings. And lord Jenkins did not seem like a weak man.
No, Eli would wait outside for Albert to come out. He did not know if the man was inside – or if he still lived here – but Eli had no other place to go to. He hoped the drinking costed him too much money to buy his own estate, thus him staying in this estate.
Eli counted on the man's drinking habits. Staying up late, then sleeping long to get the headache away. If Eli had realized that strategy, surely Jenkins had too. And a little before the noon, the pubs would open and the craving man would leave his house.
Since that was only a few minutes away, Eli went to sit down on the edge of the fountain, his face toward the front door. And like clockwork, the door opened at six minutes before twelve, and Albert stepped out of the house.
It took the man a few steps before he realized Eli was standing a few paces away. The surprise on his face was clearly visible, and he stopped walking. The way he behaved made Eli see the man like he had only seen him once before: sober.
"What are you doing here?" he asked. He was not drunk and seemed less angry, yet there was a challenging tone in his voice.
Eli did not level that sound. He honestly said: "I am here to surrender."
Jenkins scoffed. "Surrender? What am I supposed to do with your surrender?"
"Free yourself from the agony. Take your revenge, for I allow it."
The man took a few more steps so that he was closer to Eli. "You allow it?" He scoffed again. "Byron, tis not like I ever let you not allow it. You had no choice."
"But I fought back. And I will not anymore."
There was a silence when Jenkins merely looked at Eli, probably searching if Eli's face betrayed a lie. He must not have found the look he wanted to find, for he frowned. "You are serious? If I fight you, you will not fight back?"
"Yes," was all Eli said. "I want to become a better man. And for that to happen, I cannot have my past chasing me like a drunk man beating me up."
"I can beat you up when I am not drunk," Jenkins argued while stepping even closer to Eli. The man pushed his shoulder, and Eli received it without resisting. "Why would you want to better your life, huh? Found another woman who's virtue you wish to take? You fear another man's vengeance?"
"No, none of that," Eli told him. "I just wish to relieve you from your anger. And I wish for you to know that I can imagine how you feel, for I have sisters too. I would never allow any man to hurt them."
"Then mayhap that is how I ought take my revenge. Do to you what you have done to me."
"I could not blame you if you did," Eli said with his head hung low. "But please, be a better man than I was and leave my sisters out of this. Do not give us both a reason to fight each other."
Jenkins' stern look remained on Eli, and the man seemed to think of his words. Eli hoped, from the ground of his heart, that Jenkins would not harm his sisters, for they still had a long and great life ahead of them. Eli might have ruined Emma's life, but there was no woman out there who deserved the same faith she had endured.
"You think your kind words will make me forgive what you have done to Emma?" he asked, an angry frown on his face. "She took her own life because of you. Your words are not going to bring her back!"
"Neither are your beatings," Eli told him carefully. "But if that is what you wish to do, then I shall no longer fight back."
Jenkins did not seem to doubt Eli's words, for he nodded, then clenched his fists and launched them toward Eli's face. A pain exploded in his nose at the touch of his knuckles.
Eli stumbled back, trying to stabilize himself. And while he would normally stand up straight and run to the man to fight back, he merely stood up and opened his arms, showing to Jenkins that he may beat him up as much as he liked.
With his eyes closed, he waited for another strike to pain him, but it did not come. What did come, surprised him so much that he opened his eyes. Jenkins was crying.
Eli was so stunned, he did not know what to do. He just watched the two year older man wipe away the tears he was shedding, and once his cheeks were dry, more tears came he wished to dry. Eli felt pity for the man, though he was not certain why he was crying.
But he pushed that feeling of uncertainty aside and walked toward Jenkins. With one hand on his shoulder, he guided him to the edge of the fountain he had been sitting on and helped him sit down.
"If only," Jenkins said between sobs, "fighting you would help. If only it would extinguish the hate I have for you, or bring Emma back. But after all these years, I know that whatever I do, she will not come."
"Drinking helps, does it not?" Eli asked, knowing the yearn for alcohol to forget the past. "But it does not solve anything. It merely makes you forget for a while. And in the morning, you do not only have to face your headache, but also your heartache."
Jenkins nodded, for he indeed felt the same way. "When I am drunk, I can tell myself it is all but a bad dream. But when I wake up the next morning, it feels like the world is crashing down on me. Like the real world is bad and evil. So I prefer drinking."
He threw his hands up in the air. "I fear I have beaten you up more than I remember. And looking at your face, I have done a great job yesterday."
Eli could not help but chuckle. "This is from three days ago," he told the man.
"Wow," he responded. "Then I must have done an amazing job."
Eli shrugged. "You have done worse."
Jenkins nodded and looked at Eli. "That I do remember."
"So," Eli said with a sigh, "will you have your way with me, or will you prove to be a baby?"
He merely shook his head, a small smile on his lips. "I surrender too. There is no fun in fighting a defenceless man. And besides, fighting you never made me feel better. It did not make me feel awful, but also not happier."
"I know the feeling," Eli said with a nod. "For a very long time, I blamed you for ruining my life. I did not see that it was I who had ruined yours and thus deserved your ire."
"You did not ruin my life," Jenkins told him. "You ruined Emma's. And now she is not alive anymore to fight you, so I took it upon me to execute her hate."
Eli looked at his hands, and allowed the silence to linger for a while. Then he said: "you know what I regret most? I never really knew her. And I barely even remember her."
Jenkins smiled. "She was an amazing woman. True, she had her demons to fight, but I like to believe she was winning." He sighed a desperate sigh. "She still had a good life ahead of her, but it was not entirely your fault she ended it."
That made Eli look up. "It was not?"
"I liked to make you believe that," Jenkins admitted. "It made you feel more awful, and I thought it made me happy. True, what you had done was the start of it all, but Emma knew she was to blame too. And my parents knew that too, so that was all they did. They did not truly care of her wellbeing. They wanted her to marry a rich and notorious lord, so that the Jenkins name would flourish. Of course she agreed, for that is what a lady ought to do. And it was not with all her heart, but it was her duty and she knew that.
I fear she drunk too, to forget her worries and to make her life easier. Tis the only explanation I have for her giving her virtue away to a man he just met. And once the truth came out, not only our parents turned against her, but her friends did too, and even the man she loved with all her heart. That was the biggest disappointment."
She was going to marry a lord, for that is what a lady ought to do.
Though they were speaking of a completely different lady, Eli's mind travelled to Mary. She was a lady too. She ought to marry a lord. And Eli was not that.
He mentally shook his head. This was not a conversation about Mary. This was about Emma and the mistake he made. The consequences he had to live with and the past he tried to make bearable. True, he was here because Mary encouraged him to do so, but that did not mean she was the one who ought to be on his mind now.
He could laugh at his own words. Mary was constantly on his mind these days. Every conversation that was not about her, he somehow changed so that it would be about her. And every thought he had, was spoken with her voice. It was her sound and her wisdom that helped him make decision, no matter how big or how small.
But she should not be, he realized as he thought of Emma's life story. A lady ought to marry a lord, not a man. And no matter what Eli did – how many hearts he broke or lives he ruined, how many times he tried to right his wrongs – he would never become a lord. Thus he would never be able to fulfil Mary's needs and desires.
For he was Eli Byron, a mere man.
That afternoon, he spend his time with Jenkins in the pub. They promised to be each other's ward, so that neither would get drunk. But even if he did not have his ward, Eli believed he would not get drunk. When he did, his mind would take him to places he should not go, and they would involve Mary and no clothing.
But his sober mind knew that he should not fantasize about that, for the truth was too hard.
He could never be with Mary.
Not only had Jenkins said it about his sister, Mr. Cook surprised him at the Old Fir. He and Jenkins agreed that he should give up on Mary. There was no denying that she nor her family would ever let him ask for her hand.
Mr. Cook said even more. More to convince him that since he was changing his life in so many aspects, he ought to change that aspect too.
"Lady Mary is what her name suggests: a lady. And indeed, she ought to marry a lord. So, Eli, my friend, do you really want to waste the lady's time with your presence? I do not mean to insult you, but when you are around her, no lord will come to her, and she will lose every chance at marrying. And I believe that in only a few years, she will not be at the marrying age anymore. So now is the time to let her live her own, noble life, and that she must do without the distraction of a mere man."
Though Eli hated it, he must agree with the man. Who was Eli to hope for a marriage with a lady? How stupid could he be to even think there was a possibility?
Mary Brompton was a rich lady.
And Eli Byron was a mere man.
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